Okay, raise your hands all of you who actually thought that this link was going to bring you straight to that Jakob Nielsen column! Shame on you. You certainly aren't well accumstomed to the Boidem's way of doing things. It's possible, of course, to send you directly to the column, to provide you with the immediate satisfaction of clicking on something and getting what the clicked link promises. But the scenic route is always slower precisely because we want to take in the sights.
And there's another Boidem-style reason. I admit, columns by Jakob Nielsen are in very minimal danger of being taken off the web, or of being made inaccessible in some way or another. Nielsen has even written a column about the desirability of leaving everything on the web, so I have little reason to assume that a link to a column of his will become dysfunctional. Still, I've grown to like the idea of archiving copies here, while linking to the original there. Who knows, perhaps in addition to the updates page I'll even add an archives page one day.