It's happened to me before. I say to myself: "I'm sure I've written something about that already, but when was it?". And then I start off on the lengthy process of trying to guess when it must have been, lucky enough to at least be able to check off-line all the previous columns. In the past I'd figured that it wouldn't be too difficult to let others do the work for me. I'd click over to my close friend AltaVista and run a search along the lines of: +url:maslool +nielsen. It worked fine, and was definitely good enough for my needs, and probably those of anyone who for some inexplicable reason might want to find some particular reference within the Boidem.
But though it did in the past, AltaVista (and other search engines I've checked) don't seem to have much of the Boidem indexed anymore. I certainly wouldn't mind if it did: even if nobody is really looking for you, it can't hurt if by some chance they find you. And it frees me from having to make the effort of adding a search function. (Found it! Found it!)