Even within the confines of the pages of a book a lot can happen. Often what happens plays by the rules, though admittedly those rules permit a great deal of leeway. Sometimes, however, things can step outside the bounds of those rules, and the results can be enlightening. More than 200 years ago, for instance, Laurence Sterne gave us Tristam Shandy in which, among other things, the chapters didn't appear in their numerical order. And almost 40 years ago Julio Cortazar published the novel Hopscotch which can be read in a "normal fashion", from the first chapter to the 56th, or, if the reader chooses, can be read in a prescribed fashion that interjects additional chapters into the 56 "original" chapters. Both of these examples expand the possibilities of a bound volume, but they still offer a totally different experience that an artistically sustained web-surf.