Okay, so for the present, at least, I've turned my back on the idea of a personal web site. Still, I continue to remain captivated by the possibilities of the web as the repository of stored away memories. (My brother has, slowly but surely, been doing this quite successfully). And even without such a personal site, I can still fill these pages with some what's laying around.
I admit that the ability to integrate one's personal life with non-personal content is for me one of the most captivating aspects of the web. Sometimes, of course, this is done ploddingly and heavy-handedly. But the true charm of the internet is when it's done with elegance and grace.
Of course my list lays no claim to being anything more than simply a list:
a small taste from five installments of photographs (about twenty altogether)
one "Family Day" greeting from Nadav
one Hebrew letter to Tzippi from Eitan
one scanned item just for fun
Go to: Another Connected Family