An unexpected connection.

My brother tells of how over the years he's identified himself with a young boy from the Warsaw Ghetto, photographed upon being captured. I doubt that I ever really identified with the person in this photograph, but the caption at the bottom of the page (the cover of the previous pamphlet) certainly characterized the way I saw the world for a very long time. 

One day, in 1997 or 1998, while speaking with Yonatan Kaplan, principal of the Aviv Virtual School where I work in developing and teaching classes, he described to me a poster that he'd had on the wall of his various offices for a lengthy period of time. I immediately recognized it as the poster version of this pamphlet that we in the RZA had printed. 

Yes, we come from similar backgrounds, but until that time our paths hadn't crossed. Or so we thought. But it turned out that somehow they had - that a poster of ours had found its way to him, that a link had been made. The hub of 3909 was still sending out spokes, and those spokes were interacting with others that continued to bounce and reverberate in new and unexpected directions. 

The story of 3909 is the story of those connections. 


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Go to: Community as Place, or
Go to: A Community of One?