I've been surfing on the internet
How about:
I'll sit down to write that article as soon as I find
the reference I seem to have misplaced. I don't seem to have bookmarked
it, but it must still be somewhere in my History file.
Or perhaps:
My AltaVista search brought up 178 hits. I've checked
almost half. So soon I'll have all the background material necessary to
actually start the project.
From almost a previous life already I recall a quote from Engels in which he complains
to Marx that the working class is impatiently waiting for his theories on Capital
and that nobody would really mind if he foregoes a couple of references which
might otherwise seem necessary but are slowing down the publication of a greatly
needed work. It's a great quote, and definitely seems to make the point, but I'm
not going to spend the time to start and look for it now.
But just imagine if Marx were surfing the web. How much farther behind
he could have been from getting anything published!
Go to: Open ... Opener ... Openest?, or
Go to: Beam me out, Scotty!