of a small circle of friends
I doubt that there's a connection between Kitty
Genovese's death and modern technological society, but somehow our
reluctance to get involved seems distinctly part of the anomie of modern
life. As I try to retrieve undergraduate memories I'm sure that I'm getting
my reading lists mixed up and that I'm mixing metaphors, but my own personal
web of readings and understandings must still have at least a bit of validity.
So let's see. There was:
David Riesman's The Lonely Crowd
and of course also:
Paul Goodman's Growing Up Absurd
Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man
and let's not forget a classic which seems to have come into it's own only
since the web gave it limited popularity,
Of course there are many, many more. I'll add some occasionally
when I remember them or find them on the shelf. In the meantime, readers
are invited to send in their own list. No prizes this time, but your
name will be indexed somewhere in cyberspace. As per usual, mail your
additions to me.
And BTW, one verse, though not the first one of Phil
Ochs' song can be found in au
format on the web. It's 400K and doesn't load very quickly, but it's
nice to hear after many, many years. Except that, many years after this was first posted, things changed, and for a change, a bit for the better.
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