Flashbulb Memory
The term flashbulb memory shows up in an AltaVista search about 100
times. Some of these only mention the term in passing, or as part of a
story. But there are also a number of pages that are part of university
psychology departments and some of these hold extensive discussions on
the term. One site seems particularly interesting, but I can never seem
to connect to it. For the interested, further information can be found
The following quote, from the last site, gives a feel for the type of information
According to Atkinson and Shiffrin (1971) information
that is being maintained in short-term memory through rehearsal is gradually
absorbed into long-term memory." Primacy effect is when a person can remember
the items at the beginning of a series (for example, a list) than at the
end of that series. Recency effect is when the person remembers the items
at the end of that series better than the items at the beginning. Primacy
effect can be the result of the words at the beginning of the list being
rehearsed more often than those at the end. Recency effect reflects short-term
And of course long ago readers were invited to submit their own flashbulb
memories of a significant date, though there were
no takes on the offer.
Go to: ...a once flashy subject, or
Go to: ...and to get to school we had to walk