They still abound on countless web sites, dancing around the the screen and keeping the red light on the stop button from turning off, and continually making you wonder just why someone would put them there. Of course the standard Hillary answer is always available, but just why someone would choose to have a poorly drawn image of an envelope opening and closing as a sign that clicking will open a new e-letter pre-addressed to the maintainer of the site is totally beyond me. What would I write? That I loved seeing that cute envelope for the millionth time? A basic "mailto" link would be sufficient; a simple icon almost more than enough. And let's remember that (at least before "mailto" links on web pages) we send people mail because we have something to tell them. If someone wants me to tell them that I liked their web site, I hope that they'd devote effort to the content of the site and to its design, meaning no dancing envelope, please.