It's a long story

A number of years ago people would be incredulous: You don't have a Facebook account? It seemed to them obvious that someone who had built with HTML long before they knew the term, who had a blog, and even taught the use of digital tools in education would also be on Facebook. I'd try to explain that I didn't like the idea of having to be a member to see what was there (pretty much for the same reason I'm not on LinkedIn), though it wasn't particularly convincing. When issues of privacy came to prominence it was easier to find an explanation, except of course that since I'd already sold at least part of my soul to Google it was difficult to explain why I didn't want to do this with Facebook. My best excuse became that since a significant part of my day is spent online, having one less time-consuming online activity was at the very least desirable.

Go to: If you're lucky!, or
Go to: What isn't an experiment?