Can we set up another appointment?
I can well understand how a patient might feel a greater rapport with an avatar
than with the "real" thing. The avatar nurse listens patiently, and
with undivided attention, to everything the patient asks, even though she may
have heard the same questions, and given the same answers, numerous times in the
past. During a doctor's appointment our time is limited (and the doctor may remind
us of this by glancing at his or her watch) while the avatar nurse just sits there
- programmed to smile and react in an accepting manner to even the dumbest of
questions. Just having the opportunity to sound off on various fears might even
be therapeutic. It would make sense for doctors to offer their patients the opportunity
to meet with this nurse and simply converse whenever they feel the need - it may
even help screen out unnecessary visits with the doctor.
Go to: Virtual worlds, and real health.