... a bit less personalization couldn't hurt.

Do airline-ticket sales web sites identify buyers as "first timers" and give them heavy discounts on tickets, discounts which seem to disappear the next time those same people return to make another purchase?

It may be an apocryphal story, but it's one that I'm quite willing to believe. Snopes has no mention of it, though perhaps it shouldn't, since it's not exactly urban-legend type material.

I'm not sure where I first encountered this claim, but I'm even willing to state that I'm pretty sure it happened to me as well. For some reason, the first time I looked for airline tickets online I found excellent prices, but have since been unable to get similar good prices. Of course this may be a false perception, but it really shouldn't be difficult for a website to identify my computer and remember that I've previously purchased tickets, and because I've been identified in this way to put me on a different purchasing track than a newbie. What's more, I can well understand why a company might do this.

If any readers can confirm, or invalidate, this story, please let me know.

Go to: Just for you, or
Go to: Taking it personally.