There should be a name for it.

Considering the extent to which computerized processes perform so many positive functions in our daily lives, it would make sense that we'd have a generic name for the machines or processes that do all this. And of course we do - bots. Though bot is generally considered a shortened form of robot, it seems to me that the definition in the glossary of the book Website Indexing by Glenda Browne and Jon Jermay clearly defines today's use:
programs with some artificial intelligence that are sent to do a task in lieu of a real person
That being the case, however, we also have a need for a general grouping of bots - everybot. Just as we can say that "everybody knows" something, we should also be able to say that "everybot is able" to do something. The closest to this sort of use of the term that I've found is a quote from Chris Wedge, director of the film Robots who is quoted as saying about the hero of his film:
Rodney is an Everyman - Everybot - with whom we all can identify.
I like the term, but if anybody wants to suggest another name, I'm quite willing to accept it.

Go to: Taking it personally.