Would anybody notice?
Even were someone to "clean up" ten percent of the web, to magically
make a significant percentage disappear, I doubt that many people would discern
that anything had changed. And that's not just because even then the web would
still be unfathomably vast. Considering that most search engine searches never
go beyond the second page of results, it hardly matters that we'll have 300,000
hits instead of a previous 3,000,000. And of course the continuing improvements
in the ability of search engines to actually bring us the results we want succeed
in separating us from the uncharted and threatening territory that lies beyond
what we think we're looking for.
Even as the web continues to expand into greater and greater degrees of vastness,
our increasing ability to more readily zoom in on what we need (or at least on
what we think we need) causes our perception of it to be that it's contracting.
Go to: Inventing wheels in cyberspace.