A basic internet paradox?

Though the web is often seen as an ocean of diversity, we're probably more alike than we tend to think. If I can determine that I have a particular need for something from the web, chances are good that many others have that same need. That being the case, I can, perhaps, assume that someone else has already posted the materials that I'd like to link to. If I can assume that I might do this, why not assume that someone else has already done so? But perhaps that same "someone else" is waiting for me to post something, just as I'm waiting for him or her? If that's what happens, we'll all be hovering in the same holding pattern, inviting each other with an encouraging "you first". But we'll also discover that finding what we want is more difficult than we might have expected.

Go to: No need to do it yourself, or
Go to: Inventing wheels in cyberspace.