The joys of detours.
Maybe it wasn't exactly stumbling. After all, I didn't scruff myself, no injury
was caused. So perhaps I should more accurately write that I was detoured by
Jonathon Delacour. I read one of his blog posts, and then another, and then quite
a few more. I ran a Google search to try and find out who this guy was. I even
discovered that I'd probably encountered him years ago via a site I used to frequent.
His writing was great and his thoughts convincing. The road was smooth and pleasant,
and I definitely was enjoying the scenery ... and I was getting further and further
off topic, unless, of course, my topic is the serendipitous pleasure of finding
something that has so much more to offer than what I thought I was originally
looking for. Had I chosen to focus more on the golden
thread than on the magic strand, I certainly had a convincing example of just
And perhaps I
should leave the last word on this particular matter to Delacour, whose blog has
another wonderful essay titled: Let
Us Now Praise the Art of Digression. He writes: Shouldn't we be able to ramble/digress clearly and insightfully?
Go to:
Now that's interesting, or
Go to: Whatever
happened to ..., or
Go to: Who needs them?, or
to: A magic strand?