Do I or don't I?
It was only a month ago (and that's only the last
time) that I confessed that in the preparation of these columns I check back columns
to see whether I've already noted something. This time I was quite sure that the
commercial referred to in the title of this page had been hinted at before. The
context may be different, but my web of associations, broad as perhaps it may
be, seems to get cast into 50's-60's American mass culture, culling from it a
rather well defined identity.
So it was that when examining whether my behind the scenes tinkering with the
code of a site has any meaning for the reader (for whom my basic objective is
to make the reading experience as transparent as possible) that the famous Clairol
advertisement campaign of the 1960s came (again)
to mind.
Go to: Only its coder knows for sure, or
Go to: Me and HTML