Don't just read ... click on something.
Pretty much all of my non-personal web site construction is for educational sites,
and much of that for courses. A number of years experience with online courses
has taught me that it's much too easy for students to skim through the pages of
online course sites as though they're surfing the web for more recreational purposes.
Once you've learned to scan a web page for links that can be clicked on, rather
than to read it for its content, it becomes a hard habit to break.
Which is why I've learned to build pages on course sites that invite and encourage
students to click in order to get additional details important to their studies.
In terms of preparing the page, it would be much easier to simply make all the
text available as soon as the page opens. But I want students not only to see
the text, but to read it as well. And one of the best ways of getting them
to do this is to embed part of the text "behind" a click. Much of the
time, it works.
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