Actually, one of many.

Search Engine Watch publishes a free newsletter, and a "members" edition, apparently with more detailed information, as well. Considering that the web site also archives all of its newsletters, there really isn't much reason for me to save the copies that I receive, though when it comes to my saving e-mail, reason and/or logic don't come into play very often. Even without reason or logic, finding an article on my hard drive via a search on my mail tends to be faster than running a site-specific search. What's more, when I remember that I'd read something in a newsletter I receive, I don't necessarily remember in which newsletter it appeared. Search Engine Watch seems to show up in my inbox almost every day (five times a week?), though I often get the feeling that the editors are stretching things a bit - only about three of those times is there something new to read. Two additional newsletters arrive weekly, and a couple of others less frequently. One of those seems to show up only when I start wondering about it and assume that it's no longer around.

Go to: Content? Did somebody mention content?