Eleven years is a pretty long wait!
No, I really don't spent my time reading back issues of the Boidem, checking the numerous URLs to outside sites for linkrot. That would be close to a full-time job, and I've already got (close to) two of those. But when, for various reasons such as checking a page that I might want to link to, I stumble onto a no-longer-accessible URL I make at least a minimal effort to, if possible, fix it. And I guess that's all-the-more the case if the URL leads to my brother-in-law's site.
So, having stumbled onto the page commemorating Ham the Chimp
and noticing that I'd noted that Loren Madsen would soon have an exhibit, and linked to what was apparently an announcement of that exhibit, it made sense to update that link to a page with the artwork itself. I'm not sure that it made the same amount of sense to write about it, but ... the Boidem has its own rules.
Go to: Do monkeys write in margins?, or
Go to: In the margins of cyberspace.