There's more than one way to organize a web site.

Content-based web sites (there are other kinds, but we won't go into that here) are traditionally organized hierarchically. A main category branches out into sub-categories which in turn branch into sub-sub-categories. (If we're building our own web site we'll sub-categorize until we've covered all the pertinent information. If we're being aided by the sort of web site generator being examined her, we'll be told to re-think our categories such that there won't be more than three levels of sub-categories.) But although years of studying and working in hierarchically structured schools and work places have led us to believe that there's no other way to structure information, numerous other possibilities exist. The metaphor of search which has becomes (to a large part, thanks to the web) a central concept of our post-industrial society posits a robust alternative to the reigning model of the hierarchical organization of information, but other models exist as well.

Go to: Don't stray too far, or
Go to: But of course you can have a list of sites, or
Go to: Template isn't a dirty word, or
Go to: Doing a lot with very little, or
Go to: Templates from hell.