Saying it twice.

The previous page (the page from which this page links) was one of two that linked from the page "before" it. Both of those pages covered much of the same territory, made more or less the same claim. Shouldn't I have combined the two? Or perhaps decided which page better expressed the idea I wanted to get across and let the other slip into oblivion?

Perhaps. And perhaps my reading (and rereading) of them is different than that of someone else. But as I went over them, compared them, tried to figure out what to do what the two of them, it became clear to me that they weren't saying the same thing. They were even slightly contradicting each other. And if I can do that with the aid of hypertext, I know I'm on the right track.

Go to: What's so great about wholeness?, or
Go to: But of course it's mine, or
Go to: The (ir)relevance of hypertext