Presented at the Geological Society of Israel annual meeting, Ein Boqeq, 2003

Offshore Extension of the Carmel Structure and its Role in the
Tectonic Setting of the Levant Basin: initial results

Schattner, U.(1), Ben-Avraham, Z.(1), Hüebscher, C.(2)

1.Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Tel Aviv University.

2.Institute of Geophysics, University of Hamburg.

The Carmel Structure is a prominent morphotectonic element in the geology of Israel. The offshore extension of the Carmel Structure was studied by various methods throughout the years. Nevertheless, several unsettled issues obscure the tectonic picture of the area, such as plate boundary relations, nature of movement along the Carmel Fault, crustal structure and lithosphere evolution.

During February 2002, the German Research Vessel Meteor conducted a high-resolution geophysical study along the Israeli Mediterranean coast (Leg 52/2). About three days of ship time (~ 700 km track lines) were devoted to studying the offshore continuation of the Carmel Structure.

Systems employed during the cruise included multichannel seismics reflection, Parasound (a dual-beam sonar subbottom profiler), Hydrosweep for swath mapping, Ocean Bottom Seismometers and Hydrophones, gravimeter and magnetometers.

The diversity of data collected enables high resolution imaging of various aspects of shallow as well as deep subsurface structures.

During the Multichannel seismics reflection survey an array of two GI-guns and two streamers (143.5 m and 575 m long) were deployed. The GI-guns were utilized in order to eliminate the bubble effect caused by the energy release, while producing a high-resolution broadband signal. Ocean Bottom Seismometers along with a second cluster of two G-Guns were used to obtain seismics refraction/ wide-angle reflection.

Data from previous geophysical surveys were also examined (e.g. the Horizon survey). Compilation of the wide range of geophysical data presents a comprehensive picture of the presiding tectonic regime. Initial results are presented.
