Yaron Yehezkel
Coller School of
Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv, 69978
Email: yehezkel@tauex.tau.ac.il
Industrial Organization, Platform Competition, Vertical Relations, Contract
between supply chains
under Asymmetric
Information” Journal of Industrial Economics (forthcoming)
“For the public benefit": data policy in
platform markets” (joint with Sarit Markovich) Journal of Economics and Management Strategy (forthcoming)
“Regulating platform competition
in markets with network externalities: will predatory pricing restrictions
increase social welfare? ” (Joint with Ohad Atad) Journal of Industrial Economics (forthcoming)
collusion to exclude product improvement” (joint with David Gilo) Journal of Industrial Economics (forthcoming)
Online appendix A: “A
strategic firm is selling the new product.”
Online appendix B: “How
the discount factor affects the welfare comparison among the three antitrust
Online appendix C: “All or nothing clause.”
Online appendix D: “A
finite game.”
“Sales information transparency and trust in repeated vertical relationships” (Joint with Noam
Shamir) Manufacturing and
Service Operations Management 2023, Vol. 25, pp. 1660 – 1676.
“Group hug: platform competition with
user-groups.” (joint with Sarit Markovich) American Economic
Journal: Microeconomics 2022, Vol 14, pp. 1 – 39.
§ Online Appendix B: “Absolute
number of group and individual users.”
§ Online Appendix C: “Horizontally
Differentiated Platforms.”
“Dynamic competition with network
externalities: how history matters.” (joint with Hanna Halaburda and
Bruno Jullien) The
RAND Journal of Economics 2020, Vol. 51, pp
3-31 Online appendix
collusion” (joint with David Gilo) The
RAND Journal of Economics 2020, Vol. 51, pp 133-157
(Supplementary proofs) (Note:
numerical example of vertical collusion with product differentiation)
“Focality advantage in platform
competition.” (joint with Hanna Halaburda) Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 2019, Vol. 28, pp. 49-59
“The role of coordination bias in platform competition.” (joint with Hanna Halaburda) Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 2016, Vol. 25, pp.274 - 312
“Motivating a supplier
to test product quality.” Journal of Industrial Economics, 2014, Vol. 62, pp. 309 - 345 (click here for a Supplementary Note on the
“Platform competition
under asymmetric information.” (joint with Hanna Halaburda) American
Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2013, Vol. 5, pp. 22–68
“Oligopoly limit-pricing in the lab.” (joint with Wieland Muller and Yossi Spiegel) Games and Economic Behavior, 2009, Vol. 66, pp. 373–393
“Signaling quality
in oligopoly when some consumers are informed.” Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2008, Vol. 17, pp. 937 – 972.
“Retailer’s choice of product variety
and exclusive dealing under asymmetric information.” The
RAND Journal of Economics, 2008. Vol. 39, pp. 115 – 143.
“Price and non-price restraints
when retailers are vertically differentiated.” (joint with Yossi
Spiegel) International
Journal of Industrial Organization, 2003, Vol. 21, pp. 923-947 (click here for a Supplementary Note
on the paper)
Work in progress
“Competing for cookies: Platforms’ business
models in data markets with network effects.” (joint with Sarit
“Your Data, My Data: Information
Disclosure and
Competition in
Marketplace Platforms” (joint with Sarit Markovich and Noam Shamir)
Unpublished working papers
“On the robustness of the full-information separating equilibrium in multi-sender signaling games.”
“Downstream competition
between an upstream supplier and an independent downstream firm.” (Ph.D chapter)