Part A - 10 Min. | Part B - 10 Min. | News report - 2 Min. |
Special Events ( Talks marked by are in English) - ארועים מיוחדים
Electronics Projects Competition - 7.6.2009 - תחרות סטודנטים לפרויקט באלקטרוניקה
Special Physics Colloquium - The 2009 Sackler Biophysics Prize - 13.5.2009
Erich Vogt - special lectures January 2009
Abraham Katzir - Laser Weapons - אברהם קציר - נשק לייזר - הרצאה לסגל האוניברסיטה - 21.12.2008
Open day at TAU - Physics Demonstration Lab - יום פתוח לתלמידי תואר ראשון ושני - 26.5.2008
Recorded lectures in second semester 2009 - קורסים מצולמים בסמסטר ב ' תשס''ט
Intro. Math for Physicists 2 Ron Lifshitz | Quantum Theory 1 Benni Reznik | Quantum Theory 1 - Exercise Shmuel Markovitz |
Recorded lectures in first semester 2009 - קורסים מצולמים בסמסטר א ' תשס''ט
Analytical Electromagnetism Amir Levinson | Quantum Theory 1 Yoav Klinberger | Quantum Theory 1 - Exercise Yoav Klinberger |
Recorded lectures in second semester 2008 - קורסים מצולמים בסמסטר ב ' תשס''ח
Astro Physics - Exercise | / Physics @ Noon - Open lectures for undergraduate students צהרי יום - הרצאות נבחרות בסמסטר ב' תשס''ח |
Quantum Physics 1 Victor Fleurov & Exercise - Guy Ron | Introduction to Solid State Physics Eli Eisenberg | Analytical Electromagnetism - Exercise Yoav Klinberger |
Yoram Dagan / Eyal Kenig Thermal Physics and Exercise | Nadav Reichman / Guy Cohen Intr. Math for Physicists 2 and Exercise | Eli Eisenberg / Yoav Kleinberger Classical Physics 2 and Exercise |
Guy Ron Quantum Theory 1 - Exercise | Guy Ron Theoretical Physics 2 - Exercise |
This web site has been visited times since September 2000 |
Edited by : | Simcha Segev |
Updates by : | Victor Krupnik |
School of Physics and Astronomy | |
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