Merkazi Hotel, Safed, Israel
3-5 November, 2008
This will be the fourth in a series of very successful triennial conferences that alternate in location between India and Israel. The most recent conference was held in 2005 in Puri, India. The conferences bring together a stimulating mix of Israelis and Indians, experimental and theoretical physicists, junior and senior researchers, all working in the field of condensed matter physics in its most broadly defined sense - solid-state physics, mesoscopic and nano-physics, statistical mechanics, nonlinear physics, soft condensed-matter physics, biophysics, and more.
The main part of the conference will be held at the Merkazi Hotel in Safed (Zfat), Israel, on November 3-5, 2008. A pre-conference get-together will take place on Sunday evening, November 2, and a post-conference tour will take place on Thursday, November 6, ending in Tel Aviv.