A. Ovadiah
Attic, Hellenistic and Roman Pottery from
A Chapter in the Final Report of the Archaeological Excavations at
5 pls.
A. Ovadiah
Artisans and Workshops in Ancient Mosaic Pavements in
Festschrift to Gustavo Traversari,
Giorgio BRETSCHNEIDER Editore, Roma
A. Ovadiah
Art and Rulers
Assaph, 8 (2003), 8pp
A. Ovadiah
The Iconography of the Paintings on the Arches of a Roman Private House
at Mamshit
Proceedings of the Eighth International Colloquium on Ancient
A. Ovadiah and Y. Turnheim
The Mosaic Pavement in Kyrios Leontis Complex – Context and Meaning
Rivista di Archeologia, 2003, 15pp