A. Ovadiah
Funeral Stele of a Seaman of the Roman Period
Sefunim (Bulletin of the Maritime
A. Ovadiah
'Elijah's Cave',
A. and R. Ovadiah
Three Early Christian Ampullae
Sefunim, II (1967/68 ), 37-42 or 39-45, Pl. IV (English, Hebrew).
A. Ovadiah
A Jewish Sarcophagus at Tiberias
Yediot, XXXI (1-4) (1967), 225-230, Pl. 16 (1-2), (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah
A. Ovadiah
Ancient Synagogues in the
Veshachanti Betocham (Ministry of Culture and Education, The Religious Department),
A. Ovadiah
Byzantine Churches in the
Christian News From
A. Ovadiah
Mont Carmel, Grotte d'Elie
Revue Biblique, LXXV (1968), 417-418
A. Ovadiah
The Synagogue at
Qadmoniot, I, No. 4 (1968), 124-127, Pls. c, d
A. Ovadiah
Inscriptions in the
Qadmoniot, II, No. 3 (7) (1969), 99-101 (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah
A Tombestone from Ashdot-Ya'aqov
Atiqot (Hebrew Series), 5 (1969), 84, Pl. XX (6) (with English summary on p. 11) (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah
Excavations in the Area of the Ancient Synagogue at
A. Ovadiah
A Jewish Sarcophagus at Tiberias
A. Ovadiah
Eretz Israel, 11 (I. Dunayevsky Memorial Volume) (1973), 208-212, Pls. 39-40 (with English summary on p. 29*) (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah
Introduction to the book of H. Kohl & C. Watzinger,
Antike Synagogen in
A. Ovadiah
An Introduction to Mosaic Art in the
Mosaic Masterpieces in Needle-Work and Handicraft, 6-7, New York-Jerusalem, 1974
A. Ovadiah
The Relief of the Spies from
A. Ovadiah
Greek Cults in Beth-Shean/Scythopolis in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods
Eretz-Israel, 12 (N. Glueck Memorial Volume) (1975), 116-124, Pl. 26 (with English summary on p. 122*) (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah
A Restored
Christian News from
A. Ovadiah
Les Mosaistes de Gaza dans l'antiquite Chretienne
Revue Biblique, LXXXII
(1975), 552-557, Pls. XXXVIII-XL (= The Mosaic
Workshop of
A. Ovadiah
The Origin and Development of Mosaics to the Time of Augustus
Scripta Classica Israelica, II (1975), 124-149
A. Ovadiah
Qadmoniot, IX, No. 1(33) (1976), 6-15 (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah
Greek Inscriptions from the
Liber Annuus, XXVI (1976), 170-212, Pls. 17-24, 1976
A. Ovadiah, R. Ovadiah, S. Gudovitz
Une Eglise Byzantine a Matta'
Revue Biblique, LXXXIII (1976), 421-431, Pls. XXXVIII-XLI
A. Ovadiah, R. Ovadiah
Some Observations on the Doric Temples of the 5th Century B.C.E.
Scripta Classica Israelica, III (1976/77), 8-21
A. Ovadiah
Mutual Influences between Ancient Synagogues and Churches in the
Between Hermon and Sinai, Memorial to Amnon, Studies in the History, Archaeology and Geography of
Eretz-Israel, 163-170,
A. Ovadiah
Revue Biblique, LXXXIV
(1977), 418-422, pl. XXVI;
A. Ovadiah
Two Notes on the Early Byzantine Complex at Kursi
A. Ovadiah
Ancient Synagogues in Asia-Minor
Proceedings of the Xth International Congress
of Classical Archaeology (Ankara-Izmir, 23-30
September 1973) (ed.
A. Ovadiah
Early Christian Inscribed Tombstones in the D. Pinkus
Liber Annuus, XXVIII (1978), 127-141, Pls. 21-23
A. Ovadiah
A Greek Seal of the Early Christian Period
Liber Annuus, XXVIII (1978), 142-144, Pl. 24 (Fig. 1)
A. Ovadiah
A. Ovadiah, S. Mucznik
A. Ovadiah, S. Mucznik
Orpheus Mosaics in Roman and Early Byzantine Periods
Assaph (Section B), 1 (1980), 43-56
A. Ovadiah
Une pyxide en albatre du Musee d'art et d'histoire
Genava, n.s., XXVIII (1980), 85-89
A. Ovadiah, R. Ovadiah
Two Mosaic Fragments with Marine Subjects
Sefunim, VI (1981), 40-42 or 46-48, Pl. III (1,2) (English, Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah
Was the Cult of the God Dushara-Dusares Practised in Hippos-Susita?
A. Ovadiah
A Restored Complex of the 12th Century in
Actes du XVe Congres International d'Etudes Byzantines (Athènes, 1976), II, Athenes 1981, 585-596
A. Ovadiah
The Synagogue at
L.I. Levine (ed.), Ancient Synagogues Revealed,
A. Ovadiah, M. Fischer,
The Roman Temple at Qedesh in
Qadmoniot, XV, No. 4(60) (1982), 121-125, back cover photo, (Hebrew)
M. Fischer, A. Ovadiah,
An Inscribed Altar from the Roman Temple at Kadesh
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 49 (1982), 155-158
A. Ovadiah, C. Gomez de Silva
Some Notes on the Roman Theatre of Beth-Shean (Scythopolis)
Scripta Classica Israelica, VI (1981/82), 85-97
M. Fischer, A. Ovadiah,
The Roman Temple at Kedesh in
R. and A. Ovadiah
A Head of Ares in the B. Sofer Collection
A. Ovadiah
Macedonian Elements in
A. Ovadiah and S. Mucznik
The Mosaic Pavement of
Mosaique. Recueil d'hommages à Henri Stern, Paris,
1983 , 273-280,
A. Ovadiah, M. Fischer,
Qedesh (
A. Ovadiah, M. Fischer,
Qedesh (
A. Ovadiah
Bulletin of the
A. Ovadiah
Ancient Synagogues in
Z. Ankori (ed.), Then and Now: Annual
Lectures on the Jews of
Tel Aviv 1984, 9-20, Pls. I-XII (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah
Mosaic Pavements Discovered in the Last Decade in
III Colloquio Internazionale
sul Mosaico Antico (
Settembre 1980), II,
M. Fischer, A. Ovadiah,
The Roman Temple at Kedesh,
Tel Aviv, 11 (1984), 146-172 Pls. 25-37
A. Ovadiah, M. Fischer and
The Architectural Design of the Roman Temple at Kedesh,
(with English summary on p. 77*) (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah
Soundings on the
Atiqot (English Series), XVII (1985) 161-167, Pls. XXXIX-XLI
A. Ovadiah
The Classical Heritage of the Roman Temple at Kedesh
Praktika of the XIIth International Congress for Classical Archaeology
(Athens, 4-10 September 1983), I,
A. Ovadiah
Greek Inscriptions in Deir Rumhan, Sinai
Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 39 (1985), 77-79, Pls. I-III
A. Ovadiah and T. Michaeli
A Short Catalogue of the Hellenistic, Roman and Early Byzantine
Wall-Paintings in
Bulletin d'information de l'AFPMA, No. 3,
A. Ovadiah, M. Fischer,
Deities and Ritual in the Roman Temple of Kades
Zev Vilnay's
Jubilee Volume, 2,
A. Ovadiah
Mosaic Art in Ancient Synagogues of Eretz-Israel
Synagogues in Antiquity (eds. A. Kasher,
A. Oppenheimer, U. Rappaport),
A. Ovadiah
Art of the Ancient Synagogues in
Gerion, 4 (1986), 111-127 (= Judaism and
Art [ed. D. Cassuto], Proceedings of the 11th
International Seminar on Judaism and Art,
A. Ovadiah and
A Greek Dedicatory Inscription to Azeizos
Eretz-Israel, 19 (Michael Avi-Yonah Memorial Volume) (1987), 270-271 (with English summary on pp. 80*-81*) (Hebrew) (= Israel Exploration Journal, 38 [1988], 177-180, Pl. 27 [A])
A. Ovadiah and T. Michaeli
Observations on the Origin of the Architectural Plan of Ancient Synagogues
Journal of Jewish Studies, XXXVIII (1987), 234-241
A. Ovadiah
The Greek Inscription from Tell Qasile Re-Examined
A. Ovadiah and T. Michaeli
Roman Wall-Paintings in
Cahiers d'archeologie romande, No. 43: Aventicum V. Pictores per Provincias, 243-248, Pl. XIII (1-3 on p. 263), Avenches, 1987
A. Ovadiah
Mosaic Art in Ancient Synagogues in the
Bulletin of the
A. Ovadiah, M. Fischer,
The Epigraphic Finds from the Roman Temple at Kedesh
in the
Tel Aviv, 13-14 (1986-1987), 60-66, Pls. 3-4 (1) (=
A. Ovadiah, C. Gomez de Silva, S. Mucznik
Deir El-'Adra:
The Resting Place of the Holy Family on the Flight to
Bulletin of the
(= Apirion, 16-17, Winter 1989/90, 103-104 [Hebrew]; Teva va-Aretz, 32: 6, September 1990, 43-45 [Hebrew])
A. Ovadiah
Mosaic Art in Eretz
S. Perlman Volume, Tel Aviv, 1989, 263-274 (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah, C. Gomez de Silva, S. Mucznik
The Early Byzantine Reliefs of the Church in Deir el-'Adra - Middle Egypt
SOC Collectanea, 22 (1989), 5-40, Pls. I-XVI
A. Ovadiah and R. Birnbaum
A Greek Inscription from the Early
In: I. Roll's and E. Ayalon's Apollonia and Southern Sharon - Model of a Coastal City and Its Hinterland, Appendix 5, Tel-Aviv, 1989, 279-288 (Hebrew) (= A Greek Inscription from the Early Byzantine Church at Apollonia, Israel Exploration Journal, 40 [1990], 182-191, Pl. 18)
A. Ovadiah
Mosaic Pavements of the Herodian Period in
Mediterranean Historical Review, 5 (2) (1990), 207-221 (=Proceedings of the Vth International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics, Bath, 5-12 September 1987, Journal of Roman Archaeology - Supplementary Series 9 [1] [1994], 67-76)
A. Ovadiah
Aspects of Christian Archaeology in the
Liber Annuus, 41 (1991), 469-481
A. Ovadiah, C. Gomez de Silva, S. Mucznik
The Mosaic Pavements of Sheikh Zouede in
Jahrbuch fur Antike und Christentum, 18 (Tesserae - Festschrift für Josef Engemann) (1991), 181-191, Pls. 22-27
A. Ovadiah, S. Mucznik, C. Gomez de Silva
A New Look at the Mosaic Floor from Sheikh Zuweid
in the
Qadmoniot, 24 (95-96) (1991), 122-126
A. Ovadiah, C. Gomez de Silva, S. Mucznik
The Early Byzantine Reliefs of the
Festschrift to Manolis Chatzidakis, 2,
A. Ovadiah, M. Fischer,
The Architectural Decoration of the Roman Temple at Kedesh,
M. Heltzer, A. Segal, D. Kaufman (eds.), Studies
in the Archaeology and History of Ancient
A. Ovadiah
Mosaic Pavements of the Herodian Period in
I. Gafni, A. Oppenheimer, M. Stern (eds.), Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple, Mishna and Talmud Period, Studies in Honor of Shmuel Safrai, Jerusalem, 1993, 51-64 (Hebrew) (= Journal of Roman Archaeology - Supplementary Series 9 [1] [1994], 67-76 [Proceedings of the Vth International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics, Bath, 5-12 September 1987])
A. Ovadiah
Representations of Mourning and Pathos in Greek Art
MOTAR, 1 (1993), 69-71 (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah and Shulamit Guretzki
Personifications in Hellenistic Sculpture
J. Mangas and J. Alvar
(eds.), Homenaje a José Ma. Blázquez, I,
A. Ovadiah, M. Fischer,
The Roman Temple at Kedesh In
A. Ovadiah
The Ancient Synagogue in Na`aran and
Land and Nature (Teva va-Aretz), 259 (1993), 44-48
A. Ovadiah
Architectural Elements in the Mosaic Art of the Roman and Early Byzantine Periods
MOTAR, 2 (1994), 72-76 (Hebrew)
Y. Turnheim and A. Ovadiah
Dionysos in Beth Shean
Rivista di Archeologia, XVIII (1994) 105-114, Figs. 1-14 (=Cathedra, 71 [1994], 21-34 [Hebrew])
A. Ovadiah
Observations on the Mosaic Art in Ancient Synagogues
Proceedings of the IVth International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics (Trier, 8-14 August 1984), La Mosaique Greco-Romaine, IV, Paris, 1995, 211-217, Pls. CXXVII-CXXXVI
A. Ovadiah and T. Michaeli
Ancient Wall-Paintings in
Apelles, 2 (1995), 61-66
A. Ovadiah
Deir El-`Adra:
The Resting Place of the Holy Family on the Flight to
Akten des XII. Internationalen Kongresses fur Christliche Archaologie (Bonn, 22-28 September 1991), Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum (Erganzungband), 20 (2), Münster, 1995, 1065-1068, Pls. 147-149
A. Ovadiah and Y. Turnheim
Miscellaneous Ornamented Architectural Elements in Roman Caesarea
A. Raban and K.G. Holum
A. Ovadiah
Jewish Communities in
Te'uda - Studies on the Jewish Diaspora in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods, XII (1996), 39-51 (English summary on p. V) (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah
The Motif of the "Peopled" Scroll in the Architectural
Decoration in Eretz
MOTAR, 3 (1996), 89-94 (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah, S. Mucznik and C. Gomez de Silva
The Meroth Mosaic Reconsidered
Journal of Jewish Studies, XLVII (1996), 286-293
A. Ovadiah and Y. Turnheim
The Female Figure in the Dionysiac Mosaic at Sepphoris
MOTAR, 4 (1996), 7-14 (English summary on p. 127) (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah
Symbolism in Jewish Works of Art in Late Antiquity
Assaph, 2 (1996), 49-58
A. Ovadiah and S. Mucznik
A Fragmentary Roman Zodiac and Horoscope from
Liber Annuus, XLVI (1996), 375-380
A. Ovadiah and S. Mucznik
The Zeus from
Archivo Espaňol de Arqueologia, 70 (1997), 5-12
A. Ovadiah and Y. Turnheim
The Female Figure in the Dionysiac Mosaic at Sepphoris
Rivista di Archeologia, XXI (1997), 107-116
A. Ovadiah
Ancient Jewish Communities in
A. Ovadiah (ed.),The Howard Gilman International Conference, I, Hellenic and Jewish Arts, Tel Aviv, 1998, 185-198
A. Ovadiah
Allegorical Images in Greek Laudatory Inscriptions in Eretz-Israel
Gerion, 16 (1998), 383-394 (= Liber Annuus, XLVII [1997], 441-448, Pls. 37-38; MOTAR, 6 [1998], 15-18, English summary on 272 [Hebrew])
A. Ovadiah
Symbolism in Jewish and Christian Works of Art in Late Antiquity
Deltion tis Christianikis Archaiologikis Hetairias (Journal of the Christian Archaeological Society - Demetrios Pallas Memorial Volume, Athens, 1999), 20 (1998), 55-64
A. Ovadiah
Art and History: To the Glory of State Leaders.
Art Links, Tel Aviv, 1998, 190-197 (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah and S. Mucznik
Classical Heritage and Anti-Classical Trends in the Mosaic Pavement of Lydda (Lod)
Assaph, 3 (1998), 1-18
A. Ovadiah
Churches of the Age of Justinian in
Proceedings of the XIIIth International
Congress of Christian Archaeology (Split-Poreç,
25 September-1 October 1994), Citta
A. Ovadiah and Y. Turnheim
A New Look at the Geometric Mosaic in the
Assaph, 4 (1999), 21-34
A. Ovadiah
The Monastic Complex and its Mosaics
I. Beit-Arieh (ed.),Tel
`Ira - A Stronghold in the Biblical
A. Ovadiah and Y. Turnheim
A New Look at the Geometric Mosaic in the
MOTAR, 7 (1999), 73-80 (English summary on 105) (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah
To the Study of Classical Art and its Heritage in
MOTAR, 7 (1999), 31-32 (English summary on 107) (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah
The Churches of
M. Piccirillo and E. Aliata
(eds.), The Madaba Mosaic
Map: Centenary 1897-1997,
A. Ovadiah and E. Frieslaender
The Artistic Characteristics of the Fayum Portraits
A. Ovadiah (ed.), Milestones in the Culture
and Art of
A. Ovadiah
The Man-Bearing-an-Animal Theme in Greek Sculpture up to the End of the Fifth Century BCE
A. Ovadiah (ed.),The Howard Gilman International Conferences, II, Mediterranean Cultural Interaction ,Tel Aviv, 2000, 105-129
A. Ovadiah
Deity and Cult: The Case of the Roman Temple at Kedesh,
MOTAR, 8 (2000), 59-64 (Hebrew)
A. Ovadiah and S. Mucznik
Athena and Victory: The
Rivista di Archeologia, XXIV (2000), 87-92
A. Ovadiah
La Mosaïque
Mosaïque. Trésor de la Latinité des Origines à nos Jours
H. Lavagne et al. (eds.), Paris 2000,
A. Ovadiah
The “Peopled” Scroll Motif in the
A. Ovadiah and N. Kenaan-Kedar (eds.). The Metamorphosis of Marginal Images: From Late Antiquity to Present Time, Tel Aviv, 2001, 1-10
A. Ovadiah and S. Mucznik
The End of Days in the Mosaics of the Meroth Synagogue
La Mosaïque Gréco-Romaine, 8 (II), Lausanne 2001, 302-315
A. Ovadiah and S. Mucznik
Marble Reliefs with Biblical Scenes and a Menorah
Seal at the Medieval Museum in
Report of the Department of Antiquities,
A. Ovadiah and S. Mucznik
The Bronze Statuette of a Mouse from Kedesh and Its Significance
BABesh, 76 (2001), 133-138