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From the Press

mwash2.jpg (5986 bytes)The 2 Phase Mouthwash is now sold both in th UK (under the name "Dentyl-pH") and in Israel (called "Assuta").

Here is some of the coverage of the press about Dentylph sold in the UK:

GQ-Active (Sept. 97) tested the 7 most sold mouthwashes in the UK (including Listerine, Colgate Plax, Corsodyl and other mouthwashes) and came up with those clear results: "Kiss with confidence and beat bad breath.  Dentyl pH voted the best mouthwash in the UK."

The Daily Mail (Jul. 97) called Dentyl-pH "Mouthwash to give bad breath a kick in the teeth".

The Dentist (Aug. 97) says that "The launch of Dentyl pH marks
a new generation of mouth rinses"

The Probe (Jul. 97) says: "Evidence of success can clearly be seen in the sink. Dentyl pH, the next generation of mouthrinses."

The Hygienist (Jul. 97): "Oral debris and bacteria are expelled after gargling and rinsing with new next generation mouthrinse"

Top Sante Health & Beauty (Sept. 97): "BYE-BYE BACTERIA - a new dual-action mouthwash not only inhibits bacterial growth but washes away loose plaque from teeth."


For further information about the 2 phase Mouthwash, please contact Prof. Rosenberg or go to the Dentyl-pH website.