Haim Diamant's group

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A picture of Mr. Haim Diamant


My group is interested in the theoretical modeling of complex fluids and soft matter. Examples are viscoelastic materials, thin sheets, membranes, suspensions, and self-assembling systems.

We study also basic problems in statistical physics. Examples are entropy bounds from correlation functions and from kinetic coefficients, and hyperuniform structures.

Recent projects:

  • Relation between entropy and kinetics
  • Inferring entropy from correlations
  • Hyperuniformity
  • Driven colloidal objects of arbitrary shape
  • In-plane dynamics of heterogeneous membranes
  • Viscoelastic response of structured fluids
  • Patterns in elastic sheets
Article on the history of the field Textbook on the field (1) Textbook on the field (2) Textbook on the field (3)


Professor, School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University

1994 BSc, Physics, Tel Aviv University

1996 MSc, Physics, Tel Aviv University

2000 PhD, Physics, Tel Aviv University

1999-2002 Post-doc, James Franck Institute, University of Chicago

2002-present School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University