Aviv Amit, PhD. |
of French Studies, |
E-mail: avivam@post.tau.ac.il |
Contact Information |
Sociolinguistics, Language Policy,, Language Contact, History of the French Language, Lexicography, Translation. |
Research Interests |
· Digital Culture in France. · Introduction to French Culture. · Regional Languages in France. · French in the Era of Globalization. · Language Politics in France. · History of the French Language. |
taught |
Paris-Sorbonne University and Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences-Po) Post-Doctoral Fellow (2009/2010) Area of Study: Language Policy of French in the Era of Globalization: · Francophonie · French in the European Union · Policy towards Minority Languages, particularly, Regional Languages and Immigrants' Languages in France. |
Education |
Paris-Sorbonne University and Tel Aviv University Ph.D., French Linguistics (November 2009) · With Distinction (avec la mention très honorable avec félicitations du Jury) · Dissertation: Models of Language Contacts in the History of the French Language · Advisors: Prof. Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot and Prof. Olivier Soutet Area of Study: Evaluation of the order in which different language contacts have occurred throughout the history of the French language while integrating linguistics, sociology, political sciences and economics. |
Tel Aviv University M.A., French Linguistics (June 2004) · Magna cum laude, Qualifying Paper: "Germanic Influence on the French Language during the Middle Ages" · Advisor: Prof. Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot |
B.A., French Language and General History (June 2001) |
List of Publications
Edited books and special issues Amit, Aviv & Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot (2015). Proceedings of the 29th-30th Annual Meetings of The Haiim B. Rosén Israeli Linguistic Society. (154 pages)
Aviv & Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot (2017). Proceedings
the 31st-32nd Annual Meetings of The Haiim B. Rosén
Israeli Linguistic Society.
(120 pages) Amit, Aviv (2010). Continuité et changement dans les contacts sociolinguistiques entre le français et les langues du Sud de la France. In Michel Bozdémir & Louis-Jean Calvet (éds.) Politiques linguistiques en Méditerranée, Paris: Honoré-Campion, Collection "Sciences du langage", pp. 55-69. Amit, Aviv (2011). Vers une nouvelle stratégie pour l'aménagement des langues 'régionales' en France: compromis entre le modèle républicain et le modèle libéral. In José-Carols Herreras (éd.), L'Europe des Vingt-Sept et ses Langues, Valenciennes, Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes, pp. 367-378. Amit, Aviv (2013). French and Migrant Languages in France: A Duality of Two Language Management Strategies. In Ruth Burstein, Dorit Ravid & Zila Shalom (eds.) The Haiim B. Rosen Israeli Linguistics Society: Proceedings of the 27th-28th Annual Meetings XIX, pp. 38-44. Amit, Aviv (2015). Politiques linguistiques et plurilinguisme en Israël. In José-Carols Herreras (éd.), Politiques linguistiques en Europe et ailleurs dans le monde, Valenciennes, Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes, pp. 83-96. Amit,
Aviv (2016). Vers une gradation de la «vitalité»
des langues. In Hava Bat-Zeev, Sylvia Adler & Maria Asnes
(éds.), Nouveaux
regards sur l'approximation et la précision,
Paris: Honoré-Campion, pp. 251-264. Amit, Aviv. (2011). The Status of the French Language in the Era of Globalization: a Language in Crisis? In Helkat Lashon 43-44, October 2011, pp. 23-38. [in Hebrew] Amit, Aviv (2015). La francophonie à l'ère de la mondialisation. In Etre citoyen du monde n° 2, Presses de l'Université Paris-Diderot, pp. 181-196. Amit, Aviv (2016). La Première Guerre mondiale et les langues régionales en France. In Olivier Soutet & Hélène Biu (dirs) Diachroniques, revue linguistique de français diachronique. Guerre, langue et société, PUPS. Amit,
Aviv (2016). The Académie
Française and
monocentricity in a multicultural world. In Language Problems
and Language Planning, vol.
40, n. 3, pp. 235-249. Truchot, Claude. 2008. "Europe: l'enjeu linguistique" in Le français à l’université 14e année, no 3, troisième trimestre 2009. Gadet, Françoise. 2007. "La variation sociale en français (nouvelle édition revue et augmentée)" in Lingvisticæ Investigationes 32:1/ mai 2009. Adamson,
Robin. 2007. "The Defence of French" in Langage
et société,
n°127/mars 2009. Amit,
Aviv. (2010). Thesis
Summary: Models of Language Contacts in the History of the French
Language. Langage
n°132/ juin 2010. The
30th Annual Meeting. Haiim B. Rosen Israeli Linguistics Society
(coorganized with Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot), Tel Aviv
University. |
"Sociolinguistic aspects of the use of machine translation in website localization", The 44th Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for Applied Linguistics, Achva Academic College, Israel, October 2017.
"Language policy of Breton in France during World War II: Manifestations of collaboration or an opportunity to revitalize a marginalized language?", Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning Conference (LPP 2014), University of Calgary, September 2014. "On the hidden competition between languages", Towards a new Educational Language Policy in a Multilingual Era, Tel Aviv University, January 2014. "The Importance of Translation in Border Areas: the case of Alsace-Lorraine 1870-2013", The 40th Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for Applied Linguistics, Beit-Berl College, Israel, September 2013. "The Choice of Languages in Research: the Cases of France and Israel", 12th Conference of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society: Language Pluralism in Israeli Society. Tel Aviv University, June 2013. "Sur la possibilité d'échelonner la vitalité des langues", Colloque international: Approximation et Précision III. Universités de Tel Aviv et Bar-Ilan, June 2013. "Toward a New Language Management among Migrant Families in France?" The American Association of Applied Linguistics annual meeting, Boston, March 2012. "Stratégies d'enseignement du français langue étrangère en Israël: le français comme «produit de luxe»?", Colloque international: L'enseignement des langues étrangères dans une société multiculturelle: quelle place pour le français?, Université Bar Ilan, March 2012. "French and Migrant Languages in France: a Duality of Language Management", The Israeli Linguistic Society annual meeting, Jerusalem, February 2012. "Le choix des langues dans la recherché", Conférence internationale Forme et sens, Paris-Sorbonne, May 2011. "The Académie Française as a Symbol of Maintaining Language Monocentricity in a Multicultural World", New Francophonies and Colonial Languages in a Global World, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 2011. "French Standard and Geographical Varieties in the World", Literacies, Skills and Competencies for the 21st Century: The Changing Needs of Language Learners, UTELI Conference 2011 Tel Aviv University, February 2011. "Vers un autre modèle pluricentrique du «français international»?", International Conference: Variétés, variations et formes du français, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, September 2010. "Les conséquences "économiques" des politiques linguistiques du français à l'ère de la mondialisation", International Conference: pour une épistémologie de la sociolinguistique, Montpellier III University, December 2009. "Vers une nouvelle stratégie pour l'aménagement des langues 'régionales' en France: compromis entre le modèle républicain et le modèle libéral", International Conference: The European Union (EU-27) and its Languages, Paris VII University, December 2009. "Le bon usage comme capital distinctif de la langue française", International Conference: Good Usage and Sociolinguistic Variation: Diachronic Perspectives and National Traditions, Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge, July 2009. "Continuité et changements dans les contacts sociolinguistiques entre le français et les langues du sud de la France", International Conference: Politiques linguistiques en méditerranée, INALCO and Tel Aviv University, November 2008. "Language Politics in the Era of Globalization: The Case of English versus French", The 34th Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for Applied Linguistics, Open University, Israel, October 2007. "Linguistic Violence and Linguistic Politics in the History of the French Language", The Sixth Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, May 2007. "Analysing the Hebrew Version of Astérix», International Conference: Humor and Francophonie, Tel Aviv University, April 2006. "Language Contacts Models", Conference for Young Researchers in Applied Linguistics, AFLA, Paris III, October 2005. "Homosexuality in French Chanson", The Fourth Annual Lesbian & Gay Studies and Queer Theory Conference, Tel Aviv University, 9-10, May 2004 Examples
of Interesting Uses in Virtual TAU, Virtual TAU Day Seminar,
June 2003. |
Invited Talks Book launch: Iair Or’s Creating a Style for a Generation: The Beliefs and Ideologies of Hebrew Language Planners, "The beliefs and ideologies of hebrew language planners as a mirror of language engineering in France during the 16th and 17th centuries”, Tel Aviv University, March 2017. Book talk: Regional Language Policies in France during WWII, Paris IV- Sorbonne, February 2017. Séminaires organisés par l’Équipe d’accueil Sens Texte Informatique Histoire en association avec l’École doctorale « Concepts et langages ».
"From Exclusion to Acceptance: Marguerite Yourcenar and the Académie Française", Série de Conferences «Les grandes dames de la littérature française», Université de Tel Aviv, May 2012. "Translation Policy in France: Past and Present", Departmental Seminar, The Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies, Bar-Ilan University, December 2012. "Between Local, Heritage and Foreign Languages: Competition over Language Studies in Israeli-Jewish Schools", The Language Education Research Seminar, Tel Aviv University, December 2012. "Représentations de solidarité sociale dans la chanson française", Séminaire collectif, Department de français, Université de Tel Aviv, Juin 2012. "Francophonie, diversité linguistique et mondialisation: où va le français?", Séminaire collectif, Department de français, Université de Bar-Ilan, Avril 2012. "Politiques linguistiques et plurilinguisme en Israël", Séminaire de recherche Politiques linguistiques et plurilinguisme, Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7, April 2012. "The French language in the Era of Globalization: a Language in Crisis?", Departmental Seminar, French Department, Tel Aviv University, January 2011. "French Language Policies in the Global World", Presentation to "Introduction to Sociolinguistics" Course, English Department, Bar Ilan University, January 2011. "The Challenges of the French Language in the Era of Globalization", Presentation to the Language Policy Research Forum, Tel-Aviv University, December 2010. "The Development of French as a National Language", Presentation to "Milestones in the History of Translation" Course, Tel Aviv University. December 2010. "French Language History and its Variations", Presentation to "Introduction to Linguistics" Course, Tel Aviv University, November 2010. "Policy toward Languages of Immigration in France and Israel", Presentation to PhD Students Seminar of International Immigration, Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences-Po), April 2010. "Situations of Language Minorities in France", Presentation to the Language Policy Research Forum, Tel-Aviv University, April 2009. "Language Contacts in the History of the French Language", Presentation to MoDyCo (Modèles, Dynamiques, Corpus), Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense University, May 2008. "Language and Politics", Presentation to Translation Seminar, School for Culture Studies, Tel Aviv University. |
"French in the 17th century", Presentation to French Culture Course, Bar Ilan University, Israel, March 2007. Invited Professor, UFR EILA, Paris-Diderot University (February 2014). Secretary and Treasurer, Israel Branch of the European Society of Linguistics (since 2013). Member of Board, Israel Association for Applied Linguistics (since 2013). Member of Scientific Committee, Colloque international: Approximation and Precision III. Université de Tel Aviv University et Université Bar-Ilan University, June 2013. Member of Scientific Committee, Colloque international: L'enseignement des langues étrangères dans une société multiculturelle: quelle place pour le français? Université Bar Ilan, March 2012. |
Last update: October 2017 |