Selected publications of Gadi Fibich








Spreading on Networks



Explicit solutions of the Bass and SI models on hypernetworks
ArXix 2407.12123    


Monotone convergence of spreading processes on networks
ArXix 2407.10816  


Boundary effects in the diffusion of new products on Cartesian networks
Operations Research - accepted


Universal bounds for spreading on networks
Chaos 34: 053101, 2024


Funnel theorems for spreading on networks  
ArXiv 2308.13034


Compartmental limit of  discrete Bass models on networks 
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 28: 3052-3078, 2023


Diffusion of new products with heterogeneous consumers  
 Mathematics of Operations Research
48: 257-287, 2023


Exact description of SIR-Bass epidemics on 1D lattices  
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 42, 505-535, 2022


Percolation of new products  
Physica A 540: 123055, 2020


The diffusion of legal innovation – insights from mathematical modeling
Cornell International Law Journal 52: 313-349, 2019


 Boundary effects in the discrete Bass model 
SIAM Journal on Applied Math 79: 914-937, 2019

Online supplement


 Diffusion of new products with recovering consumers 
SIAM Journal on Applied Math 77: 1230-1247, 2017


 Bass-SIR model for diffusion of new products in social networks 
Physical Review E 94: 032305, 2016


 A comparison of stochastic cellular automata diffusion with the Bass diffusion model
Available at SSRN


 Aggregate diffusion dynamics in agent-based models with a spatial structure
 Operations Research 58:
1450-1468, 2010

  Online supplement

 Nonlinear Pricing


            Optimal three-part tariff plans
            Operations Research 65:1177-1189, 2017

            Supplementary Material


         Optimal price promotions in the presence of asymmetric reference-price effects
          Managerial and Decisions Economics 28: 569–577, 2007


          The dynamics of price elasticity of demand in the presence of reference-price effects
         Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 33: 66-78, 2005


          Explicit solutions of optimization models and differential games with nonsmooth (asymmetric) reference-price effects
          Operations Research 51: 721-734, 2003
             paper won the 2002 Oded Levin bi-annual prize of the Operations Research Society of Israel






Revenue equivalence of large asymmetric auctions
SIAM Journal on Applied Math 78, 1489-1510, 2018


             Large asymmetric first-price auctions --- a boundary-layer approach
  SIAM Journal on Applied Math 75, 229-251, 2015

            supplementary material


            An elementary proof of the common maximal bid in asymmetric first-price and all-pay auctions
  Economics Letters 109, 190-191, 2014


            Asymmetric first-price auctions: A dynamical systems approach
  Mathematics of Operations Research 37: 219- 243, 2012


             Numerical simulations of asymmetric first-price auctions
  Games and Economic Behavior 72, 479-495, 2011

             MATLAB CODES available here


            Asymptotic revenue equivalence of asymmetric auctions with interdependent values
  European Journal of Operational Research 206: 496-507, 2010


            Large auctions with risk-averse buyers
            International Journal of Game Theory 39: 359-390, 2009


            All-pay auctions with risk-averse buyers
            International Journal of Game Theory 34: 583-599, 2006


            Revenue equivalence in asymmetric auctions
            Journal of Economic Theory 115:  309-321, 2004


            Asymmetric first-price auctions - a perturbation approach
            Mathematics of Operations Research 28: 836-852, 2003


            Low and high types in asymmetric first-price auctions
            Economics Letters 75: 283-287, 2002






Nonlinear Optics/Theory



Nonlinear Optics/Theory/Solitons (stability, interactions, …)        

 Loss of physical reversibility in reversible systems  
Physica D 410: 132515, 2020


 Loss of phase and universality of stochastic interactions between laser beams  
Optics Express 25: 24387-24399, 2017



Positive and necklace solitary waves on bounded domains
Physica D 315: 13-32, 2016


A quantitative approach to soliton instability
Optics Letters 36: 397-399, 2011


           Simulations of  the nonlinear Helmholtz equation: Arrest of beam collapse, nonparaxial solitons and counter-propagating beams
           Optics Express 16: 13323-13329, 2008




Instability of bound states of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a dirac potential
Physica D 237:
1103-1128, 2008

       Analytic theory of narrow lattice solitons
      Nonlinearity 21: 509-536, 2008




Optical light bullets in a pure Kerr medium
Optics Letters 29: 887-889, 2004


Stability of solitary waves for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with inhomogeneous nonlinearities
Physica D 175: 96-108, 2003

Self focusing on bounded domains
Physica D 155: 132-158, 2001 


Nonlinear Optics/Theory/Collapsing (singular) Solutions


Loss of polarization of elliptically polarized collapsing beams  
Physical Review A 99: 003824, 2019


Nonlinear-damping continuation of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation- a numerical study  
Physica D 241: 519-527, 2012


Continuations of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation beyond the singularity
Nonlinearity 24: 2003-2045, 2011


Singular solutions of the subcritical nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Physica D 240: 1119–1122, 2011


            Singular standing-ring solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations
            Physica D 239: 1968-1983, 2010


            Predicting the filamentation of high-power beams and pulses without numerical integration: A nonlinear Geometrical Optics method
            Physical Review A 78: 043807, 2008


            Simulations of  the nonlinear Helmholtz equation: Arrest of beam collapse, nonparaxial solitons and counter-propagating beams
            Optics Express 16: 13323-13329, 2008




Singular ring solutions of critical and supercritical nonlinear Schrödinger equations
Physica D 
231: 55-86, 2007

Paper selected as one of the winners of the 2007 SIAM Student Paper Competition



Proof of a Spectral Property related to the singularity formation for the L2 critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Physica D 220: 1-13, 2006


Control of the collapse distance in atmospheric propagation
Optics Express 14:  4946-4957, 2006


Collapse dynamics of super-Gaussian Beams
Optics Express 14: 5468-5475, 2006


New singular solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Physica D 211: 193-220, 2005


Self-focusing distance of very high power laser pulses
Optics Express 13: 5897-5903, 2005


            Numerical simulations of self focusing of ultrafast laser pulses
            Physical Review E 67, 056603, 2003


Self-focusing of circularly polarized beams
Physical Review E 67, 036622, 2003

Backscattering and nonparaxiality arrest collapse of nonlinear waves
SIAM Journal on Applied Math 63: 1718-1736, 2003  

Multiple filamentation of circularly polarized beams
Physical Review Letters 89: 013901, 2002

Vectorial and random effects in self-focusing and in multiple filamentation
Physica D 157: 112-146, 2001 


Deterministic vectorial effects lead to multiple filamentation
Optics Letters 26: 840-842, 2001


Self focusing on bounded domains
Physica D 155: 132-158, 2001


Self focusing in the damped nonlinear Schrödinger equation
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 61: 1680-1705, 2001


Self focusing of elliptic beams: An example of the failure of the aberrationless approximation
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 17:  1749-1758, 2000


Critical power for self-focusing in bulk media and in hollow waveguides
Optics Letters 25: 335-337, 2000


Self-focusing in the perturbed and unperturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equation in critical dimension
SIAM Journal on Applied Math 60: 183-240, 1999


Self-focusing in the complex Ginzburg-Landau limit of the critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Physics Letters A 249: 286-294, 1998


A modulation method for self-focusing in the perturbed critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Physics Letters A 239: 167-173, 1998


Self-focusing in the presence of small time dispersion and nonparaxiality
Optics Letters 22: 1379-1381, 1997


An adiabatic law for self-focusing of optical beams
Optics Letters 21: 1735-1737, 1996  
errata  Optics Letters 22: 194, 1997


Small beam nonparaxiality arrests self-focusing of optical beams
Physical Review Letters 76: 4356-4359, 1996


Femtosecond laser-tissue interactions
Ophthalmic Technologies VI, Proc. SPIE 2673:93-101, 1996


Time dispersive effects in ultrashort laser-tissue interactions
Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer in Biotechnology, HTD 322 and BTD 32:27-31, 1995


Beam self-focusing in the presence of small normal time dispersion
Physical Review A 52: 4218-4228, 1995



Nonlinear Optics/theory/The Biharmonic NLS (fourth-order dispersion) 


            Singular solutions of the L2 supercritical biharmonic nonlinear Schrödinger equation
            Nonlinearity 24: 1843-1859, 2011   Matlab code


Ring-type singular solutions of the biharmonic nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Nonlinearity 23: 2867-2887, 2010   


Singular solutions of the biharmonic nonlinear Schrödinger equation
SIAM Journal on Applied Math 70: 3319-3341, 2010


            Singular standing-ring solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations
            Physica D 239: 1968-1983, 2010


Optical light bullets in a pure Kerr medium
Optics Letters 29: 887-889, 2004


Critical exponents and collapse of nonlinear Schrödinger equations with anisotropic fourth-order dispersion
Nonlinearity 16: 1809-1821, 2003



Self focusing with fourth-order dispersion
SIAM Journal on Applied Math 62:1437-1462, 2002






Nonlinear Optics/Numerical Methods


Nonlinear Optics/Numerical Methods/Nonlinear Helmholtz Equation


           A High-Order Numerical Method for the Nonlinear Helmholtz Equation in Multidimensional Layered Media
           Journal of Computational Physics 228: 3789–3815, 2009

            MATLAB CODES are available here


           Simulations of  the nonlinear Helmholtz equation: Arrest of beam collapse, nonparaxial solitons and counter-propagating beams
           Optics Express 16: 13323-13329, 2008


           High-order numerical method for the nonlinear Helmholtz equation with material discontinuities in one space dimension
           Journal of Computational Physics 227: 820-850, 2007


           Fourth order schemes for time-harmonic wave equations with discontinuous coefficients
          Communications in Computational Physics 5: 442-445, 2009


           High-Order Numerical Solution of the Nonlinear Helmholtz Equation with Axial Symmetry
           Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 204:
477-492, 2007


          Numerical Solution of the Nonlinear Helmholtz Equation Using Nonorthogonal Expansions

          Journal of Computational.Physics 210: 183-224, 2005


          Computation of Nonlinear Backscattering Using a High-Order Numerical Method
          Journal of Scientific Computing 17: 351-364, 2002


          High-order two-way artificial boundary conditions for nonlinear wave propagation with backscattering
          Journal of Computational Physics 171:  632-677, 2001


Nonlinear Optics/Mumerical Methods/Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation


          Numerical simulations of self focusing of ultrafast laser pulses
           Physical Review E 67, 056603, 2003


           Discretization effects in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
           Applied Numerical Mathematics 44: 63-75, 2003









Nonlinear Optics/Experiments


Loss of polarization of elliptically polarized collapsing beams  
Physical Review A 99: 003824, 2019


Loss of phase of collapsing beams
Physical Review Letters 108: 043902, 2012


             Measuring the stability of polarization orientation in high intensity laser filaments in air
Appl. Phys. Lett. 101: 201105, 2012


             Pulse-splitting in the anomalous group-velocity-dispersion regime
             Optics Express 19: 9309-9314, 2011


             Control of the filamentation distance and pattern in long-range atmospheric propagation
             Optics Express 15:
2779-2784, 2007


             Control of the collapse distance in atmospheric propagation
            Optics Express 14:  4946-4957, 2006


             Collapse dynamics of super-Gaussian Beams
             Optics Express 14: 5468-5475, 2006


            Collapse of Optical Vortices
            Physical Review Letters 96: 133901, 2006


            Self-focusing distance of very high power laser pulses
            Optics Express 13: 5897-5903, 2005


             Control of Multiple Filamentation  in Air
            Optics Letters 29: 1772-1774,  2004


             Multiple filamentation induced by input-beam ellipticity
            Optics Letters 29: 1126-1128, 2004


            Self-similar optical wave collapse: Observation of the Townes profile
            Physical Review Letters 90: 203902, 2003


Perturbations Theory


             Averaging principle for second-order approximation of heterogeneous models with homogeneous models   

              Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109: 19545-19550, 2012

              Supplementary material  



             Uncertainty Quantification


           Density estimation in uncertainty propagation problems using a surrogate model
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 8: 261-300, 2020  



Numerical Linear Algebra


          Efficient solution of Ax(k) = b(k) using A-1
           Journal of Scientific Computing  32: 29-44, 2007



          Systematic search for the rate constants that control the exocytotic process by a Genetic Algorithm
            Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1763: 345-355, 2006


          Determination of a unique solution to parallel proton transfer reactions using the genetic algorithm
           Biophysical Journal 87: 47-57, 2004




Lasers in Medicine




Coronary Blood Flow


          Mathematical model of blood flow in a coronary capillary
           American Journal of Physiology 265: H1829-1840, 1993


          Modeling of Coronary Capillary Flow
          Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 346: 137-150, 1993







Queueing Theory


          A Communication Multiplexer Problem: Two Alternating Queues with Dependent Randomly-Timed Gated Regime
           Queueing Systems 42: 325-353, 2002



   Computer Graphics


  •  B. Nadler, G. Fibich, S. Lev-Yehudi and D. Cohen-Or

          A qualitative and quantitative visibility analysis in urban scenes
           Computers & Graphics 23: 655-666, 1999


  •  D. Cohen-Or, G. Fibich, D. Halperin and E. Zadicario

          Conservative visibility and strong occlusion for viewspace partitioning of densely occluded scenes
           Computer Graphics Forum 17: 243-253, 1998




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