The unbiased observer is invited to examine the following issue.
Consider the five heaviest particles: W±,
Z, H0 and t, where t denotes the top quark.
It is known that the width of the
W±, Z and t particles is about
2 GeV (See
). This width agrees with the experimental value obtained for the
H0 by the ATLAS and the CMS teams (See fig. 4
or fig. 3
The reader is invited to use this evidence and assess
the likelihood of two theories that address these issues.
The Standard Model (SM) says that the W±,
Z, H0 and the
t particles belong to three totally different categories:
The t is the heaviest quark. It is a fermion that
interacts with the four forces
known to physics. The W± and the Z particles
are bosons that are the carriers of the weak interaction.
The H0
is the Higgs particle
that causes particles to acquire mass. The CERN people predicted
the width of a 125 GeV Higgs particle and said that it should be
about 1000 times smaller than the above mentioned
experimental data which has actually been found by
the ATLAS and the CMS teams (see pp. 143, 145
). A hindsight argument
provided by the SM people states that the CERN's LHC machine is
unable to detect the true width of the Higgs boson.
Therefore, the SM people conclude
that the similar width of the weak interaction
particles W±,
Z and that of the t quark is just
a coincidence, whereas the measured
value of the H0 stems from an unpredicted technical
problem which has unfortunately been overlooked by the CERN theoretical people.
Another kind of coincidence is the agreement between the width of
the W±,
Z and of the t quark with the measured width of the
H0, where the latter quantity results from
an assumed technical problem of the LHC machine.
The Regular Charge-Monopole Theory (RCMT) of strong interactions
says that the W±,
Z and the H0 are mesons of the top quark.
Experimental data prove that the intensity
of the weak interaction increases with energy
(see fig. 49.1
and becomes very strong at the mass scale of the particles
discussed herein. For this reason, the
similar width of all these
particles is due to the same physical process,
namely, the weak disintegration of the top quark.
(It is well known that weak interactions do not conserve parity.
Therefore, the 0+ state of the H0 is
consistent with the RCMT.)
The Occam's razor principle
can be a useful tool for a comparison between these theories.