The following lines show what experts have said on the Higgs
boson physical properties. The discussion refers
to the 125 GeV particle
which has recently been detected in the LHC experiments.
The Higgs two-photon decay.
The prestigious journal Physics Reports has published a
review article where the two-photon Higgs decay is discussed.
(See A. Djouadi, Phys. Rep. 457, 1 (2008) or its arXiv
This review article states:
"The decay of the SM Higgs boson into two photons is mediated by
W boson and heavy charged fermion loops" and that
"the W amplitude is always dominant". These statements indicate that
a reliable scientific understanding of the W boson interaction with
photons is mandatory for the Higgs interpretation of the LHC
125 GeV particle.
Electromagnetic interactions of the W boson.
There is a general agreement that a self-consistent quantum
theory should be derived from a regular Lagrangian density [1,2].
This approach is very successful for a Dirac particle, like
the electron and the muon. By contrast, the W electromagnetic
interactions are written in terms of an effective expression
(see [3], eq. (2.1)).
As of today, this effective expression
continues to be used,
for example by the LHC people themselves [4].
The meaning of using an effective
expression for the W's electromagnetic interaction is that there
is still no theoretically valid expression that represents this
The claim that the LHC 125 GeV particle is a Higgs boson
has no scientific basis whatsoever.
For reading a scientific article which describes about half a dozen
of different errors of the Higgs theory
click here.
A correspondence between E. Comay and a Standard Model supporter shows
that he indirectly admits that SM has no acceptable expression for the
electromagnetic interaction of the electroweak W boson. For reading
this correspondence,
click here.
[1] S. Weinberg, The Quantum Theory of Fields,
(Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995).
[2] M. E. Peskin and D. V. Schroeder
An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
(Addison-Wesley, Reading Mass., 1995)
[3] K. Hagiwara, R.D. Peccei, D. Zeppenfeld and K. Hikaso,
Nuc. Phys. B282, 253 (1987).
[4] G. Aad et al. (ATLAS Collaboration), Phys. Lett.
B712, 289 (2012).