About GIM
Genetics of
Industrial Microorganisms
Prague 1970 at the 1st International Symposium on Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms (GIM).
Initiate and enhance contacts and exchange of experience in the fields of genetics and industrial microbiology; further the development of genetics and molecular biology of industrially used organisms, with special emphasis on microbes and cell cultures.
Affiliated with the International Microbial Genetics Commission of the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS). A subcommittee of the International Committee on Economic and Applied Microbiology (ICEAM).
Organizes GIM Symposia every 4 years and intermittent Microbial Breeding Courses. Previous Symposia: Prague ( Czech Republic)1970, Sheffield (UK)1974, Madison (USA) 1978, Kyoto (Japan) 1982, Split (Croatia) 1986, Strasbourg(France) 1990, Montreal(Canada) 1994, Jerusalem (Israel)1998, Gyeongju (Korea) 2002, Prague, 2006.
Forthcoming Symposia
The 11th International Symposium of the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms will be held in Melbourne, Australia , June 28- July 1, 2010. For details contact the chairman of the Organizing Committee GIM 2006, Professor Ian Macreadie, CSIRO Health Sciences and Nutrition, 343 Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia. E-mail: Ian.Macreadie@csiro.au
Symposium website: www.gim2010.org
The 12th GIMSymposium will be held in Cancun, Mexico in 2013.
GIM-IC Officers
G. Cohen, Israel, President
J. Spizek, Czech Republic, Vice-President
K. Joon Lee, Korea, Secretary General
Historical Overview
On March 24, 1972, during the fourth International Fermentation Symposium (Kyoto, Japan), a group of nineteen people discussed a proposal by H. Heslot, France, that a Working Group on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms be formed. The meeting was chaired by G. Sermonti, Italy, K. Sargeant, UK, acted as Secretary. A Coordinating Committee consisting of: M. Alacevic, S.I. Alikhanian, A.L. Demain, H. Heslot (Secretary), Z. Hostalek, Y. Ikeda, K.D. Macdonald, J. Nuesch, O.K. Sebek and G. Sermonti was appointed. It was agreed that additional members might be coopted by the Committee.
On August 29, 1974, during GIM 74 (Sheffield, England) the Coordinating Committee was enlarged by 26 attendees and discussed the proposal made in Kyoto. The meeting was chaired by H. Heslot and K.D. Macdonald acted as Secretary. A new Executive Commission was elected unanimously, comprising the following nine members: M. Alacevic, S.I. Alikhanian, H. Heslot (Secretary), D.A. Hopwood, Y. Ikeda, J. Nuesch, O.K. Sebek, G. Sermonti, Z. Vanek. It was agreed that the name of the Commission should be Steering Commission for Microbial Breeding.
In September 1975, in Madrid, the Executive Board of IAMS appointed two members of the Microbial Breeding Steering Commission (H. Heslot and G. Sermonti) as representatives of the Microbial Breeding Subcommission of the IAMS Genetics Commission. On June 9, 1978, during GIM 78 (Madison, USA), the Steering Commission for Microbial Breeding, with the participation of A.L. Demain as Programme Chairman of GIM 78 and in the absence of S.I. Alikhanian and Z. Vanek, coopted three members: C. Vezina, H. Schrempf and Y. Parag. H. Heslot resigned as Secretary and G. Sermonti was unanimously elected as his successor.
In 1979 a first draft of the present Statutes was unanimously approved by postal ballot. According to the Statutes an Executive Board was elected which, after some resignations and cooptions, resulted as follows: Professor G. Sermonti, Chairman; M. Alacevic, Vice-Chairman; O.K. Sebek, Secretary.
On June 8, 1982, during GIM 82 (Kyoto, Japan), the Microbial Breeding Commission, under the name of International Committee for Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, met in Kyoto. A. Kimura participated as Chairman of the General Affairs Commission of GIM 82, S.I. Alikhanian, O.K. Sebek and C. Vezina were absent. H. Schrempf acted as Secretary.
After the cooption of new members, A.M. Boronin, B. Holloway, R. Hutter, J.F. Martin, N.D. Lomovskaya and J.A. Shapiro joined the meeting. Also coopted were G. Holt and G. Lancini, absent. After a few amendments the Statutes were approved in the present form. S.I. Alikhanian and J. Nuesch communicated their resignation. The new Executive Board was elected: G. Sermonti, Chairman; J.F. Martin,Vice-Chairman; G. Holt, Secretary (resigned).
1982-86 GIM-IC: G. Sermonti (Chairman), J.F. Martin (Vice-Chairman), M. Alacevic, A.M. Boronin, H. Heslot, B. Holloway, G. Holt, D.A. Hopwood, R. Hutter, Y. Ikeda, G. Lancini, N.D. Lomovskaya, S. Nagai, Y. Parag, H. Schrempf, J.A. Shapiro, Z. Vanek, C. Vezina.
1986-1990 GIM-IC: R. Hutter (Chairman), J.F. Martin (Vice-Chairman), R. Baltz (Secretary), A.M. Boronin, J. Davies, H. Heslot, B. Holloway, G. Holt, D.A. Hopwood, D. Hranueli, A. Kimura, G. Lancini, N.D. Lomovskaya, Y. Parag, H. Saito, H. Schrempf, G. Sermonti, J.A. Shapiro, Z. Vanek, C. Vezina. Associate members: M. Alacevic, A. Demain.
Article 1. Name
The name of the organization is International
Committee for Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms (GIM International
Committee or GIM-IC).
Article 2. Affiliation
The GIM-IC is affiliated with the
International Committee of Economic and Applied Microbiology (ICEAM) of
IUMS, as a Subcommittee. Two members of GIM-IC join the ICEAM Executive
Committee, and one member of GIM-IC is a member of ICEAM Advisory Council.
These representatives are elected by the GIM-IC from its members.
Article 3. Objectives
The objectives of the Committee are:
a. To sponsor every four years
the International GIM Symposium; to promote other meetings, post-graduate
courses and seminars on GIM; and to encourage contacts between laboratories
involved in basic microbial genetics and in microbial breeding.
b. To promote the application of
microbial genetics to the improvement of human welfare.
c. To encourage the development
of genetics of industrial microorganisms in countries where it is not strongly
represented or practiced.
Article 4. Membership of the Committee
The GIM-IC represents the community
of people interested in genetics and breeding of industrial microorganisms.
The total number of members should not exceed twenty people.
Consideration should be given to
provide a wide coverage of scientific competences, types of affiliation
and geographical distribution. A representative of the Organizing Commission
of the next GIM Symposium will be part of the Committee. An Executive Board
(Art. 6) will be responsible for the membership of the Committee. New members
can be provisionally appointed also between GIM Symposia.
Appointments will be confirmed by
members in office at each GIM Symposium. A member in office not able to
attend the GIM Symposium may provisionally be represented (with right of
vote) by a delegate (if possible from the same country) designated by him
at the GIM-IC meetings during the Symposium.
Article 5. Tasks of the Committee
The Committee acts as Advisory Council
of the Executive Board (Art. 6). Each member will cooperate with the Executive
Board in his area of interest and in his regional zone. The Committee shall
be convened by the Chairman of the Executive Board at each GIM symposium:
to discuss the main lines of activity and organization; to confirm the
appointments of the new Committee members (two-third majority vote); to
select the host country, from those which submitted an official invitation,
for the next GIM meeting (simple majority vote) after consulting with an
informal assembly of the Symposium attendants; to provide its advice to
the Organizing Commission of the next GIM, and to elect a new Executive
Article 6. Executive Board
There shall be an Executive Board
(EB), consisting of three offic: Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary.
The EB will be elected by the Committee members at each GIM Symposium.
The term of office shall be until the next GIM. Members of the EB will
be elegible for reelection.
The Executive Board is elected at
each GIM Symposium, by secret ballot and a simple majority of the confirmed
members present, from among three candidates proposed by any member of
the Committee. In case of resignation of one of the members, a substitute
can be coopted by the other two in charge for the vacant office. If the
Chairman resigns, he/she will be replaced by the Vice-Chairman. If two
members resign, a new Executive Board will be elected by postal ballot.
Article 7. Finance
The Committee shall have power to
raise finance for its purposes. The Executive Board is in charge of the
financial management of the Committee. The Secretary will act as Treasurer
of the Commission.
Article 8. Amendments to Statutes
These Statutes can be changed by
a two-third majority vote of the attending members of the Commission at
GIM Symposia (at least the absolute majority of the members in office).
Amendments may be proposed by any member of the Committee. Changes in Statutes
will be effective immediately after approval, if not otherwise specified.
Criteria for Composition of GIM-IC
The members to be appointed should
be active and qualified in their field. No more than two people should
be appointed from each country. Academic (at least 1/3) and industrial
(1/6) members should be present in the Commission. Associate members can
be nominated in countries in which GIM is developing or in recognition
for the merits for GIM. Associate members are invited to GIM-IC meetings
but have no votes.
Biographies of the candidate members
should be provided before appointment and made available to the members
in office before confirmation.
August 1997
GIM-IC Members After Elections in Prague, June 2006
Gerald Cohen
Department of Molecular Microbiology & Biotechnology
Tel-Aviv University
Ramat Aviv, Tel-Aviv 69978
Tel: 972 3 6409649
Fax: 972 3 6422245
E-mail: coheng@post.tau.ac.il
Jaroslav Spizek
Institute of Microbiology
Czech Academy of Sciences
Videnska 1083
14220 Praja 4
Czech Republic
Tel: 420-2-4106 2212
Fax: 420-2-4106 2201
E-mail: spizek@biomed.cas.cz
Kye Joon Lee
School of Biological Sciences,
College of Natural Sciences,
Seoul National University
Shinlim-dong, Gwankak-gu,
Seoul 151-747
Tel: + 82-880-6705
E-mail: lkj12345@snu.ac.kr
Yair Aharonowitz
Department of Molecular Microbiology & Biotechnology
Tel-Aviv University
Ramat Aviv, Tel-Aviv 69978
Tel: 972 3 6409833
Fax: 972 3 6422245
E-mail: yaira@post.tau.ac.il
Richard H. Baltz
Scientific Fellow
Cubist Pharmaceuticals
65 Hayden Avenue
Lexington, MA 02421 USA
Tel: 781-860- 8444; 339 234 0503 (cell)
Fax: 781 861-1164
E-mail: rbaltz@cubist.com
Joan Bennett
Department of Plant Biology and Pathology
Rutgers University 59 Dudley Road New Brunswick, NJ 08901 USA
E-mail: profmycogirl@yahoo.com
Tel: 732-932-9375 x 386 Fax: 732-932-9441
José Luis Barredo R&D Biology Antibióticos S.A. Avda. Antibióticos 59-61 24009 León Spain
Tel: +34-987-895826
Fax: +34-987-895986
E-mail: JBarredo@antibioticos.it
Mervyn Bibb
Department of Molecular Microbiology John Innes Centre Norwich NR4 7UH UK
Tel: (+44) (0)1603 450776
Fax: (+44) (0)1603 450778
E-mail: mervyn.bibb@bbsrc.ac.uk
Roel Bovenberg
DSM Anti-Infectives
P.O. Box 425
2600 AK Delft
Tel: +31 15 2792998
Fax.: +31 15 2793779
E-mail: roel.bovenberg@dsm.com
Carton W. Chen
Department of Life Sciences and Institute of Genome Sciences
National Yang-Ming University
Taipei 112
Tel: 886 2 2826 7040
Fax: 886 2 2826 4930
E- mail: cwchen@ym.edu.tw
Eric Cundliffe
Department of Biochemistry
University of Leicester
Leicester LE1 9HN
Tel: 44 116 229-7039
Fax: 44 116 229-7018
E-mail: ec13@le.ac.uk
Julian E. Davies
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Life Sciences Institute
2350 Health Sciences Mall
University of British Columbia
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z3
Tel: 604-822-5856
Fax; 604-822-6041
E-mail: jed@interchange.ubc.ca
Zixin Deng
Laboratory of Microbial Metabolism
& School of Life Sciences & Biotechnology
Shanghai Jiaotong University
1954 Huashan Road, Xuhui Campus
Shanghai 200030, China
Tel: 021 62933404
Fax: 021 62932418
Email: zxdeng@sjtu.edu.cn
Stefano Donadio
KtedoGen srl
via Fantoli 16/15, 20138 Milano Italy
Tel: +39 0250320902; cell: +39 3403718661;
Fax: +39 0250320919
E-mail: stefano.donadio@ktedogen.com
Sueharu Horinouchi
Department of Biotechnology
Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences
The University of Tokyo
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657
Tel: +81-3-5841-5123
Fax: +81-3-5841-8021
E-mail: asuhori@mail.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Daslav Hranueli
Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology
Dept. Biochemical Engineering
Pierottijeva 6
10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 (1) 4605013
Fax: +385 (1) 4836083
E-mail: hranueli@rudjer.irb.hr; dhranuel@pbf.hr
Tadayuki Imanaka Department of Biotechnology
College of Life Sciences
Ritsumeikan University
1-1-1 Nojihigasi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, Japan
Tel: +81-77-561-5811
E-mail : imanaka@sk.ritsumei.ac.jp
Susan Jensen
Department of Biological Sciences
CW 405 Biological Sciences Building
University of Alberta
Alberta T6G 2E9
Tel: 780 492-0830
Fax: 780 492-9234
E-mail: susan.jensen@ualberta.ca
Akira Kimura
Office of J. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
81 Wakamiya Dori
Rokujo Agaru, Shimogyo-ku
Kyoto 600-8313 Japan
Tel: 075-706-7628
Fax: 075-706-7630
E-mail: kimura@kimura.mbox.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Juan F. Martin
Departamento de Biología Molecular
Universidad de Leon, 2407 Leon
Tel: 34 987-291505
Fax: 34 987-291506
E-mail: jf.martin@unileon.es
Ian G Macreadie
CSIRO Molecular and Health Technologies
343 Royal Parade
Victoria 3052
Tel: (61-3) 9662 7299; Fax (61-3) 9662 7266;
Mob 0402 564 308; E-mail: ian.macreadie@csiro.au
Sergio Sanchez
Departmento de Biologia Molecular y Biotecnologia
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Mexico D.F. 04510
Tel.: 52-55-5622-9199 (Office)
Fax: 52-55-5622-9200 (Lab)
E-mail: sersan@servidor.unam.mx
Hilde Schrempf
Universitat Osnabruck
Fachbereich Biologie/Chemie
Barbarastr. 11
D-4500 Osnabruck
Tel: 49 541 969-2895
Fax: 49 541 969-2804
E-mail: Schrempf@biologie.Uni-Osnabrueck.DE
Associate Members
Marija Alacevic
Faculty of Food and Biotechnology
Laboratory of Biology and Microbial Genetics
Krsnjavoga 25
Tel: 385 1 483-6013
Fax: 385 1 483-6016
Teruhiko Beppu
Department of Applied Biological Science
College of Bioresource Sciences
Nihon University
Kameino 1866, Fujisawa-shi Kanagawa 252-0813,
Tel: 81-466-84-3931
Fax No: 81-466-84-3936
E-mail: beppu@brs.nihon-u.ac.jp
Keith Chater
Department of Molecular Microbiology,
John Innes Centre,
Norwich Research Park,
Norwich NR4 7UH,
Tel (+)44 1603 450297
Fax (+)44 1603 450045
Email keith.chater@bbsrc.ac.uk
Arnold Demain
Research Institute for Scientists Emeriti (R.I.S.E.)
Drew University
Madison, NJ 07940 U.S.A.
Tel: 1-973-408-3937
Fax: 1-973-408-3504 E-mail: ademain@drew.edu
David A. Hopwood
Department of Molecular Microbiology
John Innes Centre
Norwich NR4 7UH
Tel: 44 1603 450000
Fax: 44 1603 450778
E-mail: david.hopwood@bbsrc.ac.uk
Ralph Hutter
Vizeprasident Forschung
ETH Zentrum
CH-8092 Zurich
David T. Jones
Department of Microbiology
University of Otago
P.O.Box 56
Dunedin 9001
New Zealand
Tel: 64 3 479-7735
Fax: 64 3 479-8540
E-mail: david.jones@stonebow.otago.ac.nz
G. Lancini
Biosearch Italia s.p.a.
via R. Lepetit 34
21040 Gerenzano (Varese)
E-mail: glancini@biosearch.it
Guoping Zhao
Institute of Plant Pathology and Ecology
The Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS
300 Fenglin Road
Shanghai 200032
Fax: 86 21 64042385
E-mail: gpzhao@sibs.ac.cn
Rules for the Submission
of Applications to Organize a GIM Symposium
These rules serve for the purpose of informing people and organizations showing interest in organizing one of the future GIM Symposia about the information needed in connection with an application.
Detailed Procedures
The country submitting an application sends a letter of application with appropriate documentation to the Chairman (if possible with a copy to the Secretary-General). The documentation should not only comprise a personal idea on how to organize the meeting, but also ëletters of supportí (ëletters of intentí) from the countryís relevant scientific societies, possibly financing institutions and ministeries. The information and documentation should be in the hands of the GIM-IC Chairman in time to be discussed at the GIM-IC meeting held during the GIM Symposium 8 years prior to the one for which the application is made. It is understandable that such letters cannot be very definitive and detailed, however, it is important to know that societies and institutions support the idea to attract a future GIM Symposium.The planned location and, if possible, a small organizational planning team should be proposed. If feasible, the dates when the Meeting is intended to be held should be mentioned.
1. The readiness of the scientific community in the host country to invest in organizing the Symposium is an important, likely the most important, criterion. In addition, the applications have to verify that free access for all scientists from all countries will be guaranteed.
2. Financial planning is of crucial importance for the Meeting preparations.
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