CURRICULUM VITAE November 10, 1999
Born: Duluth, Minnesota, U.S.A. Date of birth: February 20, 1931 Arrival in Israel: 1949 Israel military service: 1951 - 1957 Citizenship: USA/Israel dual Family status: Married, 3 children Address: Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel University, Ramat Aviv, Israel.
1949-1952 Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, Israel, Faculty of
Humanities, Degree: B.A.
1956-1961 Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, Faculty of
Natural Sciences: Major, Physics, Minors,
Mathematics and Meteorology, Degree: M.Sc.,
October 1961.
1962-1966 University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland,
Major, Physics, Minors, Astronomy and Atmospheric
and Space Physics, Degree: Ph.D. August 1966.
1955-1957 Weather Forecaster
and Meteorological Officer,
Israel Air Force
1957-1961 Teaching Assistant, Department of Meteorology
and Climatology, Hebrew university of Jerusalem,
1961-1962 Graduate Assistant, Department of Meteorology and
Climatology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
1962-1966 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Physics
and Astronomy, University of Maryland, College
Park, Maryland.
1966-1968 Member Technical Staff, Bell Telephone
Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey.
1968-1971 Senior Lecturer, Department of Environmental
Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel.
1971-1980 Associate Professor, Department of Environmental
Sciences (since 1976 Department of Geophysics and
Planetary Sciences) Tel Aviv University, Ramat
Aviv, Israel.
1980-1999 Full Professor, Department of Geophysics and
Planetary Sciences, Tel Aviv University,
Ramat Aviv, Israel.
1999-date Professor Emeritus, Department of Geophysics and
Planetary Sciences, Tel Aviv University,
Ramat Aviv, Israel.
1977-1980 Chairman, Department of Geophysics and Planetary
Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel.
1962-1964 Scholarship Award,
Hebrew Technical Foundation,
New York.
1968-1974 Member, Executive Board, Israel Society of
Geophysics and Geodesy.
1969-1980 Member and Secretary, Israel National Committee
for Solar-Terrestrial Physics.
1970-1973 Member, Editorial Board, Cosmic Electrodynamics.
1974-Date Israel National Correspondent, International
Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy.
1980-1998 Fellow of the Explorers Club, New York.
1981 NASA Group Achievement Award for Plasma Science
Investigation on Voyager spacecraft at Jupiter
and Saturn.
1982-1986 Member of Executive Committee,Commission D, COSPAR.
1986-1996 Chairman of Israel URSI Commision H-Waves in Plasma
1986 NASA Group Achievement Award for Plasma Science
Investigation on Voyager Spacecraft at Uranus.
1986-1990 Scientific Discipline Representative to the
Special Committee on Solar-TerrestriaL Physics
of the International Council of Scientific
1989 Planetary Society Medallion for participation in
the Voyager planetary exploration program.
1995-1999 Member of Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of
Planetary and Space Sciences.
1961-Date American Geophysical
1964-1982 American Physical Society,Division of Plasma
Physics, Division of Cosmic Physics.
1974-Date American Astronomical Society, Division for
Planetary Sciences.
1969-1982 Israel Physical Society.
1980-Date Founding Member, The Planetary Society.
1990-Date European Geophysical Society.
1993-1999 Corresponding Member, International Academy of Astronautics.
1999-date Full Member, International Academy of Astronautics.
1994-Date Member, New York Academy of Sciences