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Description of growth facilities
The Manna Center for Plant Biosciences has endowed the new Plant Growth and Analysis Facility to be located on the SE wing of the 6th floor of the Cohen-Porter building. This modern facility will multi-purpose growth conditions for growth of both small and large plants in varied controlled conditions. The Center will contain (picture of map)

  • Six multi-purpose growth rooms
  • Fifteen computer-controlled growth chambers
  • A plant potting and soil preparation room
  • Seed-harvesting and transgenic disposal room
  • Work benches for plant manipulation
  • Dark room for fluorescent microscopy of plant tissues
  • In addition the Mann Center has underwritten the recent renovation of older green houses in use at Tel Aviv University.
  • Imaging Center with light and fluorescent microscopes.

Other Equipment purchased with partial funding from Manna :

  • Attachments to fluorescent microscope PCR instrument
  • Gel dryer.
  • RT-PCR.
  • Microfluidizer for rupturing cells in culture to extract components of cell cytoplasm.
  • Tissue culture growth room
  • Rotary Shaker for growing plant cells in culture
