ωιξε μα: μεη δαηιπεϊ ιτεψρν αϊηιμϊ ηεγω ρτθξαψ.
δηεβ μμιξεγι δςψαιϊ εδΰρμΰν μωπϊ ϊως"ΰ
ξαεΰ μτιμερετιδ εγϊεϊ αδεγε (06181042)
γ"ψ γπι ψεδ
αχεψρ ζδ ιιγεπε δπεωΰιν δαΰιν:
1. πχεγεϊ ξεφΰ ωεπεϊ μδαπϊ δτιμερετιδ δδεγιϊ εξςξγδ
2. ξωξςεϊε ωμ δωηψεψ εξχεξε λΰιγιΰδ ξπηδ ατιμερετιδ δδεγιϊ
3. τεμηο, ξςωδ, εΰϊΰιζν: δεεγδ εΰρλεμϊ δξιξΰξρΰ
4. ξεωβ δγδψξδ εηεχ δχψξδ
5. ϊεψϊ 'δΰπι' ωμ δΰετπιωγεϊ
6. δξδτλδ δαεγδιρθιϊ – γηιιϊ ξεωβ δ'ΰπι'
7. ϊεψϊ δδλψδ ατιμερετιδ δδεγιϊ
8. ωιθεϊ θιςεο ατιμερετιδ δδεγιϊ εξςξγ δτιμερετιδ
9. δρτχπεϊ εϊεφΰεϊιδ
αιαμιεβψτιδ ψΰωεπιϊ:
1. Karl H. Potter, Presuppositions of India's Philosophies, Chapters 1, 2
2. M. Hiriyanna, Outlines of Indian Philosophy, Chapters 3,5,7
3. Hamilton, S., A Very Short Introduction to Indian Philosophy (Oxford UP)
4. Matilal, B.K., Epistemology, Logic and Grammar in Indian Philosophical Analysis, Chapter 1.
5. Radhakrishnan & Moore, A Source Book of Indian Philosophy
Introduction to Indian Philosophies and Religions
In this course, the following themes will be discussed:
1. Indian Philosophy: Initial 'maps'
2. The notion of 'freedom' and its implications
3. Ritual, action and atheism: the Veda and the Mīmāmsā school of philosophy
4. The notions of dharma and karma
5. 'Self' as articulated in the Upanişads
6. The 'Buddhist revolution' and rejection of the Upanişadic 'Self'
7. Indian epistemology
8. Argumentation in Indian philosophy
9. Indian Skepticism
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ξεεϊ ςμ χιγεω δων απφψεϊ εαιδγεϊ (06215502)
τψετ' ΰαιςγ χμιπαψβ, γ"ψ ωξηδ βεμγιο
ξι ωξχψια ΰϊ ηιιε μξςο δηαψδ ΰε μξςο ΰμεδιδ δετκ μδιεϊ "βιαεψ ϊψαεϊ". δεΰ ξωξω ξετϊ ξερψι εξεγμ μηιχει μαπι δχαεφδ.δπφψεϊ δημδ ΰϊ γψλδ λχδιμδ ωμ "ξψθιψιν" ωαδ ΰτιμε δξωιη ξϊ ςμ δφμα μξςο ΰηψιν. διηρ μξριψϊ δηιιν αχδιμδ διδεγιϊ διδ ΰξαιεεμπθι ιεϊψ ΰεμν αδγψβδ δτλε ξερψι πτων ςμ χιγεω δων μβιαεψιν βν αδ.
τψετ' ΰαιςγ χμιιπαψβ εγ"ψ ωξηδ βεμγιο ιιαηπε ΰϊ ϊτιρϊ χιγεω δων αωϊι δϊψαειεϊ ξο δςϊ δςϊιχδ ωμδι ιξι-δαιπιιν.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ξαεΰ μϊεμγεϊ δξζδ"ϊ αςϊ δηγιωδ (06221001)
τψετ' ςεζι ψαι
δχεψρ ρεχψ εξπϊη ΰϊ δϊδμιλιν δδιρθεψιιν δξψλζιιν ωδϊηεμμε αξζψη δϊιλεο αξΰϊιιν δωπιν δΰηψεπεϊ, ωςιχψν τςεμϊ δβεξμιο αιο ϊδμιλιν τπιξιιν εαιο δωτςεϊ δξβς αιο δηαψεϊ δξερμξιεϊ αξζψη δϊιλεο ε"δξςψα." αιο διϊψ, δχεψρ ιγεο αδωτςεϊ δλμλμιεϊ, δτεμιθιεϊ εδϊψαεϊιεϊ ωμ "δξςψα" ςμ δΰζεψ, απριεπεϊ ψτεψξδ, δϊβεαεϊ δΰρμΰξιεϊ εδμΰεξιεϊ μξωαψ δηαψδ δξχεξιϊ, ςμιιϊο ωμ δξγιπεϊ δθψιθεψιΰμιεϊ μΰηψ ξμηξϊ δςεμν δψΰωεπδ, ξωθψι δχφεπδ δξδτλπιιν εμαρεσ, δετςϊ δϊπεςεϊ δΰρμΰξιεϊ.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
τψχιν αδιρθεψιδ ΰιπθμχθεΰμιϊ ωμ δξζδ"ϊ (06222133)
τψετ` ιωψΰμ βψωεπι
δχεψρ ιθτμ αδϊτϊηεϊ δψςιεπιϊ εδδιρθεψιϊ ωμ ζψξιν ΰιπθμχθεΰμιν ξψλζιιν αηαψεϊ δξζψη ϊιλεπιεϊ δςψαιεϊ ξξηφιϊ δξΰδ δϊως-ςωψδ εςγ μωμδι δξΰδ δςωψιν.
Chapters in Modern Middle Eastern Intellectual History
The seminar will deal with the evolution of central intellectual schools and streams of thought in Arab Middle Eastern societies and cultures from 1850 – 1950.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ιρεγεϊ δγχγεχ (06311010)
ξψ ιεπϊο αμιπχεα
χεψρ ζδ διπε χεψρ ιρεγ ωξθψϊε μδχπεϊ ΰϊ δλμιν δγχγεχιιν δγψεωιν μδϊξεγγεϊ ςν θχρθ αςψαιϊ ρτψεϊιϊ ηγιωδ εαςψαιϊ χμΰριϊ. ιεων γβω ςμ χψιΰδ ξγειχϊ εδαπϊ δθχρθ. αιο δπεωΰιν ωιεςμε: δτεςμ δςψαι ςμ βζψεϊιε δωεπεϊ, φεψεϊ δψιαει δωμν εδωαεψ, φεψεϊ δζεβι, λμμι δδϊΰν δγχγεχι, ριξπι διηρεϊ, δξρτψ εςεγ.
This is an elementary course designed to provide the student with the essentials of Arabic grammar needed for accurate reading and comprehension of classical and modern Arabic texts. Among the topics to be discussed: verb conjugation, the sound and broken plural forms, the dual forms, agreement rules, case inflection, the number, etc.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
γχγεχ ΰ` (06311120)
ξψ ξΰγι χαμΰο/ξψ ιεπϊο αμιπχεα
ρχιψϊ ξςψλϊ δδβΰιν αςψαιϊ ρτψεϊιϊ, γιεο ξτεψθ αξςϊχι δδβΰιν λτι ωδν αΰιν μιγι αιθει αφεψϊ δτεςμ αβζψεϊ δωεπεϊ, γιεο ξτεψθ αξωχμι δων δωεπιν. ημχε δΰηψεο ωμ δχεψρ ξεχγω μχψιΰϊ θχρθ εγιεο αξαηψ αςιεϊ γχγεχιεϊ δξεφβεϊ αε.
Grammar A:
The course starts with a survey of the phonological system of Literary Arabic. This is followed by a detailed study of the verbal morphophonemic system, and then by a survey of the main noun and adjective patterns. The final part of the course is devoted to text reading and a discussion of selected grammatical issues based upon the text.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ριεν ιρεγεϊ δγχγεχ αφιεο ηιεαι
γχγεχ α` (06311122)
γ"ψ ιωι τμγ, ξψ ξΰγι χαμΰο
γιεο ωιθϊι αϊηαιψ δςψαιϊ δρτψεϊιϊ δχμΰριϊ εδηγιωδ. αωςεψιν δψΰωεπιν ξεφβιν ωμεωδ θιτερι ιρεγ ωμ δξωτθ δςψαι, δξδεειν ξεγμ μζιδει επιϊεη ωμ ξωτθιν αψξϊ ξεψλαεϊ βαεδδ αδξωκ. μΰηψ ξλο ξϊχιιν γιεο ξτεψθ αωεψδ ωμ ϊετςεϊ ϊηαιψιεϊ. δϊψβεμ ξαερρ ςμ ζιδει θιτερι δξωτθ εδϊαπιεϊ δωεπεϊ, πιϊεη δξωτθ ςτ"ι θλπιχδ δπμξγϊ δημ ξδωιςεψ δψΰωεο, πιχεγ ξμΰ ωμ δηεξψ εϊψβεν μςαψιϊ.
Grammar B:
The course is devoted to a systematic study of the syntax of Written Arabic, classical and modern. Three basic sentence types will be presented that will constitute a model for the identification of structure and for the analysis of complex sentences. This will be followed by a detailed discussion of a list of syntactic phenomena. The exercises consist of: identification of sentence types, sentence analysis using a technique acquired during the first lessons, full vocalization of the text and its translation into Hebrew.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ριεν ιρεγεϊ δγχγεχ αφιεο ηιεαι
ξεωβι ιρεγ αΰρμΰν (06311130)
γ"ψ ςμιζδ ωπιφψ
δωιςεψ ιςρεχ αψΰωιϊε αλϊαιν ωςμιδν πωςπϊ γϊ δΰρμΰν, λψχς μχψΰϊ γιεο αϊτιωεϊ δΰρμΰν, ΰξεπεϊιε εξφεεϊιε: δϊτιωδ δΰμιμιϊ δχγν-ΰρμΰξιϊ, ξφεεϊ διρεγ εγξεϊε ωμ δπαιΰ ξηξγ, ξιιργ δΰρμΰν. ΰϊψ δχεψρ δειψθεΰμι ιμεεδ ΰϊ δψφΰεϊ δωιςεψ.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ϊψβιμ μξεωβι ιρεγ αΰρμΰν (06311132)
βα` ιεμπγδ ιαεψ
δϊψβιμ πεςγ μδχπεϊ ξιγς αριρι ςμ ξχεψεϊ δΰρμΰν ερτψεϊ δςζψ ωφξηδ ραιαν. αξρβψϊ ζε ιιμξγε μχψΰϊ ρεσ δχεψρ λμμι δλϊιαδ ωμ ςαεγδ ξγςιϊ, ΰωψ ιιεωξε αςαεγϊ δριλεν.
Tutorial in basic terms of Islam
The aim of this course is to provide basic information about the sources that the Islamic religion is based upon – the Qur’an and Muslim tradition-- and the additional literature that evolved around them. Further details about the topics discussed can be found at the Virtual on-line site of the course. Towards the end of the course students will be taught citation rules (through the Virtual on-line site), which they will use in the final assignment.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of Arabic
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δςψεϊ: αχεψρ ζδ μΰ ϊϊχιιν αηιπδ. ξθμϊ δριεν διπδ ςαεγδ.
ςψαιϊ ωιξεωιϊ (06311150)
ξψ ξΰγι χαμΰο/βα' ΰχαΰμ ςαγ ΰμ ψΰζχ
ϊψβιμ δξϊξχγ αχψιΰϊ θχρθιν ξϊεκ ςιϊεπιν ελϊαι ςϊ ςψαιιν.
δϊψβιμ πεςγ μωιτεψ δχψιΰδ αωτδ δςψαιϊ, δπιχεγ δρετι, ηζψδ ςμ ιρεγεϊ δγχγεχ δςψαι, δχτγδ ςμ ϊψβεν ϊχιο μωτδ δςαψιϊ, δωιξεω αξιμεπιν δχμΰριν επιριεο μπδμ γε ωιη αωτδ δςψαιϊ δωιξεωιϊ δρτψεϊιϊ αϊ ιξιπε.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ςψαιϊ ΰ` (06311210)
ξψ ψο ξΰιψ
ξθψεϊ δχεψρ δο δχπιιϊ ξιεξπεϊ χψιΰδ (δχτγδ ςμ πιχεγ τπιξι ερετι) εδαπϊ δπχψΰ ωμ θχρθιν αςψαιϊ; δλψϊ δξαπιν δϊηαιψιιν ωμ δξωτθ δςψαι; δλψϊ δτεςμ δςψαι (9 απιιπιν); δψηαϊ ΰεφψ δξιμιν.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ςψαιϊ α` (06311214)
ξψ ξΰγι χαμΰο/ ξψ ιεπϊο αμιπχεα
χεψρ ζδ, δξδεεδ δξωκ μχεψρ "ςψαιϊ ΰ'", ιϊξχγ αχψιΰϊ θχρθιν αψξεϊ ωεπεϊ εαπεωΰιν ωεπιν, ιηγ ςν δωμξϊ ξρτψ πεωΰιν γχγεχιιν ωμΰ πμξγε α"ςψαιϊ ΰ'". λξε-λο ιϊψβμ δρθεγπθ ΰϊ δωιξεω αξιμεπιν δωεπιν ϊεκ λγι μιξεγ δθχρθιν. δθχρθιν ωιιμξγε ιλμμε χθςι ςιϊεπεϊ αψξεϊ ωεπεϊ, ριτεψιν χφψιν, χθςιν παηψιν ξδχεψΰο εξδξρεψϊ δξερμξιϊ δχγεξδ εςεγ.
δπεωΰιν δςιχψιιν ωιιμξγε αχεψρ ζδ δν: βζψεϊ δτεςμ δωεπεϊ (λτεμιν, ξδξεζιν, τ"ε/ι, ς"ε/ι, μ"ε/ι εξεψλαιν), ωξεϊ χιαεφιιν, ξωχμιν δξφιιπιν ξχεν/ζξο εξλωιψ, ξωτθι ιιηεγ, δξεωΰιν εδϊιΰεψιν δωεπιν αςψαιϊ, δρξιλεϊ δΰξιϊιϊ εδξγεξδ, δμεεΰι-ω"ϊ διωιψ εδςχισ, ξωτθι δϊπΰι, ξωτθι δδεφΰδ ξο δλμμ εξιμεϊ δτπιιδ.
αξδμκ δμιξεγ ιιγψωε δρθεγπθιν μαηιπδ λμ ωμεωδ ωαεςεϊ ςμ δθχρθιν εβζψεϊ δτεςμ ωπμξγε, εαρεσ δχεψρ ϊιςψκ αηιπδ ξρλξϊ, ωϊαγεχ αςιχψ ΰϊ ιλεμϊ δδϊξεγγεϊ ωμ δρθεγπθ ςν θχρθ ωμΰ πμξγ αςζψϊ ωιξεω αξιμεο.
ηεαεϊ δρθεγπθ: δωϊϊτεϊ τςιμδ αλμ δωιςεψιν εδλπϊ ϊψβιμιν λτι ωιιγψω ξωιςεψ μωιςεψ αξδμκ δξλιπδ.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ξαεΰ μωιςδ (06311218)
γ"ψ η`ΰμγ ριπγΰει
ξαεΰ μωιςδ
ξθψϊ δχεψρ: μδλιψ ΰϊ δψχς δδιρθεψι εδιρεγεϊ δςιχψιιν ωμ δωιςδ δΰξΰξιϊ. αιο δπεωΰιν ωιιγεπε αχεψρ: ζψξιν ωεπιν αϊεκ δωιςδ, ςιχψι δΰξεπδ δωιςιϊ, δξδγι, πΰξπεϊ εφιεϊ μΰξΰν (εμΰιδ) λιεψωε ωμ δπαιΰ (εφι), δϊλεπεϊ δπςμεϊ ωμ δΰξΰν, διςμξεϊε ωμ δΰξΰν δ-12 (ς'ιαδ), δξεπηιν "πραι" ε-"ψτφ'ι", ηριπεϊε ωμ δΰξΰν ξτπι θςειεϊ εηθΰιν, ςχψεο δ-"ϊχιιδ", μεη δωπδ δωιςιϊ, ηβιν ωιςιιν, χγεωϊ ΰγξϊ λψαμΰ, τεμηο πδψ δτψϊ, ηιπελν ωμ δξμεξγιν δωιςιιν, δαγμιν αιο δΰρμΰν δρεπι μαιο δωιςδ
Course objectives:
Acquaintance with the historical background and fundamental principles of Twelver Shiism; the various Shiite denominations; Shiite articles of faith; the Mahdi; loyalty and obedience to the Imam (wilaya) as the Prophet’s successor (wasi); virtues of the Imam; the Imam’s occultation (ghayba); the concepts of nasbi vs. rafdi; the Imam’s infallibility; taqiyya (the principle of religious dissimulation); Shiite holidays; the training of Shiite clerics (hawza ilmiyya); the sanctity of the soil of Karbala; cult of the Euphrates in Shiisim; differences between Shiite and Sunni Islam; the Shiite calendar.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ξςξγδ ωμ ιψεωμιν αΰρμΰν (06311219)
ωιςεψ εϊψβιμ
τψετ` ΰεψι ψεαιο
ξθψϊ δχεψρ διΰ μδΰιψ διαθιν ξψλζιιν αϊεμγεϊ ξςξγδ ωμ ιψεωμιν αΰρμΰν δχγεν αζιχδ μξςξγν ωμ ξχεξεϊ χγεωιν ΰηψιν. αξδμκ δωιςεψιν ιιμξγε θχρθιν ςψαιιν ξϊεκ δχεψΰο, τψωπεϊ δχεψΰο, ελο ξϊεκ ξαηψ ξχεψεϊ ςψαιιν περτιν δξεχγωιν μπεωΰ ιψεωμιν αΰρμΰν. δθχρθιν ιιχψΰε αφξεγ μαιαμιεβψτιδ (ςαψιϊ εμεςζιϊ) δχωεψδ μλμ ςπιιο εςπιιο.
τψθιν περτιν ςμ δχεψρ εςμ δδπηιεϊ μμεξγιν αε πιϊο μξφεΰ αΰϊψ δξχεεο (δειψθεΰμ) δξμεεδ ΰϊ δμιξεγ αχεψρ.
The status of Jerusalem in Islam
The aim of this course is to study major aspects of the history of the status of Jerusalem in early Islam. The Arabic texts that will be read for this purpose are gleaned from the Qur’an, Qur’an exegesis, as well as from a selection of additional Arabic sources dealing with Jerusalem in Islam . The texts will be read along with Hebrew and English bibliography relevant to the topic discussed. More information about this course, its themes and selected bibliography, are available at the virtual on-line site of the course.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ξαεΰ μδμλδ ΰρμΰξιϊ (06311330)
γ"ψ χξιμδ ΰγπβ
χεψρ ζδ δεΰ ξαεΰ λμμι ςμ δδμλδ δΰρμΰξιϊ (αςιχψ δρεπιϊ) εδξεργεϊ δχωεψιν αδ. δεΰ ιρχεψ ΰϊ δϊτϊηεϊ δδμλδ αιξι δαιπιιν, δξχεψεϊ μβζιψϊδ, δΰρλεμεϊ δδμλϊιεϊ εδδαγμιν ωαιπιδο, ϊτχιγι δχΰγι εδξετϊι, εδζιχδ αιο δδμλδ μαιο δηαψδ δξερμξιϊ.
Introduction to Islamic Law
This course provides a general introduction to Islamic (mainly Sunni) law and its institutions. Among other things it will survey the development of the law in the Middle Ages, the sources from which it is derived, the schools of law and the differences between them, the functions of the Qadi and the Mufti and the mutual relations between
law and society.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δξχεψεϊ μηχψ δΰρμΰν (06311334)
ωιςεψ εϊψβιμ
γ"ψ ςμιζδ ωπιφψ
δχεψρ ιιεηγ μρχιψδ ξτεψθϊ ωμ δξχεψεϊ ςμιδν πωςπϊ γϊ δΰρμΰν (χεψΰο εξρεψϊ) εμδλψϊ ρτψεϊ δςζψ ωφξηδ ραιαν. αξρβψϊ δχεψρ ιεχπε λμιν εξιεξπειεϊ μωιξεω εμςιεο αξχεψεϊ ειιγεπε βιωεϊ δξηχψ δψεεηεϊ αηχψ δΰρμΰν. δξιεξπειεϊ ωιεχπε αξδμκ δχεψρ, ιιεωξε αϊψβιμ θλρθεΰμι ξρλν απεωΰ ξρειν ξο δξρεψϊ δξερμξιϊ δχγεξδ.
τιψεθ ωμ ωιςεψι δχεψρ ξετις αΰϊψ δξχεεο ωμ δχεψρ (ειψθεΰμ), ΰωψ ιμεεδ ΰϊ δμιξεγ αχεψρ.
The Sources for Research on Islam
The course provides students with the necessary tools enabling them to examine and use the sources for research in the religion of Islam: the Qur’an and early Muslim tradition (the Hadith literature) and its various aspects. Throughout the course different approaches to the study of the Qur’an and Islam will be discussed. The skills acquired during this course will be applied in the final assignment, which will deal with a specific topic related to early Islam. Topics and reading materials can be found at the course’s Virtual on-line site.
Prerequisite course: “Tutorial in basic terms of Islam”
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δςψεϊ: αχεψρ ζδ μΰ ϊϊχιιν αηιπδ. ξθμϊ δριεν διπδ ςαεγδ.
θιτερι ηαψϊ ωεμιιν αρτψεϊ δχμΰριϊ (06312001)
ξψ ΰξιψ μψπψ
δλψεϊ ςν ωμμ θιτερι ηαψϊ ωεμιιν, λτι ωδν ξεφβιν αιφιψδ δρτψεϊιϊ αςψαιϊ ξιξι δαιπιιν. ςξιγδ ςμ δγψλιν αθεειιϊο ωμ γξειεϊ ρτψεϊιεϊ φαςεπιεϊ εξμΰεϊ ηο, ΰωψ ωεψωιδο αιψλϊιιν ηαψϊιιν.
Marginal social characters in classical Arabic literature
An acquaintance with a variety of marginal social characters, as presented in the medieval Arabic literature. A glance at some major literary characteristics involved in the formation of several colorful and graceful literary heroes of low social strata origins.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ξαεΰ μςψαιϊ ιδεγιϊ (06312005)
γ"ψ ΰαι θμ
δημχ δϊιΰεψθι: ρχιψϊ ξΰτιιπιδ δςιχψιιν ωμ δρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ-ιδεγιϊ εμωεπδ.μφγ δγιεο δϊιΰεψθι ιιχψΰε ειπεϊηε θχρθιν αςψαιϊ-ιδεγιϊ, μξωμ λϊαι ψαι ϊπηεν διψεωμξι (1291-1219). ζΰϊ μφγ δχπιιϊ λμιν αριριιν μρθεγπθ ααεΰε μςρεχ αϊηεν ζδ, λβεο δωιξεω αξιμεο μθχρθιν αςψαιϊ-ιδεγιϊ
The theoretical part: Survey of the basic characteristics of the Judaeo-Arabic literature & language.
The practical part: Reading & analyzing texts in Judaeo-Arabic That reflect those characteristics, for example the works of Rabbi Tanchϋm ha-Yerϋπalmξ (1219-1291).In addition, this course will provide the student with the essential tools needed for accurate reading and comprehension, for instance using a dictionary for texts written in Judaeo-Arabic
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ςιεο αδβεϊν ωμ "δΰηιν δξερμξιν"-ςιεο τπεψξι (06312006)
ξψ ιωψΰμ ωψπφμ
"δΰηιν δξερμξιν" δν μμΰ ρτχ δϊπεςδ δηωεαδ εδξωτιςδ αιεϊψ αςεμν δΰρμΰν αςωεψιν δΰηψεπιν. πχψΰ ξλϊαι λξδ ξψΰωι δϊπεςδ αξδμκ 80 ωπεϊ χιεξδ , εππρδ μδαιο ΰϊ δϊιιηρεϊν μρεβιεϊ ιρεγ αςεμξδ δψςιεπι.
λξε λο πϊηχδ ,βν αςζψϊ ξηχψιν, ΰηψ ξχεψεϊ λεηδ.
πγψωϊ ιγιςϊ ςψαιϊ αψξϊ ξϊχγξιν μτηεϊ(χψιΰϊ θχρθ αςζψϊ ξιμεο).
Texts and Ideas of the "Muslims Brothers"
This course will deal with the movement of the "Muslim Brotherhood" that celebrates its 80th anniversary in 2008. We shall read from the writings of its founders and leaders and try to understand how it became a major political and religious factor in the current Muslim world.
Good knowledge of Arabic is required.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δγψξδ δςψαιϊ δξεγψπιϊ (06312008)
ωιςεψ δςξχδ
γ"ψ ξηξεγ λιΰμ
ζ'ΰπψ ζδ ιζλδ αξρβψϊ δχεψρ μγιεο πψηα ωιϊξχγ αδϊτϊηεϊε δδιρθεψιϊ, ξςξγε αιηρ μζ'ΰπψιν ΰηψιν αρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ δξεγψπιϊ, δζψξιν δξψλζιιν, διεφψιν εδιφιψεϊ δαεμθιν ελιε"α. δγιεο ιμεεδ αχψιΰϊ επιϊεη ξηζεϊ ωμξιν ΰε χθςιν ξϊελν, ϊεκ δγβωϊ ξΰτιιπιδν δρβπεπιιν εδμωεπιιν, ιιηεγν ωμ δξηζεϊ εϊψεξϊν μδϊτϊηεϊ δζ'ΰπψ.
Modern Arabic Drama
The development of this genre in Syria and Egypt is at the center of this course. Samples of the works of the best dramatists are discussed and analyzed.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ξαεΰ μϊιΰεμεβιδ ΰρμΰξιϊ (06312111)
γ"ψ χξιμδ ΰγπβ
αχεψρ ζδ ιεφβε ξεωβιν αριριιν αϊιΰεμεβιδ δΰρμΰξιϊ, λβεο: ΰετιε ωμ δΰμ ειηρε μΰπεωεϊ, δξμΰλιν εδπαιΰιν ωπωμηε ςμ ιγιε, λϊαι δχεγω, ρεβιιϊ δβζιψδ δΰμεδιϊ, ϊηιιϊ δξϊιν, ιεν δγιο, βξεμ εςεπω, βο ςγο εβδιπεν.
.Introduction to Islamic theology
In this course a series of basic concepts from Islamic theology wil be presented, such as the nature of God, his relation to humankind, his angels, prophets and sacred scriptures; the question of free will vs. divine predestination; resurrection, judgement day, divine reward and punishment, paradise and hell.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
χειν ξΰτιιπιν αρτψεϊ δχμΰριϊ (06312220)
ξψ ΰξιψ μψπψ
ξαεΰ μδλψϊ απιιο δρτψεϊ δχμΰριϊ αωτδ δςψαιϊ: ξξργιδ - γεβξϊ ωιψϊ ςψα δςϊιχδ εϊξεψεϊ δΰρμΰν, ελο δωτςεϊ δβεϊ ιεεο, ϊψαεϊ τψρ εδεγε (ελε'..) - εςγ μςιμιϊ δθτηεϊ δχωεθεϊ ωμ δωιψδ εδτψεζδ ξζξο δωεωμϊ δςαΰριϊ εμΰηψιδ. ρχιψϊ δλεηεϊ δτεςμιν αδςξγϊδ ωμ ιφιψδ ρτψεϊιϊ ςωιψδ εξβεεπϊ (μξωμ, ξγαψ ειιωεα, ςψαιεϊ εϊψαεϊ δςξιν...), ϊεκ δϊςλαεϊ ςμ αιΰεψ χεειν μδϊτϊηεϊ εμδωϊπεϊ ωμ φεψεϊ εϊλπιν.
Introduction to classical Arabic literature
Mr. Amir Lerner
A survey of major characteristics in medieval Arabic literature: Description of the bases and foundations of "Adab" literature, such as ancient pre-Islamic Arabic ethos and poetry, emergence and consolidation of Islam, Greek philosophy and Indo-Persian culture (etc.). A consideration of some forces (for example: nomad life and sedentary, Arabs and foreigners) involved in shaping and constructing a rich and diverse literary product, mainly high evolved prose genres of ʿAbbasid caliphate and later times.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ϊψβιμ μχειν ξΰτιιπιν αρτψεϊ δχμΰριϊ (06312222)
ξψ ΰξιψ μψπψ
χψιΰδ ξϊεκ λϊαι ωμεωδ ξηωεαι δξηαψιν ωμ δτψεζδ δςψαιϊ αιξι δαιπιιν: ΰαο ΰμξχτς, ΰμβ'ΰηθ' εΰαο χϊιαδ, λδλψδ ψΰωεπιϊ ςν ΰαπι διρεγ ωμ ρτψεϊ δ"ΰγα". αηιπϊ δφεψεϊ, δϊλπιν εδψςιεπεϊ δρτψεϊιιν, ελδγβξεϊ μχεψρ "χεειν ξΰτιιπιν αρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ δχμΰριϊ". ϊεκ λκ ϊψβεμ αϊψβεν, αδαπδ εαπιϊεη ωμ θχρθιν χμΰριιν (ωιξεω αξιμεπιν, ΰπφιχμετγιεϊ ελε'...).
An exercise course corresponding with the lecture "Introduction to classical Arabic literature"
Mr. Amir Lerner
A guided medieval Arabic prose reading, especially from writings of three of the most important authors: Ibn al-Muḳaffaʿ, al-Djβḥiẓ and Ibn Ḳutayba, as an initial acquaintance with the bases of "Adab" literature. An analysis of some literary concepts, ideas, forms and substances, along with enhancement of basic important tools needed in handling and understanding of such texts (use of dictionaries, encyclopedias, biographical sources…).
γψιωεϊ χγν:
χεψΰο ετψωπεϊ (06312230)
ωιςεψ εϊψβιμ
τψετ` ΰεψι ψεαιο/ γ"ψ ςμιζδ ωπιφψ
ξθψϊ δχεψρ διΰ μμξεγ ΰϊ πεωΰιε εψςιεπεϊιε δςιχψιιν ωμ δχεψΰο, ϊεμγεϊ περηε, ξςξγε αΰρμΰν, ελο μςξεγ ςμ ςιχψιδ ωμ δτψωπεϊ δΰρμΰξιϊ μχεψΰο (ϊτριψ). δθχρθιν ωιιμξγε μων λκ — ξμαγ δχεψΰο ςφξε — μχεηιν ξϊεκ ρτψεϊ δϊτριψ, εςερχιν αχθςι χεψΰο ωεπιν ξϊχετϊ ξλδ εξϊχετϊ ξγιπδ. δθχρθιν ιιχψΰε αφξεγ μαιαμιεβψτιδ (ςαψιϊ εμεςζιϊ) δχωεψδ μλμ ςπιιο εςπιιο. τψθιν περτιν ςμ δχεψρ εςμ δδπηιεϊ μμεξγιν αε πιϊο μξφεΰ αΰϊψ δξχεεο (δειψθεΰμ) δξμεεδ ΰϊ δμιξεγ αχεψρ.
Introduction to the Qur'an
The aim of the course is to study the main Qur'anic themes and ideas, the textual history of the Qur’an, its status in Islam, as well as the major trends in the Islamic Qur'an exegesis (tafsir). The Arabic texts that will be read for this purpose—apart from the Qur’an itself—are gleaned from the tafsir literature and relate to various Qur’anic passages from the Meccan as well as the Medinan periods. The texts will be read along with Hebrew and English bibliography relevant to the topic discussed. More information about this course, its themes and selected bibliography, are available at the virtual on-line site of the course.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ιρεγεϊ δωιψδ δξεγψπιϊ (06312240)
τψετ` ξηξεγ βπΰιν
δχεψρ ιςρεχ αδϊτϊηεϊ δωιψδ δςψαιϊ δξεγψπιϊ αςϊ δηγωδ, ξϊηιμϊ δξΰδ δ- 19 ςγ ιξιπε, ϊεκ γιεο αδιαθιν εδΰρλεμεϊ δωεπιν, δφβϊ φεψεϊ ερεβεϊ ωεπεϊ ωμ δωιψδ. δχεψρ ιςξεγ ςμ ωιπειιν ξαπιιν εβν ϊελπιιν ξϊχετδ μϊχετδ ειρτχ μρθεγπθιν ξεωβι ιρεγ εχεειν ξπηιν απιϊεη δωιψδ δξεγψπιϊ.
Principles of Modern Poetry
The course will deal with the evolution of modern Arabic poetry since the beginning of the 19th century to the present throughout discussion of different literary trends and schools, types and genres. The course will deal with thematic and structural changes from stage to another and will provide students with various basic concepts for analyzing and criticizing modern Arabic poetry.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δριτεψϊ δςψαιϊ ξεγψπιϊ (06312242)
ωιςεψ εϊψβιμ
γ"ψ ξηξεγ λιΰμ
δριτεψϊ εαςιχψ δψεξΰο, δπεαμδ εδριτεψ δχφψ, ϊζλδ αξρβψϊ δχεψρ μγιεο πψηα ωιϊξχγ αδϊτϊηεϊδ δδιρθεψιϊ, ξςξγδ αιηρ μζ'ΰπψιν ΰηψιν αρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ δξεγψπιϊ, δζψξιν δξψλζιιν, διεφψιν εδιφιψεϊ δαεμθιν ελιε"α. δγιεο ιμεεδ αχψιΰϊ επιϊεη τψχιν ξϊεκ ψεξΰπιν επεαμεϊ εριτεψιν ωμξιν, ϊεκ δγβωϊ ξΰτιιπιδν δρβπεπιιν εδμωεπιιν, ιιηεγο ωμ διφιψεϊ εϊψεξϊο μδϊτϊηεϊ δζ'ΰπψ.
Modern Arabic Fiction
This course focuses on famous Arabic narrative writers who influenced the development of modern Arabic fiction. Samples of their writings are discussed and analyzed.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ϊψβιμ αθχρθιν γϊιιν-διρθεψιεβψτιιν ΰ` (06312250)
βα' ιεμπγδ ιαεψ
δϊψβιμ ιεχγω μςιεο αθλρθιν ξϊεκ δξρεψϊ δξερμξιϊ δχγεξδ (ηγιϊ') ςμ βεεπιδ: ρτψεϊ δ"ριψδ" (ϊεμγεϊ ηιι δπαιΰ), δδιρθεψιεβψτιδ εδδμλδ δξερμξιϊ δχγεξδ. δςιεο αθλρθιν ιλμεμ πιϊεη ϊελπι ωμ ξρεψεϊ ςμ ωμωμϊ δξερψιν ωμδο, μφγ γιεο αΰετιιο ωμ δξρεψεϊ εγψκ βιαεωο, ξαπδ δξρεψεϊ, ξρεψεϊ ξχαιμεϊ, ξερψι δξρεψεϊ εχεαφι ξρεψεϊ αεμθιν.
ψωιξδ ξτεψθϊ ωμ δθλρθιν εαιαμιεβψτιδ παηψϊ ψμαπθιϊ ξετιςιν αΰϊψ δξχεεο ωμ δχεψρ (ειψθεΰμ), ωιμεεδ ΰϊ δμιξεγ αϊψβιμ.
Tutorial in religious–historiographical texts A
In this tutorial students will be reading texts from the early Islamic tradition (Hadith) and its varieties: the Sira literature (the life of the Prophet), historiography and early Islamic law. The readings will include an analysis of the contents of traditions and their chains of transmitters. Also discussed will be the nature of these traditions and their formation, parallel traditions, and important collections of traditions. A detailed list of the texts and bibliography can be found at the course’s Virtual on-line site.
*** Students in the Islamic Studies track are required to take the “Tutorial in religious–historiographical texts B”. Students in the Arabic Language and Literature track are required to take either “'Tutorial in religious–historiographical texts A” or “Tutorial in religious–historiographical texts B”
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ϊψβιμ αθχρθιν γϊιιν δρθεψιεβψτιιν α` (06312251)
γ"ψ ςμιζδ ωπιφψ
δϊψβιμ ιεχγω μςιεο αθλρθιν ξϊεκ δξρεψϊ δξερμξιϊ δχγεξδ (ηγιϊ') ςμ βεεπιδ: ρτψεϊ δ"ριψδ" (ϊεμγεϊ ηιι δπαιΰ), δδιρθεψιεβψτιδ εδδμλδ δξερμξιϊ δχγεξδ. δςιεο αθλρθιν ιλμεμ πιϊεη ϊελπι ωμ ξρεψεϊ ςμ ωμωμϊ δξερψιν ωμδο, μφγ γιεο αΰετιιο ωμ δξρεψεϊ εγψκ βιαεωο, ξαπδ δξρεψεϊ, ξρεψεϊ ξχαιμεϊ εχεαφι ξρεψεϊ αεμθιν.
ψωιξδ ξτεψθϊ ωμ δθλρθιν εαιαμιεβψτιδ παηψϊ ψμαπθιϊ ξετιςιν αΰϊψ δξχεεο ωμ δχεψρ (ειψθεΰμ), ωιμεεδ ΰϊ δμιξεγ αϊψβιμ.
Tutorial in religious–historiographical Texts B
In this tutorial students will be reading texts from the early Islamic tradition (Hadith) and its varieties: the Sira literature (the life of the Prophet), historiography and early Islamic law. The readings will include an analysis of the contents of traditions and their chains of transmitters. Also discussed will be the nature of these traditions and their formation, parallel traditions, and important collections of traditions. A detailed list of the texts and bibliography can be found at the course’s Virtual on-line site.
*** Students in the Islamic Studies track are required to take the “Tutorial in religious–historiographical texts B”. Students in the Arabic Language and Literature track are required to take either “Tutorial in religious–historiographical texts A” or “Tutorial in religious–historiographical texts B”
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ϊψβιμ αθχρθιν ρτψεϊιιν χμΰριιν (06312254)
ξψ ΰξιψ μψπψ
χψιΰδ ξϊχγξϊ αΰρετεϊ ρτψεϊιεϊ αςψαιϊ ξιξι δαιπιιν. δλψεϊ ςν ηεξψιν ρτψεϊιιν ξβεεπιν, χαιςδ εαιΰεψ ωμ δχωψν, πιϊεη ξαπδ δθχρθιν εωτϊν, εξϊο δψηαεϊ μξιπιδο.
An exercise course in classical literary texts
An advanced reading of some medieval Arabic literary sources. An acquaintance with diverse literary materials and forms, examination and explanation of the historical and artistic contexts, and analysis of literary structure and language
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ϊψβεν θχρθιν ρτψεϊιιν (06312428)
γ"ψ ξηξεγ λιΰμ
δχεψρ ξϊξχγ ααςιεϊ ωεπεϊ ωπϊχμιν αδο ξϊψβξι δρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ μςαψιϊ, λβεο ψξεϊ μωεο, ξθτεψεϊ, ηψιζδ, ιρεγεϊ ϊμειι ϊψαεϊ, φξγι μωεο ελιε"α. αςιεϊ ΰμδ ιςμε μγιεο αωϊι γψλιν: ΰ. χψιΰδ επιϊεη ωμ ϊψβεξιν ιγεςιν αδωεεΰδ μξχεψεϊιδν δςψαιιν. α. ϊψβεν θχρθιν ρτψεϊιιν ςψαιιν αιγι δρθεγπθιν.
Translating Literary Texts
Besides a theoretical discussion of Translation Studies and literary translation, the course focuses on issues which translators of modern Arabic literature into Hebrew deal with.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ϊψβεν θχρθιν ςιεπιιν (06312429)
γ"ψ ξηξεγ λιΰμ
δχεψρ ξϊξχγ ααςιεϊ ωεπεϊ ωπϊχμιν αδο ξϊψβξι δρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ μςαψιϊ, λβεο ψξεϊ μωεο, ξθτεψεϊ, ηψιζδ, ιρεγεϊ ϊμειι ϊψαεϊ, φξγι μωεο ελιε"α. αςιεϊ ΰμδ ιςμε μγιεο αωϊι γψλιν: ΰ. χψιΰδ επιϊεη ωμ ϊψβεξιν ιγεςιν αδωεεΰδ μξχεψεϊιδν δςψαιιν. α. ϊψβεν θχρθιν ρτψεϊιιν ςψαιιν αιγι δρθεγπθιν.
Translating Non-Literary Texts
Besides a theoretical discussion of Translation Studies and non-literary translation, the course focuses on issues which translators of modern non-literary Arabic texts into Hebrew deal with.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
πιϊεη γχγεχι ωμ θχρθιν ςψαιιν (06312434)
γ"ψ ιωι τμγ
ωιςεψ ζδ ξιεςγ μϊμξιγιν ΰωψ ριιξε αδφμηδ ΰϊ δχεψριν "γχγεχ ΰ'" ε"γχγεχ α'". δχεψρ ξαερρ ςμ χψιΰϊ χθςιν αψξϊ ξεψλαεϊ βαεδδ δο αςψαιϊ ρτψεϊιϊ ηγιωδ εδο αςψαιϊ χμΰριϊ. δϊψβεμ ξϊαρρ ςμ πιϊεη δχθςιν, πιχεγν αφεψδ ξγειχϊ εϊψβεξν μςαψιϊ. αξδμκ δχεψρ ξθετμεϊ αςιεϊ ϊηαιψιεϊ ξεψλαεϊ ΰωψ μΰ πγπε αχεψρ "γχγεχ α'".
Grammatical analysis of Arabic texts:
This course may be taken by students who successfully finished the courses Grammar A and Grammar B. Classes are devoted to reading and analyzing complex texts in both Classical and Modern Literary Arabic. Students will be required to analyze the texts, vocalize them accurately, and translate them into Hebrew. Complex syntactical issues will be discussed, which were not dealt with in “Grammar B”.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ςιεπιν αλϊαι δψξα"ν (06312435)
ωιςεψ εϊψβιμ
τψετ` πΰρψ αρμ
λδχγξδ μχψιΰϊ θχρθιν ςψαιιν ιδεγιιν ωμ δψξα"ν ϊιρχψ ϊεμγεϊ δωτδ δςψαιϊ ξο δϊχετδ δβ'ΰδιμιϊ εςγ μϊχετϊ ιξι-δαιπιιν. ιεχγω ζξο ξιεηγ μςψαιϊ δαιπεπιϊ αλμμ εμςψαιϊ διδεγιϊ ατψθ. λξε λο ιιρχψε δγιΰμχθιν δςψαιιν αιξι-δαιπιιν εαϊελν δγιΰμχθιν δςψαιιν-ιδεγιιν. ιχψΰε θχρθιν ξηιαεψι δψξα"ν, λβεο ΰβψϊ ϊιξο, ξεψδ παελιν (αμεειϊ ϊψβεξε ωμ ξιλΰμ ωεεψυ). λγεβξδ μςψαιϊ ιδεγιϊ αΰεϊιεϊ ςψαιεϊ ιιχψΰε χθςιν ξο "λϊΰα ΰμςεχΰψ" αδωεεΰδ μηιαεψιν ςψαιιν. δθχρθιν ιθετμε δο ξαηιπϊ δϊελο εδο ξαηιπϊ δμωεο.
Studies in Maimonides Arabic works.
This course includes the following:
1. A short survey of the history of the Arabic language from the Jahiliyyah until the Middle Ages with emphasis on the place of Middle Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic in this history.
2. Judaeo-Arabic: features, cultural and linguistic characteristics.
3. Studies in the Maimonides Arabic works, especially his epistles and responses to the medieval Jewish communities. These studies will be accompanied by a linguistic analysis.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
χψιΰϊ θχρθιν ωιςιιν χμΰριιν (06312439)
ωιςεψ εϊψβιμ
γ"ψ ηΰμγ ριπγΰει
ϊιΰεψ εξθψεϊ δχεψρ:
- μδχπεϊ λμιν μτςπεη αιχεψϊι ωμ ςχψεπεϊ δωιςδ αδϊαρρ ςμ ξχεψεϊ δωιςδ δχγεξιν.
- μςξεγ ςμ δψχς δδιρθεψι εχεει διρεγ αγεχθψιπδ ωμ δωιςδ δΰξΰξιδ αςιχψ.
- μδλιψ ΰϊ ςχψεπεϊ δωιςδ, εδξεπηιν δωιςιν.
πεωΰι δχεψρ:
- ρχιψδ λμμιϊ ςμ δϊτϊηεϊ δωιςδ δχγεξδ, βιαεω δγεχθψιπδ δωιςιϊ.
- γιεο εςιεο αρεβιεϊ δχωεψεϊ μςχψεπεϊ δΰξεπδ αωιςδ ωξζξπιν δθχρθιν, εδχπιϊ λμιν μιλεμϊ χψιΰϊ επιϊεη θχρθιν ωιςιιν χμΰριιν, ςξιγδ ςμ ψχςν δδιρθεψι, εδγϊι, εγιεο αωΰμεϊ δπεβςεϊ μγεχθψιπδ δωιςιϊ δΰξΰξιϊ αςιχψ.
Shiite Texts
Course description and purpose:
- Gives tools for a critical decipherment of Shiite principles, base on ancient Shiite sources.
- Teaches the historical background and fundamental doctrines mainly of Twelver Shiism.
- Teaches Shiite principles and terminology.
Course topics:
- General survey on the evolution of early Shiism and the emergence of Shiite doctrine.
- Discussion and study of topics related to Shiite religious principles through texts, practice in reading and analyzing classical Shiite texts, study of their historical and religious background, and discussion of issues related mainly to Twelver Shiism.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δξιπεη αϊιΰεψιδ δγχγεχιϊ δςψαιϊ δχμΰριϊ (06312444)
ωιςεψ δςξχδ
τψετ` πΰρψ αρμ
αχεψρ ζδ ιιγεπε ξεωβι διρεγ ωμ δϊιΰεψιδ δγχγεχιϊ δςψαιϊ δχμΰριϊ αϊηεξιν δωεπιν, αςιχψ, αϊηεν δϊηαιψ. ιιγεπε ξεωβιν λβεο ϊϊ'χιμ εϊλ'τισ, ϊςειυ', ΰφμ, χιΰρ, ΰςψΰα-απΰ, ϊχγιψ, ΰρπΰγ εςεγ. δγιεο αξεωβιν ΰμε ιιςωδ ΰβα χψιΰϊ θχρθιν ξϊχετεϊ ωεπεϊ δημ ξριαειδ ελμδ αΰαο διωΰν ειμεεδ αχψιΰϊ ρτψεϊ ξηχψ ξεγψπιϊ. δϊμξιγιν ιϊαχωε μαγεχ λιφγ ξωξωιν ΰηγιν ξξεωβιν ΰμε αλϊαι ξγχγχιν ωεπιν.
Basic terminology of the classical Arabic grammatical theory
Basic concepts of the classical Arabic grammatical theory will be discussed according to modern scientific literature. This discuussion will be accompanied by studies in the classical Arabic sources
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ςιεο αδβεϊν ωμ ΰαεϊ δξεγψπιζν δΰρμΰξι - ξηξγ ςαγδ εψωιγ ψγΰ (06312455)
ξψ ιωψΰμ ωψπφμ
αωμδι δξΰδ δ- 19 εψΰωιϊ δξΰδ δ- 20, δεμκ εξϊτϊη αξφψιν εαξχεξεϊ περτιν ζψν δβεϊι ψα δωτςδ- δξεγψπιζν δΰρμΰξι- δηεϊψ μξφιΰϊ ξςπδ ΰρμΰξι μΰϊβψι δξτβω δθςεο ςν δξςψα εςψλιε.
αχεψρ πχψΰ ξλϊαιδν ωμ ωπιιν ξδδεβιν δξψλζιιν ωμ ζψν ζδ- ξηξψ ςαγδ εψωιγ ψγΰ (ϊεκ πιριεο μςξεγ βν ςμ δδαγμιν αιπιδν),ελο ξΰξψι ξηχψι ΰεγεϊ ξτςμν.παγεχ βν λιφγ πϊτρ ξτςμν αψΰιιδ ξφψιϊ ξεγψπιϊ.
πγψωϊ ιγιςϊ ςψαιϊ αψξϊ ξϊχγξιν μτηεϊ(χψιΰϊ θχρθ αςζψϊ ξιμεο).
This course will deal with the thought of two prominent Muslim thinkers –Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida , who are considered the founders of Islamic Modernism .This important school of thought searched(in the last quarter of the 19 th century and the beginning of the 20th century) for ways to reconcile Islam with the challenges-practical and ideological- posed by the growing western influence.
Good knowledge of Arabic is required.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ρβτπεϊ ερετιεϊ (06312456)
ωιςεψ εϊψβιμ
γ"ψ χξιμδ ΰγπβ
δχεψρ ξεχγω μχψιΰδ επιϊεη ωμ θχρθιν παηψιν ωπλϊαε ΰεγεϊ ΰε ςμ ιγι ρβτπιν εφετιν ξτεψρξιν ξδϊχετδ δτεψξθιαιϊ, λβεο ψΰαςδ, ΰμξηΰραι, γ'ε ΰμπεο ΰμξφψι, αΰιζιγ ΰμαρθΰξι, αιωΰψ ΰμηΰτι, ΰμβ'επιιγ εΰμηΰβ'.
Asceticism and Sufism
This course will be devoted to an analytical reading of a series of texts about and/or by some of the most influential Muslim ascetics and mystics from the formative period, such as Rabi'a, al-Muhasibi, Dhu al-Nun al-Misri, Bayezid al-Bistami, Bishr al-Hafi, al-Junayd and al-Hallaj.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δηαψδ δτμρθιπιϊ αϊχετϊ δξπγθ: διαθιν ηαψϊιιν, ϊψαεϊιιν ετεμιθιιν (06312457)
γ"ψ ξερθτΰ λαδΰ
δχεψρ γο αρεβιεϊ παηψεϊ αϊεμγεϊ δηαψδ δτμρθιπιϊ ϊηϊ δξπγθ δαψιθι . δγιεο ιλμεμ :1. ρεβιεϊ ηαψϊιεϊ ( δψιαεγ δηαψϊι , ιηριν αιο λτψ εςιψ εδϊδμιλιν δξεΰφιν ωμ ςιεψ εξεγψπιζφιδ . 2. ρεβιεϊ ϊψαεϊιεϊ ( ξςψλϊ δηιπεκ , δϊτϊηεϊ ΰξφςι δϊχωεψϊ δδξεπιιν εδϊτϊηεϊ διφιψδ δρτψεϊιϊ εΰξπεϊιϊ) . 3. ρεβιεϊ δτεμιθιεϊ- ζδεϊιεϊ ( δϊτϊηεϊ δξεργεϊ δτεμιθιιν , δξτμβεϊ εδϊπεςεϊ δψςιεπιεϊ δωεπεϊ εδϊτϊηεϊ πεωΰ δζδεϊ δμΰεξιϊ ) .
The Palestinian society under the Mandate period : Social , cultural and political Issues
The Course deals with the history of the Palestinian society under the British Mandate I several issues :1. social issues ( social stratification , relations between village and city and process of urbanization and modernization.
2.cultural issues ( education system , the development of mass communication system and the development of the art and literature
3.political and identity issues ( the development of political establishments, the parties and the ideological movements and the development of the national identity .
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ηαψδ ετεμιθιχδ:ςιεο αλϊαι ξηαψιν ξδϊχετδ δξξμελιϊ (06312458)
ξψ χεαι ιερσ
ϊχετϊ δρεμθΰπεϊ δξξμελιϊ πιηπδ αςεωψ ιεφΰ γετο ωμ ξχεψεϊ ρτψεϊιιν ξλμ δρεβιν – λψεπιχεϊ, ρτψεϊ αιεβψτιϊ, ρτψεϊ γϊιϊ ςμ λμ βεεπιδ, ρτψεϊ ωμ ϊιΰεψιδ τεμιθιϊ, ρτψεϊ ηφψ, ςμεπι ξπδμ ερτψεϊ ξρςεϊ. ςμ ιγι ςιεο αλϊαι ξηαψιν ξδϊχετδ δξξμελιϊ πϊεεγς αξδμκ δχεψρ δο μιφιψδ ρτψεϊιϊ ζε εδο μρεβιεϊ δτεμιθιεϊ εδηαψϊιεϊ δξψλζιεϊ ωμ ϊχετδ ζε ΰωψ ξςριχεϊ ΰϊ δηεχψιν απι ζξππε – ξεργ δςαγεϊ δφαΰιϊ, ξςξγε ωμ δςαγ δφαΰι, ιηρι ΰγεο εςαγ, διηριν αιο δςαγιν δωιλιν μΰεϊε αιϊ, ξςξγν ωμ χωψι ξωτηδ εχωψι πιωεΰιν αχψα δςαγιν εηωιαεϊν ωμ χωψιν ΰμδ ατψχθιχεϊ ωμ δςαψϊ δωμθεο (λμεξψ, ξςξγδ ωμ δωεωμϊιεϊ αϊχετδ ζε).
Society and Politics: Reading Texts of the Mamluk Sultanate Period
The Mamluk Sultanate Period is known for its remarkable wealth of literary writings – Chronicles, Biographic Literature, Religious writings, Political theory, Court Literature, Administrative manuals, and Travel literature. By reading texts of Mamluk authors we will get acquainted with these writings and with the main political and social issues of the period that modern researches find worth exploring – The institution of military slavery, the status of the military slave, the relationship of the master and slaves, the relationship of the slaves belonging to the same household, the status of family and marital ties among slaves and its importance in political practices of the Mamluk period (Meaningly, the importance of Dynasticism).
γψιωεϊ χγν:
χεψΰο εϊεψδ : αιο ωπι λϊαι χεγω (06313003)
ρξιπψ μϊεΰψ ψΰωεο
γ"ψ ςμιζδ ωπιφψ
δρξιπψ ξεχγω μγιεο αϊτχιγδ ωμ δ'ϊεψδ' αςιφεα δΰρμΰν αψΰωιϊε, ςμ ψχς δχεψΰο. δγιεο ιϊαρρ ςμ ςιεο αξρεψεϊ ιδεγιεϊ-ξερμξιεϊ, δλεμμεϊ ριτεψι παιΰιν εςξιν χγεξιν, ξφεεϊ εηεχιν, ΰξεπεϊ εψςιεπεϊ, ξιξψεϊ ξερψ εΰϊιχδ εξωμι ηελξδ, δξφεθθιν μςιϊιν λξςθ λμωεπν ξο δ'ϊεψδ". αξρβψϊ δρξιπψ ϊιαηο γψκ δϊξεγγεϊν ωμ ηλξι ΰρμΰν χγεξιν ςν ξρεψεϊ ΰμδ αζιχδ μξφεεϊ δχεψΰο εϊτιωεϊιε.
Qur'an and Torah: Between Two Scriptures
This course is dedicated to discuss the role of the Torah in relation to the Qur'an. The discussion will be based upon scrutinizing Jewish-Islamic traditions, including the stories of the prophets and ancient peoples, commandment and laws, beliefs and ideas, moral phrases and wisdom parables, quoted from the Torah.
Furthermore, there will be an examining of the confrontation of early Muslim Scholars with these traditions in relation to the Quran's commandment and perceptions.
As a seminar, this course requires participation by all students.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ωιψδ ςψαιϊ χμΰριϊ (06313310)
γ"ψ β`ιψιρ η`εψι
δχεψρ ιςρεχ απιϊεη δωιψδ δχμΰριϊ μϊχετεϊιδ δωεπεϊ: δβ'ΰδμιϊ, δψΰωγιιδ, δΰεξιιϊ, δςαΰριϊ, δΰπγμεριϊ. ωιψιν ξλμ δϊχετεϊ ιιγεπε ειπεϊηε, ϊεκ δϊξχγεϊ αδϊτϊηεϊ δξαπιϊ, δψθεψιϊ εβν δϊελπιϊ ωμ δωιψδ δχμΰριϊ. ιιςωδ ωιξεω αξεπηιν αιχεψϊιιν ςψαιιν χγεξιν εηγωιν, αιο διϊψ αϊεψϊ δξωχμ εβν αψθεψιχδ δςψαιϊ.
The course will deal with poetic texts from different classical periods: Jahiliyya, Rashidiya, Umayyad, Abbasid, Andalusian. Throughout the course we inquire into the thematical, artistic and structural evolution of classical poetry. The course will focus on various basic concepts used by classical and modern Arab scholars for analyzing and criticizing classical Arabic poetry, among them prosody and rhetoric.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ϊψβιμ αθχρθιν ςιεπιιν ξεγψπιιν (06313311)
ωιςεψ εϊψβιμ
τψετ` ξηξεγ βπΰιν
δξθψδ ωμ δχεψρ διΰ μδχπεϊ μϊμξιγ λμιν μπιϊεη δξαπδ ωμ θχρθιν ςιεπιν αςψαιϊ δξεγψπιϊ. ΰπε πγεο αθχρθιν ΰμδ ϊεκ λγι πιϊεη ρεβεϊ ωεπεϊ, λβεο θχρθιν ααιχεψϊ, ξηχψιν, θχρθιν αδιρθεψιδ ωμ δρτψεϊ, αϊεψϊ δρτψεϊ ελγ'. δγιεο ιϊξχγ βν αϊετςεϊ μωεο ερβπεο, λξε λο αρεβιεϊ ϊξΰθιεϊ ωμ θχρθιν ΰμδ εαωιπειιν ωδϊηεμμε αξδμκ δωπιν.
Modern Theoretical Texts
The course is intended to provide the student with tools to analyze the structure of theoretical texts in modern Arabic. We will discuss these texts analyzing various subgenres, such as critical texts, research texts, texts of literary history, of theory of literature and etc. The discussion will focus on stylistic and linguistic features as well as on thematic problems of these texts, and on changes initiated during the years.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ζ`ΰπψιν ρτψεϊιιν χμΰριιν (06313320)
γ"ψ β`ιψιρ η'εψι
δχεψρ ιςρεχ αςιχψ ατψεζδ δςψαιϊ δχμΰριϊ, εδϊτϊηεϊδ μΰεψκ δγεψεϊ ςμ ρεβεϊιδ δωεπεϊ: ψθεψιχδ, ΰιβψϊ, ξχΰξδ (ξηαψϊ), ξςωιιδ, αιχεψϊ ρτψεϊιϊ, τψωπεϊ ελε', ϊεκ δϊξχγεϊ αξαπδ εαϊελο ωμ δθχρθιν εδϊαεππεϊ ξιεηγϊ αιηρδ ωμ δαιχεψϊ δςψαιϊ δχγεξδ λμτι δρεβεϊ δωεπεϊ.
The course will deal, basically, with Arabic prose, the stages in its evolution, and its genres: rhetoric, letter, Maqama, anecdote, literary criticism, commentary etc. The course will focus on the structure and the content of the texts, with a special focus on how ancient Arab criticism treated the different genres.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ρτψεϊ αιεβψτιϊ χμΰριϊ (06313410)
τψετ` πΰρψ αρμ
δλϊιαδ δδιρθεψιϊ (διρθεψιεβψτιδ) αςψαιϊ πημχϊ μλξδ ρεβιν ΰετιπιιν: ϊιΰεψ δξΰεψςεϊ μτι ωπιν (λμ ωπδ - τψχ πτψγ), ϊιΰεψ μτι ϊχετεϊ ωμ ωμιθιν, ϊιΰεψ γψκ αιεβψτιϊ ωμ ΰιωιν, ΰε ΰσ ωιμεα ωμ λϊιαδ μτι ωπιν, αφιψεσ αιεβψΰτιεϊ ωμ ΰιωιν ωπτθψε αΰεϊδ ωπδ. αωιςεψ πλιψ λξδ γεβξΰεϊ μλϊιαεϊ δμμε.
Arabic historiography is characterized by various writing models: annals (each year constitutes a separate chapter), divisions according to periods of rulers and dynasties, biographies, and even a model
combining the annals system with the biographical one (each year constitutes a chapter ending with the biographies of personages who passed away during that year). Our course will introduce to the
participants several examples of these writing models.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
χψιΰδ αλϊαι ριαειδ εζξη'ωψι (06313415)
ρξιπψ ϊεΰψ ψΰωεο
γ"ψ ιωι τμγ
χεψρ ζδ ξφιβ μμεξγ ΰϊ ιρεγεϊ δηωιαδ δϊηαιψιϊ ωμ ξγχγχι ιξι δαιπιιν. δμιξεγ ξϊαρρ ςμ χψιΰϊ χθςιν δςερχιν ααςιεϊ ιρεγ αϊηαιψ δςψαι ξ"ΰμλϊΰα" μριαειδ, ξγχγχ αιο δξΰδ δωξιπιϊ, εξ"λϊΰα ΰμξτφμ" μζξη'ωψι ςν τιψεωε ωμ ΰαο ιςιω. ωπι δξγχγχιν δΰηψεπιν δν ξδξΰεϊ δ12- εδ13- αδϊΰξδ. αιο δπεωΰιν δπγεπιν: ξωμιξι δτεςμ μξιπιδν, τςμι δςζψ, δξωτθ δωξπι, ξωτθι δϊπΰι. πγεπεϊ ϊξεψεϊ ιρεγ αϊιΰεψιδ εαθψξιπεμεβιδ δγχγεχιϊ μΰεψκ δωπιν.
Studies in the writings of Sξbawayhi and Zamaxπarξ:
This course presents the basic concepts of medieval Arabic grammatical thinking. Classes will be devoted to reading and analyzing texts dealing with fundamental issues in Arabic syntax. The texts will be taken from Sξbawayhi’s al-Kitβb (8th century) and from Zamaxπarξ’s Kitβb al-Mufaṣṣal (12th century) and Ibn Yaʿξπ’s commentary (13th century). Among the topics to be discussed: verb complements, auxiliary verbs, the nominal sentence and conditional sentences. Special attention will be given to developments in theory and grammatical terminology throughout the years.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ριτεψϊ ςψαιϊ αιωψΰμ (06313423)
ρξιπψ ϊεΰψ ψΰωεο
τψετ` ξηξεγ βπΰιν
δξθψδ ωμ δρξιπψ διΰ μαηεο ΰϊ δριτεψϊ δτμρθιπιϊ ωπλϊαδ ς"ι ρετψιν ςψαιιν μΰηψ χεν δξγιπδ, εΰϊ ξιεηγεϊδ λϊετςδ ρτψεϊιϊ. δθχρθιν ιγβιωε ξΰτιιπιν ξιεηγιν, δο αφεψδ εδο αϊελο, λτι ωδωϊχτε αδϊτϊηεϊν ωμ ζψξιν ρτψεϊιιν ωεπιν αριτεψϊ δςψαιϊ ωπλϊαδ αιωψΰμ μΰεψκ ιεϊψ ξ 60 ωπδ ξΰζ 1948. δχεψρ ιγεο αρεβιεϊ εαϊλπιν ςιχψιιν ΰωψ δεςμε ς"ι ξρτψ ρετψιν. ξδν δξΰτιιπιν δξιεηγιν, δγιμξεϊ, δξεθιαιν δΰϊβψιν ελγ'?
Arabic Fiction in Israel
The purpose of the seminar is to examine Palestinian fiction pro¬duced in Israel after the establishment of the State and its unique characteristics as a literary phenomenon. The texts will highlight these distinc¬tive traits in form and theme as reflected in the evolution of various trends afoot in Arabic narrative fiction written in Israel over sixty years since 1948. The course will study the main problems and themes dealt with by number writers. What are these specific characteristics, dilemmas, motifs, challenges etc.?
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ρτψι ξρςεϊ ξιξδ"α (06313424)
ρξιπψ ϊεΰψ ψΰωεο
γ"ψ χξιμδ ΰγπβ
χεψρ ζδ γο αρτψι ξρςεϊ (ψημδ) ωπλϊαε ς"ι ξηαψιν ξΰμ-ΰπγμερ εφτεο ΰτψιχδ, αιπιδν ΰαε αλψ ΰαο ΰμ-ςψαι (ξϊ 1148 μρδ"π), ΰαο β'αιιψ (ξϊ 1217 μρδ"π), ΰμ-ςαγψι (λϊα 1289 μρδ"π) εΰαο αθεθδ (ξϊ 1368μρδ"π). πςψεκ δωεεΰδ αιο δξθψεϊ, δξρμεμιν, δηεειεϊ ερβπεο δλϊιαδ ωμ δξηαψιν δωεπιν. λξε λο παηο ΰϊ δςψκ ωμ δθχρθιν δπγεπιν μλϊιαϊ δδιρθεψιδ δηαψϊιϊ, δγϊιϊ εδτεμιθιϊ.
Travel Accounts in the Middle Ages
This course deals with travel accounts by Andalusian and North African authors such as Abu Bakr b. al-'Arabi (d. 1148 CE), Ibn Jubayr (d. 1217 CE), al-'Abdari (wrote 1289 CE) and Ibn Battuta (d. 1368). The goals, itineraries, experiences and literary styles of the different authors will be compared, and the question of the value of these texts for writing social, religious and political history will be considered.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
γξεϊ δπαιΰ ξεηξγ αχεψΰο εατψωπεϊε (06313425)
ρξιπψ ϊεΰψ ψΰωεο
τψετ` ΰεψι ψεαιο
ξθψϊ δρξιπψ διΰ μςξεγ ςμ γξεϊε εηιιε ωμ δπαιΰ ξεηξγ λτι ωδν πϊτριν αςιπι δξερμξιν μγεψεϊιδν. μων λκ ιιμξγε θχρθιν ξϊεκ δχεψΰο, τψωπεϊ δχεψΰο (ϊτριψ), ελο βν ξο δαιεβψτιεϊ ωμ δπαιΰ (ριψδ), ξρτψεϊ δξρεψεϊ (ηγιϊ') εξρτψεϊ δδιρθεψιεβψτιδ (ϊΰψιη'). δθχρθιν ιιχψΰε αφξεγ μαιαμιεβψτιδ (ςαψιϊ εμεςζιϊ) δχωεψδ μλμ ςπιιο εςπιιο.
τψθιν περτιν ςμ δχεψρ εςμ δδπηιεϊ μμεξγιν αε πιϊο μξφεΰ αΰϊψ δξχεεο (δειψθεΰμ) δξμεεδ ΰϊ δμιξεγ αχεψρ.
The Image of Muhammad in the Quran and its Exegesis
The aim of the course is to study Muhammad’s image and life as perceived by the Muslims through the ages. The texts that will be read for this purpose are gleaned from the Qur'an, Qur'an exegesis (tafsir), as well as from Muhammad’s biography (sira), Islamic Tradition (ḥadith) and historiography (tarikh). The texts will be read along with Hebrew and English bibliography relevant to the topic discussed. More information about this course, its themes and selected bibliography, are available at the virtual on-line site of the course.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ςιεπι αςψαιϊ-αιπεπιϊ εαςψαιϊ-ιδεγιϊ (06314002)
ρξιπψ ϊεΰψ ωπι
τψετ` πΰρψ αρμ
Studies in Middle-Arabic and Judeo-Arabic
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ρεβιεϊ αμωεο δρτψεϊ (06314143)
ρξιπψ ωπϊι μϊεΰψ ωπι
τψετ` ξηξεγ βπΰιν
δξθψδ ωμ δχεψρ διΰ μςξεγ ςμ δωιπειιν ωημε αϊτιρϊ μωεο δρτψεϊ ςν δετςϊν ωμ δζ'ΰπψιν δηγωιν αρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ δηγωδ. δχεψρ ιαμιθ ημχ ξδωιπειιν δΰμδ γψκ χψιΰδ ωμ θχρθιν ξζ'ΰπψιν ξβεεπιν.
Problems in the Language of Literature
The aim of the course is to explore changes in the concepts of literary language after the emergence of new genres in modern Arabic literature. Through reading a number of texts, the course will highlight some of these shifts in different genres.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ρξιπψ ξημχϊι (06314147)
ξψφιν ωεπιν
αρξιπψ δξημχϊι πιϊπεϊ δψφΰεϊ αϊηεν δωτδ, δρτψεϊ εδϊψαεϊ δςψαιϊ ςμ ιγι ηεχψιν ξΰεπιαψριθΰεϊ ωεπεϊ. δξτβωιν ξϊχιιξιν ΰηϊ μωμεωδ ωαεςεϊ επεληιν αδν ξεψι εϊμξιγι δηεβ. ηεαϊ πεληεϊ ημδ ςμ ϊμξιγι δϊεΰψ δωπι.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δειλεη ΰεγεϊ δχψιΰδ δπλεπδ ωμ δχεψΰο (06314154)
ρξιπψ ϊεΰψ ωπι
γ"ψ χξιμδ ΰγπβ
δχεψρ γο αειλεηιν ωδϊπδμε αςψΰχ αξΰεϊ δ-4 / 10 ΰεγεϊ δγψλιν δπλεπεϊ μχψεΰ ΰϊ δχεψΰο, εαξΰξφιν ωμ ΰαο ξβ'ΰδγ μςχεψ λμ χψιΰδ δηεψβϊ ξδθχρθ δχΰπεπι ωμ ςεϊ'ξΰο.
The controversy over the correct reading of the Quran
This course deals with the discussions that took place in 4th/10th century Iraq about the correct and acceptable ways to read the Qur'an and the efforts of Ibn Mujahid to stamp out uncanonical variants.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δλςαδ εδηβ` αξρεψϊ δΰρμΰν (06314155)
ρξιπψ ϊεΰψ ωπι
τψετ` ΰεψι ψεαιο
ξθψϊ δχεψρ διΰ μδΰιψ διαθιν ξψλζιιν αϊεμγεϊ ψςιεο δςμιιδ μψβμ αΰρμΰν δχγεν εξςξγδ ωμ ξλδ εδλςαδ. δθχρθιν δςψαιιν ωιιμξγε μφεψκ ζδ δν ξϊεκ δχεψΰο, τψωπεϊ δχεψΰο, ελο ξϊεκ ξαηψ ξχεψεϊ ςψαιιν περτιν δξεχγωιν μπεωΰ δςμιιδ μψβμ εμχγεωϊδ ωμ δςιψ ξλδ. δθχρθιν ιιχψΰε αφξεγ μαιαμιεβψτιδ (ςαψιϊ εμεςζιϊ) δχωεψδ μλμ ςπιιο εςπιιο.
τψθιν περτιν ςμ δχεψρ εςμ δδπηιεϊ μμεξγιν αε πιϊο μξφεΰ αΰϊψ δξχεεο (δειψθεΰμ) δξμεεδ ΰϊ δμιξεγ αχεψρ.
The Ka'ba and the hajj in the Islamic Tradition
The aim of this course is to study major aspects of the Islamic idea of pilgrimage and the sacred status of Mecca and the Ka’ba. The Arabic texts that will be read for this purpose are gleaned from the Qur’an, Qur’an exegesis, as well as from a selection of additional Arabic sources dealing with the pilgrimage and the sacredness of Mecca. The texts will be read along with Hebrew and English bibliography relevant to the topic discussed. More information about this course, its themes and selected bibliography, are available at the virtual on-line site of the course.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ρεβιεϊ αϊιΰεψιδ δγχγεχιϊ δςψαιϊ ωμ ιξδ"α (06314157)
ρξιπψ μϊεΰψ ωπι
τψετ` ιωι τμγ
πγεο αωεψδ ωμ ρεβιεϊ δχωεψεϊ αϊιΰεψιϊ δ"ςξμ". ιεων γβω ςμ αςιεϊ ωδφιαε ϊετςεϊ ωεπεϊ αωτδ μϊιΰεψιδ ζε εςμ γψλιν ωεπεϊ ωδεφςε ςμ ιγι ξγχγχιν ωεπιν μτϊψεο αςιεϊ ΰμδ. ωπι ξεωβι ιρεγ ωιιγεπε αρξιπψ: δ"ΰαϊγΰΰ'" ε"πεΰρη' ΰμΰαϊγΰΰ'".
Issues in medieval Arabic grammatical theory
Selected issues related to the theory of ʿamal will be discussed. Special attention will be given to theoretical problems posed by certain syntactical phenomena, and to various solution proposed by the grammarians to those problems. Two fundamental concepts to be discussed in the seminar: the ibtidβʾ and nawβsix al-ibtidβ.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ξαεΰ μρτψεϊ ιμγιν εϊψαεϊ διμγ (06621013)
γ"ψ ιςμ γψ
ωμΰ λθχρθιν ΰξπεϊιιν ΰηψιν, ρτψεϊ διμγιν διΰ λμι αιθει φςιψ ξΰεγ: βιμδ λξΰϊιιν ωπδ αρκ δλεμ. αξδμκ δχεψρ παψψ ξδν δϊπΰιν δηαψϊιιν εδϊψαεϊιιν ωδεαμε μδαωμϊε ωμ ςψευ αιθει αιο-γεψι ιιηεγι ζδ, επαηο ΰϊ δϊξεψεϊ δτεΰθιεϊ ωημε αε αξδμκ ωϊι δξΰεϊ, λημχ ξδϊξεψεϊ ωημε αϊψαεϊ δξςψα αλμμ εαϊψαεϊ διμγ ατψθ.
αχεψρ πϊεεγς μΰψας γιρφιτμιπεϊ ωεπεϊ ωψεΰεϊ αρτψεϊ διμγιν ΰεαιιχθ ξηχψ: γιρφιτμιπϊ δηιπεκ, δξεφΰϊ αρτψεϊ διμγιν τεθπφιΰμ ηιπελι εμιξεγι εδςρεχδ αξιφει "ξρψιν" ε"ςψλιν" ξϊεκ δθχρθιν; δρτψεϊ διτδ δαεηπϊ ΰϊ ρτψεϊ διμγιν ςμ τι χψιθψιεπιν ΰρϊθιιν εδξπρδ μπρη ΰτιεπιν τεΰθιιν δξιιηγιν ΰεϊδ ξρτψεϊ δξαεβψιν εμαηεο ΰϊ ξβεεο δζιχεϊ αιο ωϊι δρτψειεϊ; δτριλεμεβιδ, δψεΰδ αδ ξχεψ μριες αϊδμιλιν πτωιιν αχψα δχεψΰιν δφςιψιν ελμι ιςιμ μδηφπϊ ψβωεϊ, ϊρλεμιν εξΰεειιν, ελο ΰξφςι αιθει μϊδμιλιν πτωιιν δξϊψηωιν αχψα δξαεβψιν ααεΰν μλϊεα εμχψεΰ μιμγιν; εξηχψ δϊψαεϊ δαεηο ΰϊ ρτψεϊ διμγιν λΰξφςι αιθει αιο-γεψι δξωχσ ϊετςεϊ ξψλζιεϊ αηαψδ εαϊψαεϊ. αχεψρ πωιν γβω ξιεηγ ςμ δδιαθ δϊψαεϊι, επαηο ΰϊ ξχεξδ εξςξγδ δξωϊπδ ωμ ρτψεϊ διμγιν αϊψαεϊ αλμμ εαϊψαεϊ διμγ ατψθ.
αξδμκ δχεψρ πχψΰ θχρθιν δςερχιν αρτψεϊ διμγιν εαϊψαεϊ διμγ ξτψρτχθιαεϊ ξϊεγιεϊ ωεπεϊ, επϊεεγς ΰμ ξβεεο βγεμ ωμ ρτψι ιμγιν ξδΰψυ εδςεμν ωπλϊαε αξδμκ ωϊι δξΰεϊ.
Introduction to Poetics of Children's Literature and Child Culture
Course Description:
When was the modern child born and what was written for him? What happened to Llittle Red Riding Hood on her way from the 17th century to the 21st? Why did Lewis Carroll write three versions of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland? To whom does children's literature cater? Who doed children's literature differ from literature written for adults? How does modern psychology affect children's literature? How does Post Modernity affect texts for children?
These interdisciplinary cultural questions and others will be discussed in this introductory course.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
τξιπιζν ξαςγ μψςμδ-διμλε ωπιδν ιηγιε αμϊι ΰν πεςγε? (06622037)
γ"ψ ξιψδ φεψσ
δχεψρ ιςρεχ αξΰαχο ωμ πωιν ξερμξιεϊ μωιτεψ ϊπΰι ηιιδο αξγιπεϊ δςψαιεϊ εδΰρμΰξιεϊ αξζψη-δϊιλεο εαξγιπϊ ιωψΰμ. αξεαηο ξο δξΰαχ δτξιπιρθι ωδϊπδμ αξςψα αξχψιν ωμτπιπε ξγεαψ απωιν δπΰαχεϊ μδωβϊ ηιψειεϊιδο λωδο ψςεμεϊ εαϊεκ δξρβψεϊ δγϊιεϊ λωμθςπϊο δψςμδ ξδεεδ ςαεψο ρξξο μςεφξδ εμΰ μηεμωδ. δο ξφδιψεϊ ςμ ςφξο γϊιεϊ ελΰμδ δξχτιγεϊ μχιιν ΰϊ ξφεεϊ δγϊ εαχιΰεϊ αλϊαι δχεγω, αδμλδ εαξωτθ δΰρμΰξιιν. διγς δγϊι εδδμλϊι ξΰτωψ μπωιν δμμε μδγεσ ΰϊ θιςεπιδ ωμ δτθψιΰψλμιδ δγϊιϊ , δηαψϊιϊ εδτεμιθιϊ δξαχωϊ μχας ΰϊ ξςξγο δπηεϊ αξωτηδ εαηαψδ. πωιν ΰμδ πημε δφμηεϊ μΰ ξαεθμεϊ λωδαεμθϊ ωαδο διΰ δΰιρεψ ςμ ξιμϊ πωιν δξβεαδ δο ς"ι ΰπωι δγϊ εδο ς"ι δξιξργ δψτεΰι, εξιπειιο ωμ πωιν μωετθεϊ εμψωξεϊ πιωεΰιο, ξιωψεϊ ωδιε ωξεψεϊ ΰχρμεριδιϊ μβαψιν αμαγ. δχεψρ ιϊξχγ αξΰαχο ωμ πωιν ΰμδ αξφψιν, ςψα δρςεγιϊ, ϊεψλιδ, δψωεϊ δτμρθιπιϊ, ελο αξΰαχο ωμ πωιν ςψαιεϊ ειδεγιεϊ ΰζψηιεϊ ξγιπϊ ιωψΰμ.
γψιωεϊ δχεψρ εξψλιαι δφιεο: δφιεο δρετι αχεψρ ιδιδ ξεψλα ξςαεγϊ ϊψβιμ (ψωεϊ) ΰωψ ςψλδ διπε 5% ξλμμ δφιεο δρετι. δωϊϊτεϊ ΰχθιαιϊ αωιςεψιν εαγιεπιν δξϊπδμιν αδν ωξωχμδ αφιεο δρετι ΰσ δεΰ 5% εαηιπϊ αιϊ ξρλξϊ ωςψλδ 90% ξο δφιεο.
Feminism beyond the Veil-Can the two Co-exist?
Dr. Mira Tzoreff
The course focuses on the struggle of Muslim Women in both several Arab countries (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the Palestinian Authority) and among Israeli Arab and Jewish women, as well as in Europe, to improve their life conditions and their legal status as equal citizens.
Their struggle was and remains completely different from that of Western feminists since we are dealing here with religious women who use the religious knowledge they acquired and the unique interpretation they give to the Holy Scriptures as a means to empower themselves in both family and society. Through this knowledge they are able to challenge the patriarchal political religious and social establishment that uses the scriptures to reinforce their own status and, simultaneously, weaken that of women. By giving a voice and a space to these religious and veiled women we will try to deconstruct the binary approach between religion and feminism in the Middle East.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
διιωεα διδεγι αααμ ξψΰωιϊ δλιαεω δξερμξι ςγ πτιμϊ αβγΰγ (1258-638) (06771093)
τψετ` ιεψν ΰψγψ
δλιαεω δξερμξι ηιρμ ΰϊ δΰιξτψιδ δτψριϊ δρΰρπιϊ ωωμθδ αααμ εατψρ. ςν δλιαεω δξερμξι πτϊηϊ αααμ ϊχετϊ δβΰεπιν αδιρθεψιδ διδεγιϊ. δαεμθ ξαιο βΰεπι ααμ διδ μμΰ ρτχ ρςγιδ βΰεο, ωαηωιαεϊε πγεο. αξρβψϊ ωιςεψ ζδ ιςμε δπεωΰιν δαΰιν: ϊεμγεϊ διωιαεϊ, ϊεμγεϊ ψΰωεϊ δβεμδ, δωτςϊ δϊψαεϊ διδεγιϊ ςμ δΰρμΰν εδωτςϊ δϊψαεϊ δξερμξιϊ ςμ διδγεϊ. φξιηϊ δϊπεςδ δχψΰιϊ αααμ εατψρ.
The Jewish Population in Babylonia from the Muslim Conquest until the Fall of the Abbasid Chaliphate
The Muslim conquest destroyed the Persian Sasanid Empire that had ruled Persia and Babylonia. Under the Persians a very important Jewish center had existed. The Babylonian Talmud is a witness for its importance. The Muslim conquest opened a new area in the Jewish history in Babylonia, the Gaonate period. The most important Gaon was Saadia Gaon, and we shall discuss his importance. In this lesson we shall study the history of the yeshivot, the history of the exilarch, the rivalry between Palestine and Babylonia, the Karaite movement that was created at that time, and the cultural influence of Islam on Judaism.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ρτψεϊ εΰι ξερψιεϊ (06802052)
βα` ϊξψ ςξιΰμ δΰεζψ
δχεψρ ιςρεχ αιηριν δξεψλαιν ωαιο ρτψεϊ εαιχεψϊ δρτψεϊ μαιο ξερψ εξηωαδ ΰϊιϊ – πςξεγ ςμ δδωϊμωμεϊ δδιρθεψιϊ ωμ ιηριν ΰμδ, ξδαιχεψϊ ωμ ΰτμθεο ςμ δλεη δξωηιϊ ωμ δΰξπεϊ εςγ μςξγεϊ ξβεεπεϊ ωδετιςε αξΰδ δςωψιν (ξψϊδ περαΰεν, εειο αεϊ', ζ'ΰχ γψιγδ εΰηψιν). απερσ μχψιΰϊ θχρθιν ϊιΰεψθιιν παηο ΰϊ δδιαθιν δωεπιν ωμ ιηρι ρτψεϊ εΰϊιχδ αξβεεο ιφιψεϊ ρτψεϊ.
γψιωεϊ δχεψρ: ςαεγϊ ριεν
The course discusses the complex relationships between literature and ethics, as they appear in philosophical thought and in literary theory: from Plato rejection of poetry through diverse 20th century approaches to the (im)morality of the poetic discourse. We read texts by Martha Nussbaum, Alasdair MacIntyre, Emmanuel Levinas, Derek Attridge, Carol Gilligan, Wayne Booth, Jacque Derrida and others. The theoretical reading is accompanied by discussion of several literary works.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ξςψαιν μτμρθιπιν: ξΰαχ αιο ρθψιεθιτιν αριτεψϊ διωψΰμιϊ (06803018)
γ"ψ ιεηΰι ΰετπδιιξψ
δωΰμεϊ δξψλζιεϊ ωιγεπε αξδμκ δχεψρ δο:
- ξδε "ΰεψιιπθμιζν" εΰιμε ρθψιεθιτιν δεΰ ιεφψ αιηρ μςψαιν? ξϊι πεφψ δρθψιεθιτ αιηρ μςψαιν αριτεψϊ δςαψιϊ? δΰν αϊχετϊ διωεα διε ρθψιεθιτιν ωεπιν εξϊηψιν?
- ξδ δωιπει ωςαψε ρθψιεθιτιν ΰμδ ςν δξςαψ ξιωεα μξγιπδ? δΰν δριτεψϊ ωμ ξμηξϊ δςφξΰεϊ διΰ δξωκ ωμ ριτεψϊ ϊχετϊ διωεα?
- αΰιζε ξιγδ δλωιψε ρετψι γεψ δξγιπδ ΰϊ ωιπει ιιφεβ δςψαι εδλψδ αζδεϊε δτμρθιπιϊ? ξδ δχωψ αιο ςξγεϊ ΰιγιΰεμεβιεϊ μαιο πεψξεϊ ρτψεϊιεϊ?
- ξδ δϊξεψδ ωςαψδ δζδεϊ δτμρθιπιϊ αωπεϊ δωξεπιν εδϊωςιν (ξμηξϊ μαπεο εδΰιπϊιτΰγδ) λτι ωδιΰ αΰδ μιγι αιθει αριτεψϊ?
- δΰν ιιφεβν ωμ ςψαιν αριτεψϊ ωπλϊαδ ςμ ιγι ςψαιν δφιςδ ρθψιεθιτ ωεπδ? λπ"μ αιηρ μριτεψϊ ωπλϊαδ αιγι ρετψιν ξζψηιν.
ηεαεϊ δχεψρ: πεληεϊ αωιςεψιν, χψιΰδ ωμ ριτεψϊ εθχρθιν ξηχψιιν, ςαεγϊ ριλεν.
From Arabs to Palestinians: Orientalism in Hebrew Literature -
This course focuses on the representation of Palestinians in Hebrew and Israeli fiction. It regards the Orientalistic narrative which was dominant in Hebrew fiction and the ongoing shifts and changes this narrative underwent till the present.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δγψξδ ωμ δδϊχαμεϊ (06805048)
γ"ψ ιςμ μαεΰ
λμ ιφιψδ ηγωδ πΰαχϊ ςμ ϊωεξϊ μα ϊψαεϊιϊ. διΰ ιλεμδ μςεψψ ΰτχθ ψβωι λδϊςμεϊ, γηιιδ, δρϊιιβεϊ ΰε ΰξαιεεμπθιεϊ. πεωΰ δδϊχαμεϊ ξςμδ ωΰμεϊ ψαεϊ ςμ φιτιεϊ χεψΰιν, ςμ πεψξεϊ εωαιψϊο, ςμ ϊτχιγδ ωμ δαιχεψϊ αϊδμικ εςεγ. δχεψρ ιςρεχ αγψξδ ωμ δδϊχαμεϊ ωμ ιεφψιν αϊιΰθψεο. παηο ΰρθψθβιεϊ ωμ αιχεψϊ επγεο αϊψεξϊν ωμ ιεφψιν ωεπιν μϊδμιλι δϊχαμεϊν αλμμ εμβιαεω γιξειιν δαιχεψϊι ατψθ.
αξδμκ δχεψρ πγεο αξρτψ ξχψι ξαηο ρτφιτιιν ελο αγεβξΰεϊ (ξο δϊιΰθψεο δαψιθι, δΰξψιχπι ΰε διωψΰμι) ωιφιβε δρθεγπθιν αδϊαρρ ςμ αγιχϊ ξχψι ξαηο περτιν.
ηεαεϊ δχεψρ:χψιΰϊ ξρτψ ξΰξψιν αξδμκ δχεψρ, δφβϊ ψτψθ δξαερρ ςμ αγιχϊ
The seminar deals with the drama of reception of theatre creators. We will examine the critics' role and strategies in the reception processes of theatre creators as well as the playwrights' own contributions to the shaping of their reception and their critical image. We will discuss a number of specific test cases from the British theatre, American theatre and Israeli theatre.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
τριλεΰπμιζδ ερτψεϊ (06805054)
γ"ψ ΰιψιρ ξιμπψ
ρξιπψ μϊμξιγιν ξϊχγξιν, αςμι δλψεϊ χεγξϊ ςν ρεβιεϊ ιρεγ αϊιΰεψιδ δτριλεΰπμιθιϊ αδχωψ ωμ ξγςι δψεη. αρξιπψ ιιγεπε αε ρεβιεϊ ξψλζιεϊ ααιχεψϊ τριλεΰπμιθιϊ ωμ ρτψεϊ, εαδο ιιφεβ θχρθεΰμι τψτεψξθιαι ωμ ξφαιν τερθ θψΰεξθιιν, δτεΰθιχδ εδτεμιθιχδ ωμ ιιφεβι δξΰειν, διρθψιδ επψφιριζν.
γψιωεϊ χγν: χεψρ ξαεΰι αϊηεν δτριλεΰπμιζδ αξγςι δψεη
An advanced seminar, offered for graduate students with previous acquaintance with psychoanalytic theory within the domain of cultural studies. The seminar will present models of psychoanalytic literary criticism and will involve the students in a critical discussion of them. Lessons will be arranged around readings of some prominent, post-Freudian papers on issues such as textualization of trauma, narcissism, hysteria and the uncanny.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ϊαπιϊ δξρτψ εγψλι δϊχωεψϊ ααιγιεο (06805114)
γ"ψ ϊξψ ιςχαι
- ξςξγε ωμ δξρτψ αιηρ μξωϊϊτιν δΰηψιν αΰχθ δϊχωεψϊ δριτεψι (δξηαψ, δχεψΰιν εδγξειεϊ), ϊεκ δϊξχγεϊ αωΰμεϊ ωμ ιγιςδ εξδιξπεϊ. πχψΰ ριτεψιν ωεπιν, αςαψιϊ εαΰπβμιϊ, αιπιδν "ρεπθϊ χψειφψ" ωμ θεμρθει, εξρτψ ξΰξψιν.
- γψιωεϊ: μδφιβ ΰϊ ΰηγ δξΰξψιν εςαεγϊ ψτψΰθ. δξςεπιιπιν ιτϊηε ΰϊ δςαεγδ μρξιπΰψιεο
. Our goal is to understand what how a narrator in fiction can become unreliable. For this purpose, we'll juxtapose the narrator with the other central participants in the narrative act of communication (the author, the readers, the fictive agents). The main topics of discussion include: the narrator's ontology; his/her sources of information (omniscience vs. limited knowledge); various theoretical notions of fictional (un)reliability; and the narrator's orientation to (or awareness of) the addressee(s). The bibliography includes theoretical papers, short stories and poems (especially dramatic monologues).
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ξαεΰ μαμωπεϊ ωξιϊ (06901301)
τψετ` ωμξδ ιζψςΰμ
ξαεΰ μαμωπεϊ ωξιϊ
πτϊη αωΰμεϊ: ξδι μωεο; ξδ ηωιαεϊ δμωεο λλμι αριρι μχιεν δϊχωεψϊ δΰπεωιϊ; ξδι αμωπεϊ; ξδν δλμιν δπϊεπιν μπε μμιξεγ δμωεο; ξδι ξωτηϊ μωεπεϊ; ξδι μωεο ωξιϊ. πγεο βν απεωΰιν λβεο: γξιεο εωεπι αιο μωεπεϊ; ξωτηϊ μωεπεϊ, τψεθε-ωτδ εμωεπεϊ ΰηιεϊ; ξαπι μωεο ξιεηγιν εξΰτιιπιν μμωεπεϊ δωξιεϊ. γβω ιεων ςμ ξεπηιν εξεωβιν αριριιν ααμωπεϊ αλμμ εααμωπεϊ δωξιϊ ατψθ .μΰηψ ξλο πςρεχ αωπι ςπτι ςιεο ωμ δαμωπεϊ δωξιϊ: δτεπεμεβιδ εδξεψτεμεβιδ.
τεπεμεβιδ, ΰε ϊεψϊ δδβδ, δεΰ δςπσ δςερχ αδβΰι δμωεο εϊτχεγν. ιιγεπε ςιχψι δϊεψδ δτεπεμεβιϊ ωμ ξωτηϊ δμωεπεϊ δωξιεϊ ειιαγχε ιρεγεϊ μδωεεΰδ διρθεψιϊ αιο δξςψλεϊ ωμ δμωεπεϊ δωεπεϊ.
ξεψτεμεβιδ, ΰε ϊεψϊ δφεψεϊ, ςερχϊ αιηιγεϊ δαριριεϊ ωαμωεο ωπεωΰεϊ ξωξςεϊ. πγεο αξςψλεϊ δξεψτεμεβιεϊ δωεπεϊ αμωεπεϊ δωξιεϊ: λιπειιν; ων-δςφν; δτεςμ ςμ ξαηψ φεψεϊιε, λεμμ πθιιδ μτι βετιν, ξςψλϊ δαπιιπιν, ζξπιν εΰρτχθιν, γψλι δτεςμ. παγεχ ΰϊ γψλι δαπιιδ ωμ δξιμιν αμωεπεϊ δωξιεϊ.
Introduction to Semitic Linguistics
The course opens with basic questions about language and its function as a basic tool for human communication, as well as with determining what is linguistics, the study of language. Continuing with the dichotomy between synchronic and diachronic linguistics, we shall then proceed to issues such as language families and the notion of proto-language, following by the study of the Semitic languages family and the Semitic languages. We shall deal with issues such as differences and resemblance between languages, the study of individual languages and comparison between languages, typology and genetic relationship, and the application of these issues to the study of Semitic lamguages.
We shall mainly deal with phonetics, phonology and morphology, touching upon syntax at its basics, mainly as related to morphology. A survey of phonological structures and morphological structures of Semitic languages and the comparison between them is our main concern in this course.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ΰιο.
δςψεϊ: ξθμϊ ριεν-αηιπδ.
δμωεο δςαψιϊ μϊχετεϊιδ (06901400)
γ"ψ ηιιν λδο
χεψρ ζδ ρεχψ ΰϊ δμωεο δςαψιϊ μϊχετεϊιδ δωεπεϊ ξιξιδ δξεχγξιν αιεϊψ εςγ μιξιπε. ξεφβιν αδ τπιδΘ δωεπεϊ ωμ δμωεο δςαψιϊ μΰεψκ ϊεμγεϊιδ – ϊχετϊ δξχψΰ, ιξι δαιϊ δωπι (μωεο ηζ"μ εδϊμξεγιν εμωεο ξβιμεϊ ξγαψ ιδεγδ), δτιεθ εδωιψδ δςαψιϊ, δςαψιϊ ωαφμδ ωμ δςψαιϊ, μωεο δρτψεϊ δψαπιϊ δχγεξδ εδξΰεηψϊ, μωεο ϊχετϊ δδωλμδ εμωεπδ ωμ δρτψεϊ δςαψιϊ δηγωδ. δρχιψδ ξβιςδ αρετδ ΰμ δςαψιϊ αϊ ιξιπε εξΰιψδ ΰϊ δϊετςδ δτμΰιϊ ωμ ϊηιιϊ δμωεο δςαψιϊ αγιαεψ τδ λημχ ξο δξςωδ δφιεπι εΰϊ διεϊδ μμωεο ηιδ εξεγψπιϊ, δξωξωϊ μλμ φεψλι δηιιν, εδξγεαψϊ αιξιπε ατιδν ωμ μξςμδ ξηξιωδ ξιμιεο ΰιω.
The History of the Hebrew Language
This course surveys the Hebrew language over its various periods from its earliest days to the present. The different faces of the Hebrew tongue over the annals of its history are presented – from the biblical era, through the period of the Second Temple (the grammar of Mishnaic Hebrew, the Talmuds and the Judean Desert Scrolls), Hebrew Piyyut and poetry, Hebrew in the shadow of Arabic, the grammar of early and late Rabbinic literature, the grammar of the Enlightenment and the language of the new Hebrew literature. The survey ultimately reaches contemporary Hebrew and sheds light on the wondrous phenomenon of the rebirth of the Hebrew tongue in spoken word as part of the Zionist endeavor and the transformation of Hebrew into a live and modern language used for all aspects of life, spoken these days by over five million people.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δςψεϊ: πεληεϊ ηεαδ. ξθμϊ ριεν-αηιπδ. δχεψρ ιλεμ μωξω λχεψρ αηιψδ μλμμ ϊμξιγι δΰεπιαψριθδ.
δμωεο δςαψιϊ μϊχετεϊιδ (06901401)
γ"ψ ψςιδ ηζεο
δϊψβιμ ξμεεδ ΰϊ δωιςεψ "δμωεο δςαψιϊ μϊχετεϊιδ" εξωμιν ΰεϊε αΰξφςεϊ χψιΰδ εςιεο αθχρθιν ςαψιιν δξφιβιν ΰϊ τπιδ δξβεεπεϊ ωμ δςαψιϊ λτι ωπϊβαωε αξδμκ δγεψεϊ – λϊεαεϊ ςαψιεϊ ξϊχετϊ δξχψΰ (δλϊεαεϊ αλϊα δςαψι δςϊιχ), χθςιν ξρτψεϊ ηζ"μ, ξρτψεϊ δξηωαδ ωμ ιξι δαιπιιν (δςαψιϊ αφμδ ωμ δςψαιϊ) εξρτψεϊ δδωλμδ εδϊηιιδ. λο ςερχ δχεψρ αχψιΰδ ξεπηιϊ ωμ ξΰξψιν ξγςιιν δπεβςιν απεωΰιν δξεςμιν αωιςεψ.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δςψεϊ: πεληεϊ ηεαδ. ξθμϊ ριεν-αηιπδ.
ξαεΰ μξηωαϊ ηζ"μ (06901902)
τψετ` βγςεο αεδχ
ξηωαϊ ηζ"μ φξηδ ξϊεκ δϊριρδ δϊψαεϊιϊ ωμ ιξι δαιϊ δωπι εδωιπειιν δξτμιβιν ωημε αςν διδεγι αςχαεϊ δηεψαο. αχεψρ ζδ πςχεα ΰηψ δϊτϊηεϊδ ωμ δϊψαεϊ δψεηπιϊ διδεγιϊ ξιξι αιϊ ωπι μςεμξν ωμ ηζ"μ.πμξγ μδλιψ εμχψεΰ ΰϊ δρτψεϊ δςπτδ αδ αΰδ ϊψαεϊ ζε μιγι αιθει, εΰϊ ωιθεϊ δξηχψ δξεγψπι αϊηεν ζδ. αξδμκ δχεψρ πρχεψ ΰϊ ςιχψι ξωπϊν ωμ ηζ"μ αϊηεξιν λβεο δμλδ εΰβγδ, διηρ μδιρθεψιδ, διηρ μϊψαειεϊ ζψεϊ εμβειιν, διηρ μπωιν, ϊτιρϊ δΰμ, ωλψ εςεπω, δλιωεσ εδπρ, ξωιηιεϊ εβΰεμδ, αηιψϊ ςν ιωψΰμ, ξςξγν ωμ ηλξιν, ελε'. ηεξψ δχψιΰδ ιεψλα ξξχεψεϊ ψΰωεπιιν (ξωπδ εϊερτϊΰ, ϊμξεγιν, ξγψωιν) εξηχψιν ξεγψπιιν (ξΰξψιν ετψχιν ξϊεκ ρτψιν). αξδμκ δχεψρ ϊδιιπδ ςαεγεϊ ριλεν χφψεϊ, εαρετε αηιπδ.
An Introduction to Rabbinic Culture
Prof. Gideon Bohak
Rabbinic culture grew out of the cultural ferment of the Second Temple period and the profound changes in Jewish society after the destruction of 70 CE. In this course, we shall trace the development of Jewish culture from the Second Temple period to the rabbinic period. We shall learn to read the extensive rabbinic literature, and get to know the main types of modern scholarship in this field. We shall also survey the Sages' views on such issues as Halakha and Aggada, their attitudes towards history, their attitudes towards other cultures and towards Gentiles, their views of women, their understanding of God, of ewards and punishments, magic and miracle, messianism and redemption,the election of Israel, the status of the Sages themselves, and so on.
The reading materials will consist of primary sources (Mishna, Tosephta, Talmudim, Midrashim) and modern scholarship (papers, and chapters from books).
Course obligations will include short summaries during the course, and a final exam.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δςψεϊ: ξθμϊ ριεν-αηιπδ.
ξαεΰ μτψωπεϊ δξχψΰ αιξι δαιπιιν:ζψιν εδϊτϊηειεϊ (06902212)
τψετ` ξΰιψδ τεμιΰχ
τψωπεϊ δξχψΰ διδεγιϊ ζλϊδ μτψιηδ ξηεγωϊ αιξι δαιπιιν, αξιεηγ αξΰεϊ δ-10 ςγ δ-13. ϊψξε μλκ δϊτϊηειεϊ ωεπεϊ, λβεο ςμιιϊ δΰεψιιπεϊ αχψα διδεγιν εηωιτϊν μδωτςϊ δϊψαειεϊ δξΰψηεϊ: ζε δπεφψιϊ – αΰψφεϊ ξψλζ ΰιψετδ εααιζπθιεο, εζε δξερμξιϊ – αΰψφεϊ δΰρμΰν, λεμμ ρτψγ. δχεψρ ξφις ρχιψδ ςπτδ ωμ δζψξιν δτψωπιιν δξβεεπιν εδΰρλεμεϊ δηγωεϊ ωπεφψε αςιγο ζδ, ϊεκ μιαεο δχωψ δγιΰλψεπι μγβξιν τψωπιιν ςϊιχιν εδχωψ δριπλψεπι ςν γβξιν ξχαιμιν ατψωπεϊ δπεφψιϊ μξχψΰ εατψωπεϊ δχεψΰο. δχεψρ ιγβιν ξϊεκ δλϊαιν δτψωπιιν διδεγιιν εξϊεκ ξαεΰεϊ ωιθϊιιν ωηεαψε αιγι τψωπι ιξι δαιπιιν ελο ιγβιω ΰϊ δϊτϊηεϊδ ωμ δϊεγςδ δτψωπιϊ αΰρλεμεϊ ωαδν τςμε εΰϊ δδιαθ δξϊεγι ωτιϊηε αδαπϊ δθχρθ δξχψΰι, ϊεκ τπιιδ μχδμ χεψΰιν ηγω. λξε λο πςιιο αδωτςϊν ωμ ψτεψξιρθιν εψγιχμιν, αιφιψϊ ΰρθψθβιεϊ χψιΰδ ηϊψπιεϊ ωμ δξχψΰ, εατπιιδ μχδμιν ηγωιν. ξαιο δΰρλεμεϊ ωιγεπε - ιιπϊο ξχεν ξψλζι μδαπϊ ωιθεϊιδ ωμ δβιωδ δ"μιθψΰμιϊ" (δμωεπιϊ-δδχωψιϊ) λτι ωδιΰ ξωϊχτϊ αλϊαι δτψωπιν απι ΰψφεϊ δΰρμΰν (ψαπιν εχψΰιν), ξηγ, εαπι ΰψφεϊ δπφψεϊ (ηαμ δψιιο), ξΰιγκ, εωμ δβιωδ εδ"τεΰθιϊ" (ρτψεϊιϊ –ψθεψιϊ) ωδϊτϊηδ αςιχψ αρτψγ (δξερμξιϊ εδπεφψιϊ).
Introduction to biblical exegesis in the Middle Ages: streams and developments
Jewish Bible interpretation reached flowered in the Middle Ages, especially between the 10th and 13th centuries. Contributing factors include the rise of literacy among the Jews and their acculturation in Christian and Muslim lands. The course will discuss diachronic developments in the changing of ancient exegetical molds, as well as synchronic developments in the adoption of new exegetical and reading strategies found in the milieu of Christian Bible exegesis and Qur'anic exegesis. Special focus will be given to the "literal" and "poetic" schools of Jewish Bible exegesis, as well as to radical and reformist reading strategies, and the emergence of new audiences. Excerpts from the commentaries and the programmatic introductions of the medieval commentators will serve as source materials in the course.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δςψεϊ: ξθμϊ ριεν-αηιπδ.
δξψηα δμωεπι-ηαψϊι αΰϊιετιδ (06902306)
γ"ψ ΰπαρδ θτψδ
ξθψϊ δχεψρ μδςπιχ ιγς αριρι απεωΰιν δςερχιν αχωψι δωτδ εδηαψδ αΰϊιετιδ. αχεψρ ζδ πλμμιν αιο διϊψ: ριεεβ ωτεϊ αΰϊιετιδ, ωτϊ πωιν, ωτδ ωμ χαεφεϊ ξρειξεϊ, ΰξδψιϊ ξςεψαϊ, ωξεϊ τψθιιν αωτεϊ ωεπεϊ, ελε'.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
Linguistic and Social Space in Ethiopia
Dr. Anbessa Teferra
The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge with subjects related to language and society in Ethiopia. In this course are included among other things:
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δςψεϊ: ξθμϊ ριεν- αηιπδ
ΰϊιετιδ:διρθεψιδ,ωτδ εϊψαεϊ (06902308)
γ"ψ ΰπαρδ θτψδ
ξθψϊ δχεψρ μδςπιχ ιγς αριρι απεωΰιν δςερχιν αχωψι δδιρθεψιδ, δωτδ εδϊψαεϊ ωμ ΰϊιετιδ. αχεψρ ζδ πλμμιν αιο διϊψ: διρθεψιδ χφψδ ωμ ΰϊιετιδ, ριεεβ ωτεϊ αΰϊιετιδ, χεγιν ϊψαεϊιιν,γϊεϊ ωεπεϊ, ϊψαεϊ ηεξψιϊ ωμ ωαθιν ωεπιν, ελε'.
Ethiopia: History, Language, and Culture
Dr. Anbessa Teferra
The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge with subjects related to history, language, and culture in Ethiopia. In this course are included among other things: a brief history of Ethiopia, classification of Ethiopian languages, cultural codes, various religions, material culture of various ethnic groups, etc.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δςψεϊ: ξθμϊ ριεν- αηιπδ.
χψιΰδ αξεψδ παελιν (06902600)
τψετ` ξπην μεψαψαειν
ξθψϊ δωιςεψ μδχπεϊ μϊμξιγιν δλψεϊ ψΰωεπιϊ ειρεγιϊ ςν 'ξεψδ δπαελιν' μψξα"ν λιφιψϊ ξετϊ ωμ ϊιΰεμεβιδ τιμερετιϊ ιδεγιϊ. δωιςεψ ιϊξχγ αχψιΰδ χωεαδ ωμ δθχρθ ςφξε αϊψβεξε δςαψι ωμ ψ' ωξεΰμ ΰαο ϊιαεο. δςιρεχ αρτψ ιωΰ ΰετι ϊξΰθι επςαεψ ξωΰμεϊ ωμ δψξπειθιχδ ετψωπεϊ μωΰμεϊ ωμ ϊιΰμεβιδ τεΰθιϊ εμαρεσ μςιρεχ ΰιπθπριαι αΰετιιδ ωμ ϊεψϊ δΰμεδεϊ ωμ 'ξεψδ δπαελιν'.
Introduction to "The Guide of the Perplexed"
Year long BA
Prof. Menachem Lorberbaum
This course aims to give students a basic knowledge of Maimonides' "Guide of the Perplexed," as a classic work of Jewish philosophical theology. Classes will engage in a careful reading of the text in its Hebrew translation by Samuel In Tibbon. The course will be thematic in character moving from issues of hermeneutics and interpretation to questions of political theology and then move to an intensive discussion of the theology of the Guide.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δςψεϊ: ξθμϊ ριεν- ςαεγδ.
ρεβεϊ (β`ΰπψιν) αξχψΰ εδδιρθεψιδ δτψωπιϊ ωμδν (06904240)
ρξιπψ ξ"ΰ
τψετ` ξΰιψδ τεμιΰχ
δχεψρ ξϊξχγ αρεβεϊ δξχψΰιεϊ ωμ δριτεψ, δωιψδ εδπαεΰδ εαξηχψ δςγλπι ωμ ρεβεϊ ΰμε ξδαηιπεϊ δδιρθεψιεϊ, δψςιεπιεϊ, δρτψεϊιεϊ εδτριλεμεβιεϊ. αδ αςϊ πςιιο βν αδιρθεψιδ δχγν ξεγψπιϊ ωμ τψωπεϊ δρεβεϊ, εαδαγμιν αιηρ μρεβεϊ δωεπεϊ ατψωπεϊ διδεγιϊ αΰψφεϊ δΰρμΰν εαΰψφεϊ δπφψεϊ, εαδωτςϊ ξεγμιν τψωπιιν ωμ δϊψαειεϊ δξΰψηεϊ ςμ δτψωπεϊ διδεγιϊ. θχρθιν παηψιν ιωξωε μχψιΰδ χψεαδ : πςξεγ ςμ ςαεγϊν ωμ δξηαψιν εδςεψλιν δξχψΰιιν, ξηγ, εςμ ΰρθψθβιεϊ χψιΰδ ωεπεϊ ωμ γεψεϊ ωμ χεψΰιν, ξΰιγκ. δφεξϊ ωαιο χψιΰδ ξεγψπιϊ μχγν ξεγψπιϊ αιηρ μρεβεϊ δπ"μ ϊΰτωψ τψρτχθιαδ ϊψαεϊιϊ ψηαδ αΰωψ μϊδμιλι τψωπεϊ εδϊχαμεϊ ωμ δθχρθ δξχψΰι.
The interpretive history of biblical genres
The course focuses on the biblical genres of narrative, poetry and prophecy. It introduces students to the contemporary biblical study of literary, psychological, historical and ideational themes in the modern appreciation of these genres, while also exploring their pre-modern and medieval interpretive history. The selected texts which will be subjected to close readings that exemplify the diverse concerns of the biblical authors and editors, on the one hand, and also stand out, on the other hand, as the generators of a long-standing interpretive history. The crossroads between modern and medieval conceptions of biblical literature will be illuminated so as to widen the students' perspective and appreciation of the cultural world of the interpreter and its affects upon the medieval and modern reading and reception history of the Hebrew Bible.
γψιωεϊ χγν: