ωιξε μα: μεη δαηιπεϊ ιτεψρν αϊηιμϊ ηεγω ρτθξαψ.
δηεβ μαμωπεϊ μωπϊ ϊω"ς
ξαεΰ μαμωπεϊ (06271010)
ξαεΰ ωπδ ΰ`
βα` ιαβπιδ αιψβψ, ξψ μιΰεψ μχρ
δχεψρ ξφιβ ΰϊ ΰτιχι δξηχψ αϊηεν δαμωπεϊ δξεγψπιϊ. αϊηιμϊ δχεψρ πβγιψ ΰϊ δπηεϊ διρεγ ωμ δαμωπεϊ δξεγψπιϊ εΰϊ ξθψεϊιδ. αξδμκ δχεψρ πλιψ ΰϊ ϊηεξι δξηχψ δωεπιν ωδιΰ λεμμϊ: ϊηαιψ δςερχ αξαπδ δξωτθ, ρξπθιχδ - αξωξςεϊ διηιγεϊ ωξψλιαεϊ ΰϊ δξωτθ εξωξςεϊ δξωτθ λεμε, τψβξθιχδ - αξωξςεϊ αιηρ μδχωψ, ξεψτεμεβιδ - αξαπδ δξμδ, τεπεμεβιδ - αξαπδ ξςψλϊ φμιμι δωτδ, αμωπεϊ διρθεψιϊ - αδϊτϊηεϊ δωτδ, εψλιωϊ ωτδ - αΰετο ωαε ιμγιν ψελωιν ΰϊ ωτϊ ΰξν. δρθεγπθιν ιψλωε ιγς ωιΰτωψ μδν μπϊη ϊετςεϊ μωεπιεϊ ωεπεϊ.
Introduction to Linguistics
The course provides an introduction to the scientific study of human languages. Students will be familiarized with the basic research questions of modern Linguistics and with its main fields of research: syntax, which deals with the structure of sentences, semantics – with the meaning of sentence based the meaning of their basic units, pragmatics – meaning in the context, morphology - the structure of words, phonetic and phonology – the structure of the systems of language sounds, historical linguistics – language development and language acquisition – the patterns in which children acquire their mother tongue. Students will acquire knowledge that will allow them to examine different linguistic phenomena.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
τεπεμεβιδ ξϊηιμιν (06271022)
ξαεΰ ωπδ ΰ`
τψετ` ΰεϊι αϊ-ΰμ
δχεψρ ξχπδ λμιν ϊΰεψθιιν ετεψξμιιν μπιϊεη τεπεμεβι αξρβψϊ δϊΰεψιδ δβπψθιαιϊ δρθπγψθιϊ. αξδμκ δχεψρ πςρεχ απιϊεη ϊετςεϊ τεπεμεβιεϊ αωτεϊ ωεπεϊ, εαΰξφςεϊο παηο ΰϊ διγς δμωεπι ωμ γεαψιν μβαι ϊλεπιεϊ, δβδιν, δαψεϊ, δθςξδ ελε'.
ηχψ δωτεϊ δωεπεϊ ιΰτωψ μπε μψΰεϊ ΰϊ δξωεϊσ αιο δωτεϊ εμδςμεϊ δωςψεϊ μβαι ϊλεπεϊ ΰεπιαψρμιεϊ. λξε-λο πρϊλμ ςμ δδιαθιν δχεβπιθιαιιν ωμ δϊΰεψιδ δβπψθιαιϊ, αςιχψ απεωΰ ψλιωϊ ωτδ εμξιγδ.
ηεαεϊ δχεψρ: πεληεϊ, χψιΰδ, ωιςεψι-αιϊ εξαηο.
BA required course
Outi Bat-El
The first part of the course introduces the standard theory of phonology (SPE and subsequent studies) developed during the 70s, which is primarily a rule-based approach to phonological systems. The second part introduces post-SPE studies of syllable structure, metrical structure (stress), and tone.
We consider the systematic regularities that motivate phonological processes in various languages, the rules that account for the processes, their interaction, and the properties of the representations to which they apply. Throughout the course, we will provide and evaluate methods of phonological analysis.
Prerequisites: Introduction to Linguistics, Phonetics.
Course requirements: Class attendance, reading, assignments, an exam
γψιωεϊ χγν: ξαεΰ μαμωπεϊ, τεπθιχδ
ιρεγεϊ δαμωπεϊ δϊιΰεψθιϊ (06271050)
ξαεΰ ωπδ ΰ`
βα` ιαβπιδ αιψβψ, ξψ μιΰεψ μχρ
ιρεγεϊ δαμωπεϊ δϊιΰεψθιϊ 06271050
δχγξδ εηζψδ: ξδι αμωπεϊ ϊιΰεψθιϊ?
- ξεωΰι δξηχψ εγψλι δξηχψ ωμ δαμωπεϊ δϊιΰεψθιϊ μςεξϊ ΰμε ωμ δαμωπεϊ δξρεψϊιϊ
- ΰξτιψιφιζν εψφιεπΰμιζν αξγς εααμωπεϊ ατψθ
- δπηϊ ξεμγεϊ διγς δμωεπι εδριαεϊ μδ
- γψιωεϊ ϊχιτεϊ ξδϊιΰεψιδ δαμωπιϊ
δξςψλϊ δηιωεαιϊ (ϊηαιψ) - ξςψλϊ ηεχιν μιιφεψ ςαψιϊ:
- λμμι βζιψδ
- ϊτχιγιν ϊξθιιν εδςιχψεο δϊξθι
- ϊιΰεψιϊ δϊλεπιεϊ αξςψλϊ δϊξθιϊ
- θψπρτεψξφιεϊ: ξιχεγ
βζιψϊ ξμιν: - ξαεΰ μξεψτεμεβιδ (ϊεψϊ φεψεϊ δξμιν)
- ΰετψφιεϊ μχριχεο: λμμιν μιφιψϊ τςμιν
ξξωχ δξωξςεϊ: ζξο πθιιδ εΰρτχθ - δξεπηιν 'ζξο πθιιδ' ε'ΰρτχθ'
- ιιφεβ τεψξμι ωμ ξςψλϊ δζξπιν αωτδ θαςιϊ
- δΰαηπδ αιο τψγιχθιν θμιιν μΰθμιιν
- βψιψϊ δριεν εδλμμϊ δψφσ
ξξωχ δφμιμ: θςν ετεχερ - δξεπηιν 'θςν' ε'τεχερ'
- απιιϊ ςυ βζιψδ τεπεμεβι
- ηεχ δθςν δπιθψΰμι
- δχωψ αιο θςν ετεχερ: διζη θςν
πεωΰιν ΰτωψιιν περτιν, αδϊΰν μζξο ωιιεεϊψ:
δξςψλϊ δξεωβιϊ: - ΰετπι δωιεκ ωμ ξεωβιν μχθβεψιεϊ
- ηαψεϊ τψεθεθιτιϊ αχθβεψιδ
- ξαγχιν μωεπιιν δξζδιν ωιεκ χθβεψιΰμι εηαψεϊ τψεθεθιτιϊ αχθβεψιδ
Foundations of Theoretical Linguistics
Introduction and Revision: What is theoretical linguistics?
- Objects and methods of research of theoretical linguistics vs. those of
traditional linguistics
- Empiricism and Rationalism in science and linguistics in particular
- The Innateness assumption and its reasons
- Adequacy requirements from linguistic theory
The Computational System (syntax): a system of rules for Hebrew
- Phrase structure rules and phrase markers
- Thematic roles and the theta-criterion
- The feature theory and the theta-system
- Transformations: topicalization
The Interface with the Lexicon
Derivation of words:
- Introduction to morphology (the theory of word formation)
- Lexical operations: verb formation rules
The meaning interface: Tense and Aspect
- The terms 'tense' and 'aspect'
- Formal representation of natural language tense system
- Telic vs. A-telic predicates
- The completion entailment and the sequence generalization
The sound interface: Stress and Focus
- The terms 'stress' and 'focus'
- Phonological phrase markers
- The "neutral stress" rule
- The connection between stress and focus: stress shift
Optional topics, if time permits
γψιωεϊ χγν: ξαεΰ μαμωπεϊ
τεπθιχδ (06271120)
ξαεΰ ωπδ ΰ`
ξψ ΰεεο-βψι λδο
δχεψρ ξδεεδ ξαεΰ μτεπθιχδ ηιϊελιϊ (ΰψθιχεμθεψιϊ) εΰχερθιϊ.
αημχε δψΰωεο ωμ δχεψρ, ΰπηπε πγεο ατεπθιχδ ηιϊελιϊ αξρβψϊ βιωϊ ϊλεπιεϊ μςχψεπεϊ ΰψβεο
ιιμξγ ατιψεθ (IPA) εχθβεψιζφιδ ωμ δβΰιν αωτεϊ δςεμν. ϊςϊεχ τεπθι μτι δΰ"α δτεπθι δαιπμΰεξι
ϊελπδ μπιϊεη ΰχερθι ωμ ,PRAAT- δημχ δωπι ωμ δχεψρ ςερχ ατεπθιχδ ΰχερθιϊ. πωϊξω α
δβΰιν, ςμ ξπϊ μδαιο ΰϊ δξΰτιιπιν δΰχερθιιν ωμ δχθβεψιεϊ δωεπεϊ.
δηεξψ δϊΰεψθι πμξγ μφγ ϊςϊεχ τεπθι τψχθι.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ΰιο
γψιωεϊ δχεψρ: πεληεϊ, ξθμεϊ, αεηο ϊςϊεχ τψχθι, ξαηο ρετι
B.A. required course (first semester)
Evan Cohen
The course is a general introduction to articulatory and acoustic phonetics.
In the first part of the course, we discuss articulatory phonetics within a featural approach to the principles of segment organisation and categorisation in the world’s languages. Phonetic transcription according to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is taught in great detail.
The second part of the course focuses on acoustic phonetics. We use PRAAT,software for the acoustic analysis of sounds, in order to understand the acoustic qualities of sound categories.
The theoretical material is taught alongside practical phonetic transcription.
Prerequisite: None Course requirements: Regular class attendance, assignments, practical phonetic transcription exam, final exam.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ξαεΰ μρξπθιχδ (06271142)
ηεαδ ωπδ ΰ'
γ"ψ πιψιϊ χγξεο
ξαεΰ ΰιθι μξγι (ΰν λι ξςξιχ μξγι) μρξπθιχϊ-ϊπΰι-ΰξϊ ωμ ωτδ θαςιϊ.
ημχ 1: ξεωβιν, ωιθεϊ εξθψεϊ ιρεγιιν (λεμμ χωψιν μϊηαιψ εμτψβξθιχδ). δεψΰδ, ξεαο, βψιψδ, ΰιξτμιχθεψδ ωιηϊιϊ, χγν-δπηεϊ, χεξτεζιφιεπΰμιεϊ...
ημχ 2: γιεο ξτεψθ αξΰξψε ωμ βεθμεα τψβδ 'ςμ ξεαο εδεψΰδ'.
ημχ 3: ρξπθιχδ χεξτεζιφιεπΰμιϊ ξεγμ-ϊιΰεψθιϊ (ΰλρθπφιεπΰμιϊ) ωμ τψΰβξπθ ωμ ΰπβμιϊ δλεμμ τψγιχΰφιδ εχΗωΘψιν.
ημχ 4: ξαεΰ μΰ-τεψξΰμι μϊηωια τψγιχΰθιν (λμεξψ μεβιχδ ςν λιξεϊ). ξωϊπιν λαεμιν/ητωιιν, περηΰεϊ τϊεηεϊ/ρβεψεϊ, ιλεμϊ δϊΰξδ αιο ξωτθιν αωτδ θαςιϊ μπερηΰεϊ ωμ ϊηωια τψγιχΰθιν.
A fairly slow-paced (though in-depth) introduction to truth-conditional semantics of natural language.
PART 1: Basic concepts, goals and methods (including connections to syntax and pragmatics). Reference, sense, entailment, presupposition, conversational implicature, compositionality... Reading: chapter 1 of:
Chierchia, Gennaro and Sally McConnell-Ginet, 2000: Meaning and Grammar: An Introductions to Semantics, MIT Press
PART 2: Detailed discussion of the following article.
Frege, gottlob, 1982: 'άber Sinn und Bedeutung', Zeitschrift fόr Philosophie und philosophische Kritik, pp.22-50. English translation: 'On Sense and Reference', in P. Geach & M. Black )eds.(, 1980: Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege, Blackwell, Oxford. Reprinted in A.P. Martinich (ed.), 1985: The Philosophy of Language, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
PART 3: Compositional model-theoretic semantics (extensional) for a fragment of English which includes predication and truth-conditional connectives. Derivation of truth-conditions, proofs of simple (semantic) entailments. Reading:
chapter 2 of Chierchia & McConnell-Ginet 2000.
PART 4: Informal introduction to predicate calculus (i.e., logic with quantification). Bound/free variables, closed/open formulas, skill of matching English sentences with PC formulas.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ξαεΰ μαμωπεϊ
ξαεΰ μηχψ δωιη (06272002)
ωιςεψ αηιψδ
τψετ` ψημ βιεψΰ
δχεψρ ιςρεχ ααςιεϊ δξψλζιεϊ δπγεπεϊ αηχψ δωιη. ξεωβ δωιη ξϊιιηρ μλμ ξιπι θχρθιν, αιο ΰν δν λϊεαιν (λξε ξΰξψ) ΰε ξγεαψιν (λξε ωιηδ). ωΰμεϊ λξε ϊχιπεϊ δωιη (χεδεψπθιεϊ), ξαπδ δωιη (δΰιπτεψξθιαι, δριτεψι, δαγιηδ, ελε') ιϊαψψε ξτψρτχθιαδ χεβπιθιαιϊ. ιιςωδ πριεο μδραιψ ΰϊ ξαπδ δθχρθ λξωχσ ϊδμιλι δαπδ, ελπεας ξξαπδ δζιλψεο. ιιμξγε ξηχψιν τριλεμεβιιν ςμ ξαπδ δζιλψεο εϊδμιλι δδαπδ, εξηχψιν δξπριν μϊΰψ ΰϊ δλμμιν ωςμ τιδν ΰπε τεςμιν λΰωψ ΰπε ιεφψιν θχρθ.
Introduction to Discourse Analysis
The course will explore the central issues discussed in discourse theories. The term discourse refers to different kinds of text, be they written, such as articles, or spoken, such as conversations. We will assume a cognitive perspective when asking questions about the coherence of a text and its possible structures (informative, narrative, jocular). An attempt will be made to view that structure as a reflection of comprehension processes and as stemming from principles underlying memory organization. We will consider research into memory structure and comprehension/interpretation processes, as well as studies which aim to sketch out the rules and guidelines used in text production.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ιρεγεϊ δαμωπεϊ δϊΰεψθιϊ
ρθθιρθιχδ μαμωπιν (06272004)
βα` β`εμιδ τγμεο
δχεψρ διπε χεψρ ξαεΰ αριρι μρθθιρθιχδ, δξιεςγ μαμωπιν. αχεψρ πφιβ ξεωβιν ιρεγιιν αϊηεν δρθθιρθιχδ δϊιΰεψιϊ εδδιρχιϊ, πψΰδ γψλιν ωεπεϊ ωαδο αμωπιν ιλεμιν μδιςζψ αλμιν ρθθιρθιιν, πλιψ ξρτψ ξαηπιν ρθθιρθιιν ηωεαιν, επαιο λιφγ αεηψιν αξαηο δξϊΰιν μξηχψ ξρειν.
ξθψεϊιε δςιχψιεϊ ωμ δχεψρ διπο:
ΰ.μδχπεϊ μρθεγπθιν ιλεμϊ μχψεΰ ξΰξψιν αμωπιιν δλεμμιν πιϊεηιν ρθθιρθιιν αφεψδ αιχεψϊιϊ
α.μςεψψ ΰφμ δρθεγπθιν ξεγςεϊ μιιωεξιν δτεθπφιΰμιιν ωμ ρθθιρθιχδ αξηχψιν ωμδν, εμρτχ μδν ΰϊ δξιγς δγψεω ςμ-ξπϊ μπδμ γιεο ιςιμ ςν ρθθιρθιχΰι μξθψεϊ ξηχψ.
δγεβξΰεϊ εδϊψβιμιν αχεψρ λεμμιν λεμν πϊεπιν δμχεηιν ξϊηεν δαμωπεϊ, ςμ ςπτιε δωεπιν: ψλιωϊ ωτδ ψΰωεπδ εωπιιδ, τριλε-αμωπεϊ, πειψε-αμωπεϊ, εςεγ.
ηεξψ δμιξεγ λεμμ:
1. δχγξδ – μξδ αμωπιν φψιλιν ρθθιρθιχδ?
2. ξεωβι ιρεγ αρθθιρθιχδ: ΰελμεριδ εξγβν, ρεβι ξωϊπιν ερεμξεϊ ξγιγδ (ωξι, ργψ, ψεεη/ιηρ)
ρθθιρθιχδ ϊιΰεψιϊ:
3.δϊτμβεϊ ωλιηειεϊ εδφβδ βψτιϊ
4.ξγγι πθιιδ ξψλζιϊ (ωλιη, ηφιεο, ξξεφς) εξγγι τιζεψ (θεεη αιο-ψαςεπι, ωεπεϊ, ρθιιϊ ϊχο)
ρθθιρθιχδ διρχιϊ:
5.ξεωβι ιρεγ: δδϊτμβεϊ δπεψξμιϊ, φιεπι ϊχο, δϊτμβεϊ δγβιξδ ωμ ξξεφςιν, θςεϊ δϊχο
6. δρχδ ξξγβν μΰελμεριιδ (ψεεη αψ-ρξκ): ξαηο Z, ξαηο t, δςψλϊ βεγμ ξγβν γψεω.
7.αγιχϊ δωςψεϊ: δωςψϊ δΰτρ εδδωςψδ δΰμθψπθιαιϊ, χαιςϊ ψξϊ ξεαδχεϊ, ρεβι θςειεϊ ααγιχϊ δωςψεϊ, ξαηπιν ηγ-φγγιιν μςεξϊ ξαηπιν γε-φγγιιν, αηιψϊ ξαηο ρθθιρθι
8.ξαηπιν τψξθψιιν: ξαηπιν μξγβξιν αμϊι-ϊμειιν, ξαηπιν μξγβξιν ϊμειιν
9.ξαηπιν ΰ-τψξθψιιν: ξΰο-ειθπι, εειμχεχρεο, αηιψϊ ξαηο ρθθιρθι
10.ξαηο ηι-αψιαες: ηι-αψιαες μθια δϊΰξδ, ηι-αψιαες μΰι-ϊμεϊ
11.δϊτμβεϊ F: αγιχϊ ωεειεο ωεπειεϊ, δχγξδ μπιϊεηι ωεπεϊ (ANOVA)
12.ξϊΰν: γιΰβψξεϊ τιζεψ, ηιωεα ξϊΰν (τιψρεο, ρτιψξο)
13.ςαεγδ ςν EXCEL
Statistics for linguists
This course is an introductory course to statistics, aimed at linguists. During the course we will present some fundamental concepts in the fields of descriptive and inferential statistics, see different ways in which linguists can make use of statistical tools, introduce some important statistical tests, and understand how to select the appropriate test for a certain research.
The main goals of the course are:
a. to enable students the evaluate papers in linguistics which contain statistical analyses
b. to make students aware of the potential application of statistical methods to their own work, and supply them with the information necessary to engage in an efficient discussion with a statistician.
The examples and exercises for the course all contain data taken from the various disciplines of linguistics: first and second language acquisition, psycholinguistics, neuro-linguistics, etc.
The topics that will be discussed are:
1. Introduction – why do linguists need statistics?
2. Fundamental concepts in statistics: population and sample, variable types (nominal, ordinal, interval/ratio)
Descriptive statistics:
3. Frequency distributions, tables and graphs
4. Measures of central tendency (mode, median, mean) and dispersion (interquartile range, variance, standard deviation)
Inferential statistics:
5. Basic concepts: the normal distribution, standard scores, the sampling distribution of the mean, standard error
6. Estimation from samples (confidence intervals): Z-test, t-test, estimating required sample sizes
7. Hypothesis testing: the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis, significance levels, types of errors, one-tailed. vs. two-tailed tests, choosing a test
8. Parametric tests: tests for independents samples, tests for correlated samples
9. Non-parametric tests: Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, choosing a test
10. The chi-square test: chi-square test for goodness of fit, chi-square test of independence
11. The F distribution: homogeneity of variance, introduction to ANOVA (analysis of variance)
12. Correlation: scattergrams, correlation coefficients (Pearson, Spearman)
13. Working with EXCEL
γψιωεϊ χγν: ιρεγεϊ δαμωπεϊ δϊιΰεψθιϊ
δςψεϊ: δχεψρ ξϊχιιν ΰηϊ μωαεςιιν
τεπεμεβιδ πιρειιϊ (06272009)
ξψ` ΰεεο βψι λδο
τεπεμεβιδ πιρειιϊ
ΰεεο λδο
δχεψρ ςερχ αδιαθιν πιρειιν ωμ τεπθιχδ ετεπεμεβιδ. πιγεπιν δο ωιχεμιν ξςωιιν εδο ωιχεμιν
ϊΰεψθιιν αςψιλϊ πιρειιν.
δημχ δψΰωεο ωμ δχεψρ ςερχ αϊψεξϊ πιρειιν μδαπϊ τεπθιχδ εξςψλεϊ τεπεμεβιεϊ. ΰπηπε ξφιβιν
ϊξεπδ λμμιϊ ωμ βιωεϊ πιρειιεϊ μτεπθιχδ ετεπεμεβιδ, εγπιν αρεβιν ωεπιν ωμ πιρειιν.
δημχ δωπι αχεψρ ρεχψ ΰϊ δρτψεϊ αϊηεν.
γψιωεϊ δχεψρ: πεληεϊ, χψιΰδ, ςψιλϊ πιρει, ςαεγδ ρετιϊ
Experimental Phonology
Evan Cohen
The course deals with experimental aspects of phonetics and phonology. Both practical and theoretical considerations in conducting experiments are discussed. The first part of the course deals with the contribution of experiments to the understanding of phonetics and phonological systems. We present an overview of experimental approaches to phonetics and phonology, as well as discuss various types of experiments. The second part of the course reviews experimental literature.Prerequisite: Beginning phonology Course requirements: Regular class attendance, reading, conducting experiment, final paper
γψιωεϊ χγν: τεπεμεβιδ ξϊηιμιν
χψιΰδ ξεγψλϊ (06272105)
ξψ μιΰεψ μχρ, βα` μιμ μερθιβξο
δξθψδ δςιχψιϊ ωμ ωιςεψ "χψιΰδ ξεγψλϊ" διΰ ξϊο λμιν μρθεγπθ μτϊη ΰϊ ιλεμϊε μδϊξεγγ ςν ξΰξψιν ααμωπεϊ. δρθεγπθιν χεψΰιν ΰϊ δξΰξψ μτπι δωιςεψ εαλιϊδ ξϊχιιν ςμιε γιεο ωιθϊι εαιχεψϊι ωξϊξχγ αΰρθψθβιδ ωμ δφβϊ δγαψιν, ρεβι δθιςεπιν αξΰξψ, δξαπδ ωμδν, ΰιωεων δΰξτιψι, ηωιτϊ δπηεϊ διρεγ δξεαμςεϊ εξΰτιιπιν ΰηψιν δξιιηγιν λϊιαδ αμωπιϊ-ϊιΰεψθιϊ, λβεο ξςξγο δξψλζι ωμ γεβξΰεϊ εγεβξΰεϊ πβγ αΰιωεω εδτψλϊ ϊιΰεψιεϊ αμωπιεϊ. δξθψδ δξψλζιϊ ΰιπδ μιξεγ δϊιΰεψιεϊ δξεφβεϊ αξΰξψιν, ΰεμν ϊεκ λγι δχψιΰδ εδγιεο αδν, πηωτιν δρθεγπθιν μξβεεο ψηα ωμ ςπτιν ααμωπεϊ.
ααηιψϊ δξΰξψιν δεων γβω ςμ ϊηεξιν ωΰιπν πμξγιν αξρβψϊ χεψρι δηεαδ, ΰε ωΰιπν πμξγιν λμμ αηεβ, λβεο: ρξπθιχδ μχριχμιϊ, ρεφιεαμωπεϊ, ωτδ εξεη, τψβξθιχδ, ψλιωϊ ωτδ εςεγ.
Guided Reading
The main goal of this course is to provide students with skills to deal with linguistic papers. Students are required to read a paper prior to every class and the relevant paper is discussed in class from a critical point of view. Attention is devoted to the writer’s strategy of argument presenting, types and structure of arguments, the empirical evidence, presuppositions, counter examples and other features that are typical of linguistic writing. Although the main purpose is not teaching the various theories presented in the papers, reading and discussing the papers provides an opportunity for the students to be exposed to a variety of linguistic fields.
The selection of papers targets fields that are not part of obligatory curriculum or not taught at all such as lexical semantics, sociolinguistics, neurolinguistics, pragmatics, language acquisition etc.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ξαεΰ μαμωπεϊ
ψλιωϊ ωτδ (06272114)
χγν ρξιπψ
βα` ΰιψπδ αεθεειπιχ-ψεϊν
ϊιΰεψ δχεψρ
ξθψϊ δχεψρ μδφιβ ΰϊ ηχψ ψλιωϊ ωτϊ δΰν αξεγμ δβπψθιαι. πϊξχγ αϊετςεϊ δωεπεϊ δαΰεϊ μιγι αιθει αϊδμικ δψλιωδ, πγεο ααςιεϊ ωϊετςεϊ ΰμδ ξςμεϊ μϊιΰεψδ δβπψθιαιϊ, πςψικ ΰϊ δτϊψεπεϊ δξεφςιν, επϊεεγς ΰμ δξϊεγεμεβιδ δπδεβδ αϊηεν.
1. ψλιωϊ ωτδ αξεγμ δβπψθιαι: δπηεϊ ιρεγ εξϊεγεμεβιδ
2. χμιθϊ ωτδ ςμ ιγι ϊιπεχεϊ
3. ψλιωϊ δμχριχεο δτεπεμεβι, τεπεμεβιδ ξεχγξϊ
4. ψλιωϊ δμχριχεο δρξπθι: αςιιϊ δΰιπγεχφιδ; δξπεσ δϊηαιψι μψλιωϊ δμχριχεο
5. ςχψεο δϊϊ-χαεφδ εϊτχιγε αϊδμικ ψλιωϊ δωτδ
6. ψλιωϊ δϊηαιψ: ξαπδ τρεχιεϊ ξεχγξεϊ; root infinitives; πεωΰ ψιχ ξεχγν
7. ψλιωϊ ωτδ ωπιιδ
γψιωεϊ δχεψρ
5-6 ϊψβιμιν (20%)
ϊψβιμ ϊιςϊεχ (30%)
ξαηο ξρλν (50%)
The goal of the course is to introduce the field of Language Acquisition in the Generative model. Focusing on various phenomena attested in the process of language acquisition, we will address the problems these phenomena raise for the linguistic theory, evaluate the existing analyses, and make acquaintance with the methodology of the field.
1. The generative model for language acquisition: its basic assumptions and methodology.
2. Language perception of infants.
3. Acquisition of the phonological lexicon, and early phonology.
4. Acquisition of the semantic lexicon: the problem of induction; the syntactic bootstrapping of the lexicon.
5. The Subset Principle and its role in language acquisition.
6. Acquisition of syntax: the structure of early clauses; root infinitives; early null-subjects.
7. Second language acquisition (if time permits).
γψιωεϊ χγν: ϊηαιψ ξϊηιμιν
δςψεϊ: ξιεςγ μρθεγπθιν ωπδ α` εΰιμκ
ϊηαιψ ξϊχγξιν:ςιαεγ ϊηαιψι (06272117)
χγν ρξιπψ
τψετ` θμ ριμεπι
ϊηαιψ ξϊχγξιν: ςιαεγ ϊηαιψι
δχεψρ ξΰξυ ΰϊ δδπηδ ωιιφεψ εςιαεγ αιθειιν μωεπιιν ξϊαφςιν αΰξφςεϊ ΰεϊν λμιν ηιωεαιιν . ΰν λκ, δψι ωπιϊο μμξεγ ξχωιι ςιαεγ ςμ ΰετο τςεμϊδ ωμ δξςψλϊ δηιωεαιϊ. αημχε δψΰωεο ωμ δχεψρ, πϊψλζ αξαπιν δξςεψψιν χεωι ςιαεγ διγες αλιπει Garden Path (μγεβξδ, 'μΰηψ ωωψδ ωϊϊδ ξιν πϊβμε ααΰψ'). παηο ξδν δςχψεπεϊ δξπηιν ΰϊ ςιαεγ δξωτθ επβγιψ αλμιν ϊηαιψιιν ξδε δχεωι δπβψν αξαπιν δπγεπιν, εξγες δξςαγ δΰπεωι ΰιπε ιλεμ μδϊβαψ ςμ δχεωι αΰετο ΰεθεξθι (λτι ωξςιγδ δςεαγδ ωδχεωι ξεηω). αημχε δωπι ωμ δχεψρ πγεο αϊπεςδ ϊηαιψιϊ εαξβαμεϊ δημεϊ ςμιδ. ξγες, μξωμ, ϊπεςϊ 'ΰϊ ξι' ΰτωψιϊ αξωτθ "ΰϊ ξι ηωαϊ ωγο ΰεδα?" ΰκ μΰ αξωτθ " *ΰϊ ξι τβωϊ ΰϊ δΰωδ ωΰεδαϊ?"? πβγιψ ΰϊ δξβαμεϊ δημεϊ ςμ ϊπεςδ ϊηαιψιϊ, επωϊξω αδο λξαγχ μζιδει ϊπεςδ αξαπιν ωαδν χιεξδ ΰιπε αψεψ. μριλεν, πβγιψ ΰϊ ςχψεπεϊ τςεμϊδ ωμ δξςψλϊ δηιωεαιϊ αιηρ μϊετςεϊ δςιαεγ εδιφεψ ωπγεπε.
Advanced Syntax: Syntactic Processing
The course adopts the assumption that production and processing of linguistic utterances employ the same computational tools. If so, then instances of processing breakdown can shed light on the design of the Computational System. In the first part of the course, we will concentrate on the so-called Garden Path phenomenon (e.g., After Sara drank the water evaporated). We will define the difficulty and the principles guiding processing, using syntactic devices, and explain why the human processor cannot overcome the difficulty automatically (as is clear from the fact that it is conscious). The second part of the course will explore syntactic movement and the constraints it obeys. For instance, why is it that movement of who is possible in "Who do you think that Dan loves?" but not in "*Who did you meet that woman who loves?"? We will define the constraints imposed on movement, and use them to diagnose movement in structures where it is not obvious whether or not movement has applied. In sum, we will define the workings of the computational system with regard to the processing and production phenomena discussed in the course.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ϊηαιψ ξϊηιμιν
ϊηαιψ ξϊηιμιν (06272130)
ξαεΰ ωπδ α`
τψετ` θμ ριμεπι
ϊηαιψ ξϊηιμιν
δχεψρ ξιεςγ μδχπεϊ μϊμξιγιν ιγς αριρι αϊιΰεψιδ δϊηαιψιϊ. δχεψρ ξϊξχγ απεωΰιν δαΰιν: ιιφεβν δξαπι ωμ ξωτθιν (ϊιΰεψιϊ X’ ) ϊιΰεψιϊ διηρδ, χεπθψεμ εϊιΰεψιϊ δλαιμδ, λτι ωδν ξςεβπιν αβιωϊ δςχψεπεϊ εδτψξθψιν μιγς δμωεπι.
Syntax Beginners
The course offers the foundation of syntactic theory. Anchored in the Principles and Parameters approach to linguistic knowledge, the course concentrates on the structural representation of sentences (X'-Theory), Case theory, Control and Binding Theory.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ιρεγεϊ δαμωπεϊ δϊΰεψθιϊ
αμωπεϊ ηιωεαιϊ:ξαεΰ μςιαεγ ωτδ θαςιϊ (06272144)
ξψ θμ χιγψ
δχεψρ ιρχεψ αςιεϊ παηψεϊ αςιαεγ ωτδ θαςιϊ, βιωεϊ ρθθιρθιεϊ πτεφεϊ μτϊψεπο, εγψλιν ΰτωψιεϊ μωιτεψο ξπχεγϊ δξαθ ωμ δαμωπεϊ δϊιΰεψθιϊ. λμμ δψχς δξϊιξθι δγψεω ιλερδ αξρβψϊ δχεψρ.
γψιωϊ χγν: ϊηαιψ ξϊηιμιν ΰε ιρεγεϊ δρξπθιχδ δτεψξμιϊ
Computational Linguistics: Introduction to Natural Language Processing
The course will survey selected problems in Natural Language Processing, some common statistical approaches to these problems, and possible enhancements from a formal linguistics point of view. All necessary mathematical background will be covered during the course.
Prerequisite: Syntax for beginners or Foundations of formal semantics
γψιωεϊ χγν: ϊηαιψ ξϊηιμιν ΰε ιρεγεϊ δρξπθιχδ δτεψξμιϊ
τεπεμεβιδ ξϊχγξιν (06272166)
χγν ρξιπψ
τψετ` ΰεϊι αϊ-ΰμ
αχεψρ ζδ πμξγ επαχψ ϊΰεψιεϊ βπψθιαιεϊ δςερχεϊ απεωΰιν δαΰιν: ξαπδ δδαψδ, ξςψλϊ δδθςξδ, ξςψλϊ δϊλεπιεϊ ωμ δφμιμιν δμωεπιιν, δωτςϊ δτεπεμεβιδ ςμ ξαπδ δξιμδ (ξεψτεμεβιδ τψεζεγιϊ), εξαπδ δμχριχεο λτι ωδεΰ ξϊαθΰ αχωψ αιο τεπεμεβιδ μξεψτεμεβιδ (τεπεμεβιδ μχριχμιϊ).
ηεαεϊ δχεψρ: χψιΰδ εςαεγδ (πιϊεη ϊετςδ αωτδ μτι αηιψϊ δϊμξιγ/δ αξρβψϊ δϊΰεψιεϊ
ωπμξγε αχεψρ).
BA pro-seminar
Outi Bat-El
This course introduces post-SPE theories of Generative Phonology, with reference to prosodic structure: syllable structure, stress, and phonology-morphology interface. We will start with a critical view on the rule-based theory of the SPE and then get acquainted with the basics of Optimality Theory (OT). For each topic we will compare the pre-OT theories with the OT accounts.
Throughout the course we will observe the deterioration in the status of rules, which were the center of attention in the SPE model, and the rise of non-linear representations and constraints on representations. At the end of the theortical development stand the constraint-based approach of OT, which entirely eliminates the rules.
Prerequisite: Beginning Phonology
Course requirements: Class attendance, reading, assignments, a paper.
γψιωεϊ χγν: τεπεμεβιδ ξϊηιμιν
ιρεγεϊ δρξπθιχδ δτεψξμιϊ (06272177)
χγν ρξιπψ
γ"ψ πιψιϊ χγξεο
χεψρ ζδ δεΰ δψΰωεο αχαεφδ ωμ χεψριν ωξθψϊν μδςπιχ δλψεϊ ξςξιχδ ςν ϊηεν δρξπθιχδ δτεψξμιϊ ωμ ωτδ θαςιϊ εμτϊη ΰϊ ιλεμϊε/δ ωμ δϊμξιγ/δ μςρεχ αξηχψ ςφξΰι αϊηεν ζδ. δχεψρ ξωμα (ΰ) δχπιιϊ λμιν τεψξΰμιιν αριριιν δγψεωιν μςιρεχ αρξπθιχδ, ε – (α) γιεο αξρτψ πεωΰιν ξψλζιιν αρξπθιχδ ωμ ωτδ θαςιϊ. αβμμ δφεψκ αδχπιιϊ λμιν τεψξΰμιιν ιδιδ μχεψρ ΰετι θλπι μξγι, εδεΰ ιλμεμ ςιρεχ αμεβιχεϊ ωεπεϊ εαϊεψϊ δξεγμιν. ιηγ ςν ζΰϊ μΰ πζπη ΰϊ δξεθιαφιδ δμωεπιϊ εΰϊ δφγ δΰξτιψι , επγεο λΰξεψ αξρτψ πεωΰιν ξψλζιιν αρξπθιχδ ωμ ωτδ θαςιϊ. ΰμδ ιλμμε ΰϊ δρξπθιχδ ωμ λιξεϊ, ωμ φιψετιν ωξπιν ξιεγςιν εμΰ-ξιεγςιν, ζξο (tense ) εξεγΰμιεϊ.
This course is the first in a series of courses through which a student may attain in-depth knowledge of the field of formal semantics, and develop the expertise needed for carrying out independent research in this field. The course combines (i) instruction in the basic formal tools used in semantic theory, and – (ii) discussing a number of central issues in the semantics of natural language. Because we need to teach the formal tools, the course will have a fairly technical nature, dealing with different logical languages and with model theory. At the same time, we will not neglect the linguistic motivation and the empirical side, dealing as noted above with a number of central issues in the semantics of natural language, including the semantics of quantification, definite and indefinite NPs, tense, and modality.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ξαεΰ μρξπθιχδ
ξαεΰ μτψβξθιχδ (06272189)
ωιςεψ αηιψδ
τψετ` ξιψδ ΰψιΰμ
πεωΰι δχεψρ δν δπεωΰιν δχμΰριιν αϊηεν δτψβξθιχδ, λμεξψ δραψιν ηευ-μωεπιιν μϊετςεϊ μωεπιεϊ ατψθ εϊχωεψϊιεϊ αλμμ: τςεμεϊ γιαεψ(speech acts)ςχψεο ωιϊεσ δτςεμδ ωμ βψιιρ, τεπχφιεϊ ϊχωεψϊιεϊ ωμ ξαπιν ϊηαιψιιν ωεπιν, ριξεο ωμ ξιγς πϊεο μςεξϊ ηγω, δαριρ δϊχωεψϊι ωμ δγχγεχ δτεψξμι, εςεγ. ϊεαηο τψβξθιχδ μωεπιϊ (δραψιν ηευ-μωεπιιν μϊετςεϊ μωεπιεϊ) ξτψβξθιχδ ξψλζιϊ (ςχψεπεϊ ψφιεπμιιν λμμιιν δξξεξωιν αιο διϊψ, αϊχωεψϊ ΰπεωιϊ).
Introduction to Pragmatics
We survey classical pragmatic topics (e.g. speech acts, functional syntax), we intoduce the major pragmatic theories (Grice, neo-Grice and relevance theory), and we then apply these theories to the classical pragmatic topics in order to draw a clear-cut grammar/pragmatics division of labor. The result is quite surprising: Many grammatical phenomena end up being classified pragmatic, and vice versa for pragmatic phenomena.. We end with a discussion of universals within pragmatic phenomena.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ξαεΰ μαμωπεϊ, ιρεγεϊ δαμωπεϊ δϊΰεψθιϊ
ξξωχ μωεπι - ηευ μωεπι ‘The linguistic-extralinguistic interface’ (06272220)
χγν ρξιπψ
τψετ` ξιψδ ΰψιΰμ
δχεψρ αεηο ΰϊ διηριν δξεψλαιν αιο ξεαπιν γχγεχιιν/μχριχμιιν μαιο ξεαπιν ωξχεψν ηιφεπι μμωεο. παηιο αιο ξεαπιν μωεπιιν ε-: (1) δξεωβιν δΰγ-δεχιιν ωΰεϊν ξφιβδ δγεαψϊ μωιη, ξεωβιν δπβζψιν αδιρχ ξο δδχωψ; (2) ξεαπιν πβζψιν (ΰμδ δξλεπιν μΰ ξιμεμιιν); (3) ΰιξτμιχθεψεϊ ωιηϊιεϊ; (4) ξεωβιν χεβπιθιαιιν. παγχ ΰϊ διηριν δξεψλαιν αιο ξεαπιν μωεπιιν ελμ ΰηγ ξδ-4 μςιμ. ωΰμεϊ ψμαπθιεϊ ωιιγεπε: ΰιμε ξο δξεαπιν μςιμ ϊεψξιν μΰιπθψτψθφιδ ωμ ϊπΰι δΰξϊ δψμεεπθιιν μξωτθ? ΰιμε διπν ΰεπιαψρμιιν? ΰικ πιϊο μδραιψ ΰϊ ξεαπιν (1), (2), (3) ξο δξεαπιν δμωεπιιν? ςγ λξδ δπιρειιν δηγωιν ξωλπςιν αϊξιλδ ωδν ξςπιχιν μθςπδ ωιφεβ (4) ξεθδ ςμ ιγι δμωεο (δρτφιτιϊ)? δΰν ΰπε ιλεμιν μδραιψ ρξπθιριζφιδ (ιφιψϊν ωμ ξεαπιν μωεπιιν ηγωιν) λχεπεεπφιεπμιζφιδ ωμ (1), (2), ε- (3)? ϊιΰεψιεϊ αεμθεϊ αδο πγεο δπο ϊιΰεψιεϊ ωμ διρχιν τψβξθιιν, ϊιΰεψιεϊ τριλεαμωπιεϊ μβαι ωτδ (μΰ)ξιμεμιϊ, ϊιΰεψιεϊ ωμ βψξθιζφιδ, εδφςεϊ ηγιωεϊ μβαι δχωψ αιο ωτδ εχεβπιφιδ
Linguistic-extralinguistic interfaces
This course examines the complex relations between grammatical/lexical meanings and meanings which originate outside of language. We distinguish between linguistic meanings and: (1) the ad hoc context-induced narrowed down concepts they actually introduce into discourse; (2) derived (so-called non-literal) meanings; (3) conversational implicatures; (4) cognitive concepts. We examine the complex relations obtaining between linguistic meanings and each of the above. Relevant questions addressed: Which of the above meanings contribute to the truth-conditional interpretation of the sentence? Which are universal? How can we account for the derivation of (1), (2) and (3) from linguistic meaning? How convincing are current experiments testifying to language-specific biases in the development of (4)? Can we explain semanticization (the creation of new linguistic meanings) as the conventionalization of (1), (2), or (3)? Prominent theories to be discussed are pragmatic inferencing theories, psycholinguistic theories about literal/nonliteral language, theories of grammaticization, and current proposals about language and cognition.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ξαεΰ μτψβξθιχδ ΰε ξαεΰ μηχψ δωιη ΰε ιρεγεϊ δρξπθιχδ δτεψξμιϊ
δςψεϊ: γ"χ μϊμξιγι δωμξεϊ μϊεΰψ ωπι: ξαεΰ μτψβξθιχδ ΰε ξαεΰ μηχψ δωιη ΰε ξαεΰ μρξπθιχδ
τεπεμεβιδ ωμ ξιμιν ωΰεμεϊ (06273000)
ξψ ΰεεο βψι λδο
δχεψρ ηεχψ διαθιν ωεπιν ωμ δτεπεμεβιδ ωμ ξιμιν ωΰεμεϊ.
ημχε δψΰωεο ωμ δχεψρ ξϊξχγ αηωιαεϊ δτεπεμεβιδ ωμ ξιμιν ωΰεμεϊ αδαπϊ ξςψλεϊ γχγεχ, θαςδ
,UG , ωμ δΰγτθφιδ (τεπεμεβιϊ ΰε τεπθιϊ?), δβεψξιν δωεπιν αΰγτθφιδ (μξωμ, ϊτιωδ, λϊα
δωτςεϊ ρεφιε -αμωπιεϊ), εςεγ.
ημχε δωπι ωμ δχεψρ ςερχ αξηχψιν ωεπιν ωμ ϊετςεϊ ΰγτθφιδ.
γψιωεϊ δχεψρ: πεληεϊ, χψιΰδ, δφβδ, ςαεγδ ρετιϊ
Loanword Phonology
Evan Cohen
The course investigates different aspects of the phonology of loanwords. The first part of the course focuses on the importance of loanword phonology in the understanding of grammatical systems, the nature of the adaptation (phonological or phonetic?), the factors in loanword adaptation (e.g. perception, orthography, UG,
sociolinguistics), and more. The second part of the course deals with several case studies of loan phenomena.
Prerequisite: Advanced Phonology Course requirements: Regular class attendance, reading, a presentation, final paper.
γψιωεϊ χγν: τεπεμεβιδ ξϊχγξιν
ρξιπψιεο αψλιωϊ ωτδ:γτεριν αδϊτϊηεϊ τεπεμεβιϊ (06273004)
ρξιπψ ξωεϊσ μα.ΰ. εξ.ΰ.
γ"ψ βμιϊ ΰγν
δϊετςεϊ δτεπεμεβιεϊ δξΰτιιπεϊ ΰϊ ϊδμικ ψλιωϊ ωτϊ ΰν ξετιςεϊ λαψ αξιμιν δψΰωεπεϊ εξωτιςεϊ ςμ ψλιωϊ δξεψτεμεβιδ εδϊηαιψ αδξωκ. αχεψρ ζδ παηο βιωεϊ ωεπεϊ μπιϊεη εδραψ δδϊτϊηεϊ δτεπεμεβιϊ ςμ διαθιδ δωεπιν:
ΰ. δϊτϊηεϊ ρβξπθμιϊ
α. δϊτϊηεϊ τψεζεγιϊ (ξαπδ δδαψδ, δψβμ εδξιμδ δτψεζεγιϊ)
β. δΰιπθψΰχφιδ αιο διηιγεϊ δτεπεμεβιεϊ δωεπεϊ (ρβξπθμιεϊ ετψεζεγιεϊ) αϊδμικ δψλιωδ
γ. δωτςεϊ τεπεμεβιεϊ ςμ ψλιωϊ δξεψτεμεβιδ εδϊηαιψ
δξΰξψιν ωπχψΰ ιςρχε αδϊτϊηεϊ δτεπεμεβιδ ωμ ωτεϊ ξθψδ ωεπεϊ (ςαψιϊ, ΰπβμιϊ, ιτπιϊ, ρτψγιϊ, δεμπγιϊ εςεγ), ϊεκ δϊιιηρεϊ μδϊτϊηεϊ ωτδ θιτεριϊ εμΰ θιτεριϊ.
ημχε δψΰωεο ωμ δχεψρ ιεχγω μμιξεγ δδπηεϊ δϊιΰεψθιεϊ ΰεγεϊ ψλιωϊ ωτϊ ΰν αλμμ εψλιωϊ δτεπεμεβιδ ατψθ, ςν γβω ξιεηγ ςμ δδαηπδ αιο ςχψεπεϊ ΰεπιαψρΰμιιν μαιο δωτςεϊ ωτϊ διςγ. αημχε δωπι ωμ δχεψρ πϊςξχ αξηχψιν απεωΰιν ρτφιτιιν, λβεο τιωεθ φψεψεϊ ςιφεψιν, ϊτχιγ δξιμδ δξιπιξΰμιϊ αψλιωϊ ωτδ, δωτςεϊ τψεζεγιεϊ ερβξπθμιεϊ ςμ δωξθϊ δαψεϊ, εςεγ.
A seminar in language acquisition: Patterns in phonological development
The phonological processes involved in first language acquisition already emerge during the production of the first words, and later on, they affect the acquisition of morphology and syntax.
In this course, we will examine different approaches to the analysis and explanation of various aspects of phonological development:
a. Segmental development
b. Prosodic development (the structure of the syllable, the foot and the prosodic word)
c. The interaction between the different phonological units (segmental and prosodic) in the course of acquisition.
d. Phonological effects on the acquisition of morphology and syntax.
We will read articles about the acquisition of phonology in different languages (e.g. Hebrew, English, Dutch, German, Japanese, Spanish), considering typical and atypical development.
The first part of the course will be devoted to the theoretical background of the course. We will study the basic assumptions of phonological theory regarding first language acquisition, paying special attention to the distinction between universal principles and the influence of the ambient language in early acquisition. In the second part of the course, we will study in detail researches on specific topics, such as cluster simplification, the role of the Minimal Word in acquisition, and prosodic and segmental effects on syllable deletion.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ψλιωϊ ωτδ+ τεπεμεβιδ ξϊηιμιν (μμΰ ΰηγ ξδν- αδρλξϊ δξψφδ)
πεωΰιν παηψιν αϊιΰεψιδ δϊηαιψιϊ (06273126)
ωιςεψ αηιψδ, πιϊο μχηϊ λρξιπψ
τψετ` β`εμιδ δεψαθ
The objective of the course is to expand and elaborate the view of syntactic theory presented in "Advanced Syntax" by introducing a selected set of novel types of phenomena, and some related major theoretical proposals. Among the topics to be discussed will be: syntactic phenomena occurring selectively in main clauses but not in embedded clauses; VP-deletion and anaphora; "incomplete" sentences (fragments) and theories of ellipsis; the typology and distribution of phonologically null elements -- including the licensing of PRO and the role of Tense; null objects; so-called "parasitic gap" constructions (traces apparently not created by movement) and A-bar chains.
The course requires regular attendance and active participation. The grade will be based on a Take-home exam.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ϊηαιψ ξϊχγξιν
δςψεϊ: δχεψρ πιϊο αωτδ δΰπβμιϊ
ΰετθιξμιεϊ ρβξπθμιϊ (06273144)
ξψ` ΰεεο βψι λδο
δρξιπψ δεΰ δξωκ ωμ τεπεμεβιδ ξϊχγξιν.
ΰπηπε ξωεειν αιο δθιτεμ αϊετςεϊ τεπεμεβιεϊ ωεπεϊ αξρβψϊ ϊΰεψιεϊ χγν-ϊΰεψιιϊ δΰετθιξμιεϊ
πλρδ ξρτψ πεωΰιν ωεπιν, λβεο ϊλεπιεϊ, θεο εδψξεπιδ εεχΰμιϊ .(OT) εαξρβψϊ ϊΰεψιιϊ δΰετθιξμιεϊ
.(vowel harmony)
OT ημχε δωπι ωμ δχεψρ ξψηια ΰϊ δγιεο δϊΰεψθι λγι μλμεμ διαθιν ϊΰεψθιιν εξϊΰ-ϊΰεψθιιν ωμ
εςεγ). cue constraints ,OT- ρθελΰρθι, ϊγιψεϊ ε OT)
γψιωεϊ δχεψρ: πεληεϊ, χψιΰδ, ςαεγδ ρετιϊ
B.A. Seminar (second semester)
Segmental Optimality Theory
Evan Cohen
The seminar is a continuation of Advanced Phonology. We compare the treatment of various phonological phenomena within representational pre-Optimality Theory (OT) frameworks and OT frameworks. We cover various topics, such as features, tone and vowel harmony. The second part of the course expands the discussion to include additional theoretical and meta-theoretical aspects of OT (stochastic OT, frequency and OT, cue constraints and more). Prerequisite: Advanced Phonology Course requirements: Regular class attendance, reading, a paper.
γψιωεϊ χγν: τεπεμεβιδ ξϊχγξιν
ξβεεο ρεβιεϊ ξψλζιεϊ αρξπθιχδ (06273199)
ρξιπψ α.ΰ. τϊεη μξ.ΰ.
γ"ψ πιψιϊ χγξεο
ρξιπψ ζδ ιςρεχ αξρτψ πεωΰιν αςμι ηωιαεϊ ξψλζιϊ αρξπθιχδ ωμ ωτδ θαςιϊ, ειλμεμ χψιΰϊ ξΰξψιν ξχεψιιν αϊηεξιν ΰμδ. πςρεχ αϊιΰεψιδ ωμ χξτ εδιιν ) Theory Discourse Representation), αΰιπθπφιεπΰμιεϊ εξεγΰμιεϊ (πχψΰ ξςαεγϊδ ωμ ΰπβμιχδ χψφψ), αβπψιεϊ, αψβιωεϊ μτεμΰψιεϊ, εΰεμι αςεγ πεωΰ ΰε ωπιιν, λτι ωιΰτωψ δζξο
This seminar will be concerned with several topics of central importance in the semantics of natural lanaguage, and will involve reading original papers in these fields. We will study the Kamp-Heim theory (Discourse Representation Theory), intensionality and modality (reading from Angelika Kratzer's work), genericity, polarity sensitivity, and perhaps one or two other topics, as time permits.
prerequisites: Foundations of Formal Semantics
γψιωεϊ χγν: ιρεγεϊ δρξπθιχδ δτεψξμιϊ
ρξιπψιεο:ψλιωϊ δϊηαιψ (06273240)
γ"ψ ΰιψπδ αεθειπιχ ψεϊν
δρξιπψ ςερχ αηχψ δδιαθιν δωεπιν ωμ ψλιωϊ δϊηαιψ δο λωτϊ ΰν εδο λωτδ ωπιιδ (αβιμ ξαεβψ). αημχε δψΰωεο ωμ δρξιπψ πϊψλζ αψλιωϊ ξωτθι ζιχδ ςμ ιγι ιμγιν; πλιψ ΰϊ δϊετςεϊ δξΰτιιπεϊ δτχδ εδαπδ ωμ ξαπιν ΰμδ (μξωμ, ωιξεω πψηα αλιπειι βεσ ηεζψιν, ΰτιμε αωτεϊ ωμΰ ξςψαεϊ λιπειι βεσ λΰμδ αιφιψϊ ξωτθι ζιχδ; δαπδ μχειδ ωμ ξωτθι ζιχϊ-ξεωΰ μςεξϊ δαπδ θεαδ ωμ ξωτθι ζιχϊ-πεωΰ), επγεο αδραψιν δωεπιν ωδεφςε ςμ ξπϊ μδραιψ ΰϊ δϊετςεϊ δωεπεϊ αξρβψϊ δϊΰεψιδ δβπψθιαιϊ.
αδπηδ ωψλιωϊ ωτδ ωπιιδ, αγεξδ μψλιωϊ ωτϊ ΰν, ξεπηιϊ ςμ ιγι δςχψεπεϊ (εδτψξθψιν) ωμ UG, πςξεγ ςμ δΰϊβψιν ωψλιωϊ ωτδ ωπιιδ ξφιαδ μϊΰεψιδ δβπψθιαιϊ (μξωμ, δπβιωεϊ ωμ UG, ωιπει αςψλι δτψξθψιν), ϊεκ λγι δϊξχγεϊ αϊετςεϊ μωεπιεϊ ρτφιτιεϊ (μξωμ, δωξθϊ ξιμεϊ ιηρ, ψλιωϊ δξεψτεμεβιδ, ΰετφιεπμιεϊ αχψα ψελωιν ωψξϊν λξςθ ζδδ μζε ωμ γεαψιν ιμιγιν).
ηεαεϊ εδψλα δφιεο
χψιΰϊ ξΰξψιν εδωϊϊτεϊ αωιςεψιν (15%), δφβϊ ξΰξψ ΰε ςαεγδ ξχεψιϊ ωμ 20 γχεϊ (25%), ςαεγδ ξχεψιϊ (60%).
Seminar in the acquisition of syntax 2009-10
Dr. Irena Botwinik
The seminar deals with certain aspects of the acquisition of syntax in first language, as well as in second language (in adulthood). In the first part of the seminar we will focus on production and comprehension of relative clauses by children; we will get acquainted with the phenomena attested in the acquisition of these structures (e.g. extensive use of resumptive pronouns, even in languages where derivation of relative clauses does not involve resumptives; poor comprehension of object-relatives, as opposed to subject-relatives), and discuss various explanations proposed to account for the attested phenomena within the Generative model.
In the second part of the seminar we will shift attention to second language acquisition, and discuss the problems this process poses for the Generative model (e.g. the accessibility of UG, resetting of parameters), focusing on particular syntactic phenomena (e.g. null prepositions, the acquisition of morphology, optionality in near-native grammar).
γψιωεϊ χγν: ψλιωϊ ωτδ ε/ΰε ϊηαιψ ξϊχγξιν
ξξωχ δμχριχεο εδϊηαιψ (06273303)
τψετ` θμ ριμεπι
αρξιπψ πγεο αημεχϊ δςαεγδ αιο δμχριχεο μψλια δϊηαιψι. δπηδ ξχεαμϊ εθαςιϊ διΰ ωςψλιν δχωεψιν ζδ μζδ χωψ ϊξΰθι (ξεωβι), λβεο χΔτΜμ, χΛτΜμ, δϊχτμ ΰε χΔτΜεμ, χωεψιν ζδ μζδ αΰξφςεϊ ϊδμιλι βζιψδ. ιωπν ηιμεχι γςεϊ απεβς μψλια δγχγεχι ωαε ξϊψηωϊ δβζιψδ. αμωπιν δξφγγιν αβιωϊ δμχριχεο δτςιμ θεςπιν ωϊδμιλι δβζιψδ δΰμδ ξϊψηωιν αημχν αμχριχεο. βιωϊν βεψρϊ ωδμχριχεο δεΰ ψλια ωΰετψφιεϊ ιλεμεϊ μηεμ αε. αμωπιν ΰηψιν, μςεξϊν, θεςπιν ωδμχριχεο ΰιπε ΰμΰ ξιμεο ξεωβιν ξπθμι (ψωιξϊ ςψλιν), ωμΰ ξϊαφςεϊ αε ΰετψφιεϊ. ϊδμιλι δβζιψδ λεμν, ΰν λκ, δν ϊηαιψιιν. αξδμκ δρξρθψ παγεχ ϊδμιλι βζιψδ ωμ τψγιχθιν ωεπιν. παγεχ τςμι 'βψιξδ' (χεζθιαιιν λβεο 'δψιυ') επαηιο αιο ϊδμικ δβζιψδ δξιιφψ ΰεϊν μζδ δΰηψΰι μφξγιν ωμ τςμ ΰπΰχεζθιαι (μξωμ, 'πτμ', 'δϊχξθ') εδξχαιμδ διεφΰϊ ('δτιμ','χιξθ'). πςρεχ βν ατςμιν εϊΰψιν αραιμ ('δεγαχ', 'γαεχ'), τςμιν ηεζψιν (ψτμχριαιιν, λβεο 'δρϊαο'), ετςμιν δγγιιν (ψριτψεχμιιν, ξρεβε ωμ 'δϊλϊα' εβν ξρεβε ωμ 'δϊξζβ'). παγεχ ΰϊ ΰετιιν ωμ ρεβι τςμιν ΰμδ, ΰϊ ξαπδ δψωϊ δϊξΰθιϊ ωμδν, δΰν δΰψβεξπθ δξωξω μδν πεωΰ δεΰ ΰψβεξπθ ηιφεπι ΰε τπιξι, ΰιζδ ϊδμικ βζιψδ ξιιφψ ΰϊ δτςμιν, εδΰν δεΰ μχριχΰμι ΰε ϊηαιψι, ΰε αωτεϊ ξρειιξεϊ μχριχΰμι εαΰηψεϊ ϊηαιψι.
Between the Lexicon and Syntax
We will discuss the division of labor between the lexicon and the syntax. It is standardly assumed that entries thematically (conceptually) related such as kipel, kupal, hitkapel, and kipul are derivationally related. There is a debate however as to whether the various derivational operations take place in the lexicon or in the syntax. Some linguists argue that the lexicon is an active component of grammar where derivational, thematic operations can take place. Others argue that the lexicon consists of mere lists of entries, and all derivations take place in the syntax. In the course of the semester, we will explore the derivations of various diatheses. We will examine the derivation of causative verbs (e.g., heric) in comparison to the unaccusative (nafal or hitkamet) transitive (hipil, kimet) alternation. We will deal with verbal and adjectival passives (hudbak, davuk respectively), reflexive (histaben), and reciprocal verbs (such as hitkatev and also hitmazeg). We will examine the nature of these types of verbs, their thematic grid, the type of argument (internal or external) serving as their subject, the operation deriving them and whether it is lexical or syntactic, or in certain languages lexical and in others syntactic.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ϊηαιψ ξϊχγξιν: ςαεγ ϊηαιψι
ςμ δτριλεαμωπεϊ ωμ δΰιψεπιδ (06273530)
τψετ` ψημ βιεψΰ
δχεψρ ιςρεχ αϊδμιλι δαπδ ωμ δεξεψ ξιμεμι εειζεΰμι. πϊαεπο αδαπϊ ΰιψεπιδ εαγιηεϊ εξδ ωαιπιδν. ιαγχε δϊΰεψιεϊ δωεπεϊ ξϊηεξι δτψβξθιχδ, δαμωπεϊ, εδτριλεμιπβειρθιχδ εϊαηο διλεμϊ ωμδν μδραιψ ΰϊ δξξφΰιν δωεπιν
The course will deal with the processes involved in comprehending verbal and visual humor. We will look closely at the processing of ironies, jokes, etc. Theories from various fields such as linguistics, pragmatics, psycholinguistics, and neurolinguistics will be tested to see if they can account for different research findings.
Prerequisites: The Linguistic-extralinguistic Interface, Research Methods
γψιωεϊ χγν: ξξωχ μωεπι ηευ-μωεπι + ωιθεϊ ξηχψ
δςψεϊ: μϊμξιγιν ξηευ μηεβ γψιωϊ δχγν διΰ δχεψρ ωιθεϊ ξηχψ, αμαγ.
ρξπθιχδ μξϊχγξιν (06274001)
γ"ψ πιψιϊ χγξεο
ξθψϊ δχεψρ "ρξπθιχδ μξϊχγξιν" διΰ μϊϊ μρθεγπθιν ΰϊ δλμιν δθλπιιν δπηεφιν λγι ωιελμε μχψεΰ ηεξψ ξϊχγν αρξπθιχδ τεψξμιϊ, εμδϊηιμ ξηχψ αϊηεν.
αιο πεωΰι δχεψρ:
ωιξεω αωτεϊ μεβιεϊ αρξπθιχδ
ςιχψεο δχεξτεζιφιεπμιεϊ
ϊεψϊ δθιτεριν
ΰετψθεψ δμξγδ
μεβιχϊ θιτεριν ΰιπθπριεπμιϊ
δςϊχϊ θιτερ (type shifting)
πιιων ΰϊ δλμιν δθλπιιν ωιιμξγε μπιϊεη ρεβιεϊ ωεπεϊ αρξπθιχδ ωμ ωτδ θαςιϊ.
languages in semantics: the role of the principle of compositionality of meaning
In grammar: the theory of typed domains:the operation of lambda-abstraction and the uses of lambda-conversion: intensional type theory: semantic interpretation through type-shifting priciples: the semantics of transitive verbs, predication and identity, scope relations, intensional contexts, relativeclauses, tpoicalization.
Prerequisite: Foundations of Formal Semantics
The course is meant to give students the technical means to read advanced papers and start doing research in semantics.
The course is open for BA students who have taken Foundations of Formal Semantics. Since the course teaches techniques that make the advanced semantic literature accessible, students interested in semantics are, in fact, advised to take this course in the semester following on the Foundations of Formal Semantics course (Advanced Semantics is not in competition with the BA seminar on semantics, in fact, it is profitable to take both simultaneously), since this will enable the students to participate in advanced courses and seminars in semantics the year after.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ιρεγεϊ δρξπθιχδ δτεψξμιϊ
ϊηαιψ αο ζξππε (06274018)
τψετ` β`εμιδ δεψαθ
δχεψρ ιςρεχ αδϊτϊηειεϊ ωημε αϊιΰεψιδ δϊηαιψιϊ αςωεψ δΰηψεο. μΰηψ γιεο χφψ αξαπδ δςυ, εαςιχψ αχθβεψιεϊ δτεπχφιεπΰμιεϊ δωεπεϊ ωδεφςε αξδμκ δωπιν δΰηψεπεϊ, εαειλεη δπθεω ραια ωΰμϊ χιεξο, πϊψλζ αξτπδ δξιπιξμιρθι, ωημ αωπεϊ δϊωςιν. πγεο αψχς μφξιηϊ δτψεβψξδ δξιπιξμιρθιϊ, εαςχψεπεϊ δξπηιν ΰεϊδ. αξδμκ δρξρθψ παηο πεωΰιν ΰηγιν μΰεψ δπηεϊ-ςαεγδ ξιπιξμιρθιεϊ: ϊιΰεψιϊ δλαιμδ, ξαπδ δςυ, ΰε ςχψεπεϊ δΰχεπεξιδ εΰετιιν.
δχεψρ ιιπϊο αωτδ δΰπβμιϊ.
ζδε χεψρ ξωεϊσ μ- BA εμ- MA
MA/BA Course
The course will present the major developments that took place within
syntactic theory in the past two decades, after the GB theory of the early 80s.
The topics to be discussed in detail will include clause structure, functional
categories, secondary predication, the licensing of PRO, D(eterminer)Phrase
and the structure of nominals, VP-shells, Reflexivity vs. binding. The course
lays the foundation for doing research in current syntactic theory, and for the
minimalist program framework.
Course requirements: Regular attendance and class participation, occasional
homework assignments and a final take-home exam.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ϊηαιψ ξϊχγξιν: ςιαεγ ϊηαιψι
δςψεϊ: δχεψρ ιιπϊο αωτδ δΰπβμιϊ. ζδε χεψρ ξωεϊσ μ- BA εμ- MA
μχειεϊ τεπεμεβιεϊ (06274020)
τψετ` ΰεϊι αϊ-ΰμ
ϊιΰεψιεϊ αμωπιεϊ ξαερρεϊ ςμ ϊετςεϊ μωεπιεϊ θιτεριεϊ δξετιςεϊ αωτεϊ θαςιεϊ. δξηειαεϊ ωμ ϊιΰεψιεϊ αμωπιεϊ μδραιψ ιγς μωεπι γεψωϊ δϊιιηρεϊ μϊετςεϊ μωεπιεϊ μΰ-θιτεριεϊ, δπεαςεϊ ξμχειεϊ αξςψλϊ δτεπεμεβιϊ (εαλμ ξςψλϊ μωεπιϊ ΰηψϊ).
αχεψρ "μχειεϊ τεπεμεβιεϊ" πϊεεγς ΰμ ϊετςεϊ τεπεμεβιεϊ μΰ-θιτεριεϊ αωτϊν ωμ ιμγιν εξαεβψιν μχειι ωτδ, επαγεχ ΰν δϊιΰεψιεϊ δτεπεμεβιεϊ (αςιχψ ϊιΰεψιϊ δΰετθιξμιεϊ) ιλεμεϊ μδραιψ ϊετςεϊ ΰμε.
● αΰιζε ξιγδ ιλεμεϊ δϊιΰεψιεϊ δαμωπιεϊ μδραιψ ϊετςεϊ τεπεμεβιεϊ μΰ θιτεριεϊ?
● δΰν ξςψλεϊ τεπεμεβιεϊ μχειεϊ εϊχιπεϊ ξεωϊϊεϊ ςμ ξαπιν τεπεμεβιιν ζδιν?
● δΰν ξςψλεϊ τεπεμεβιεϊ μχειεϊ ξλιμεϊ ϊϊ-χαεφδ ωμ ξαπιν δξφειιν αξςψλεϊ ϊχιπεϊ?
● δΰν ξςψλεϊ τεπεμεβιεϊ μχειεϊ ξωξψεϊ ξαπιν αμϊι-ξρεξππιν εξτωθεϊ ξαπιν ξρεξππιν?
Outi Bat-El
Linguistic theories are developed on the basis of typical speech phenomena found in natural languages. Committed to account for language knowledge, a linguistic theory should also account for atypical speech phenomena, resulting from an impaired phonological system.
In this course we will study atypical phonological phenomena in both children and adults, aiming at evaluating theoretical principles (in particular those of Optimality Theory).
● To what extent can theoretical models account for atypical phonology?
●Do impaired and unimpaired phonological systems have the same phonological structures?
●Do impaired systems consist of a subset of the structures found in unimpaired systems?
●Do impaired systems preserve the unmarked structures and eliminate the marked ones?
Prerequisites: • Optimality Theory (BA seminar) or• Acquisition of Phonology (BA seminar) or• Advanced Phonology with a grade 90
γψιωεϊ χγν: ϊιΰεψιϊ δΰετθιξμιεϊ (ρξιπψ α.ΰ.) ΰε ψλιωϊ δτεπεμεβιδ (ρξιπψ α.ΰ.) ΰε τεπεμεβιδ ξϊχγξιν αφιεο 90
πεωΰ παηψ αρξπθιχδ ετψβξθιχδ τεψξμιϊ (06274022)
ρξιπψ ξ.ΰ.
γ"ψ πιψιϊ χγξεο
ρξιπψ δξ.ΰ. αρξπθιχδ ετψβξθιχδ τεψξΰμιεϊ ςερχ λμ ωπδ απεωΰ ωεπδ - αγψκ λμμ πεωΰ ςμ βαεμ δρξπθιχδ εδτψβξθιχδ - ϊεκ μιξεγ δπεωΰ δπαηψ μςεξχε. ωιξε μα ωδεΰ βν πεωΰ ξρτψ ωεπδ λμ ωπδ, λκ ωρθεγπθ/ιϊ ιλεμ/δ αδημθ μχηϊ ξρτψ ρξιπψι ξ.ΰ. λΰμδ, εδν ιλεμιν μδηωα λεμν αξπιιο δωςεϊ (πιϊο μχηϊν ΰε λρξιπψ ΰε λωιςεψ αηιψδ).
The MA seminar in formal semantics and pragmatics deals with a different topic each year - usually a topic on the borderline of semantics and pragmatics - studying this topic in depth. Note that it also carries a different number each year, so it is perfectly possible for one student to take a number of these MA seminars for credit (they may be take either as a seminar or as an elective).
γψιωεϊ χγν: ξβεεο ρεβιεϊ ξψλζιεϊ αρξπθιχδ ΰε ρξπθιχδ ξϊχγξιν
δςψεϊ: ϊμξιγιν ωΰιπν ςεξγιν αγψιωϊ χγν ζε ιελμε μδωϊϊσ αχεψρ αλσεσ μδρλξϊ δξψφδ εΰιωεψ εςγϊ δδεψΰδ
τψβξθιχδ εγχγεχ (06274030)
τψετ` ξιψδ ΰψιΰμ
αςεγ ωξχεαμ λιεν ααμωπεϊ μδπιη ωβεψξιν τψβξθιιν (λμεξψ, χεπθχρθεΰμιν, ηευ-μωεπιιν), ξωηχιν ϊτχιγ ξλψις αϊχωεψϊ ΰπεωιϊ, ΰιο δρλξδ, εαξιεηγ αιο δτψβξθιχεπιν, ςμ ϊιηεν δτψβξθιχδ. ΰιμε χψιθψιεπιν ιωξωε μδαηπδ αιο τψβξθιχδ μγχγεχ? ξδι ημεχϊ δςαεγδ αιο δγχγεχ μαιο δτψβξθιχδ? ΰπε παχψ ΰϊ δδβγψεϊ δχμΰριεϊ μτψβξθιχδ επφις ϊηϊο ΰϊ δΰαηπδ αιο χεγ μαιο διρχ. ςμ-τι βιωδ ζε δγχγεχ ξεψλα ξχεγιν ωψιψεϊιιν, αςεγ δτψβξθιχδ λεμμϊ δμιλι ςιαεγ διρχιιν, δξϊαρριν ςμ δψφιεπμιεϊ δΰπεωιϊ. ΰπε πρχεψ ΰϊ ωμεω δβιωεϊ δςιχψιεϊ μτψβξθιχδ δχμΰριϊ (ξηευ μγχγεχ, αϊεκ δγχγεχ εϊΰεψιεϊ ςμ βψξθιζφιδ ωμ τψβξθιχδ). πριιν ΰϊ δχεψρ αδλψδ αχιεξο ωμ "ςεαγεϊ ξλεςψεϊ" αγχγεχ (διρχιν αψι ηιωεα ωξδεειν λμμι γχγεχ μξψεϊ ζΰϊ). δξρχπδ διΰ ωςμ ξπϊ μδραιψ ϊχωεψϊ μωεπιϊ ΰπε ζχεχιν μχεγ, μδιρχ εμ"λιςεψ".
Course description
While all linguists now accept that pragmatic (i.e., contextual, extralinguistic) factors play a crucial role in human communication, there is no agreement, least of all among pragmatists, on the delimitation of pragmatics. What criteria should be used to distinguish pragmatics from grammar? What is the division of labor between grammar and pragmatics? We will critique the classical definitions of pragmatics, and offer instead the code Vs. inference distinction. According to this approach, grammar consists of stipulated codes, and pragmatics consists of inferential processes, based on our rationality. We will survey three main approaches to pragmatics (outside the grammar, within the grammar, and theories of grammaticization). We end by recognizing "ugly facts" about the grammar (computable inferences that are at least partially grammaticized), and conclude that codes, inferences and ugly facts are all needed in explaining language use.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ξξωχ μωεπι ηευ μωεπι (αφιεο 85 μτηεϊ -μϊμξιγι δϊεΰψ δψΰωεο)
χεμεχειεν αιο-ϊηεξι αηχψ δωτδ (αιϊ –δρτψ μξγςι δϊψαεϊ) (06274143)
ξψφιν ωεπιν
αχεμεχειεν δαιο-ϊηεξι πγεπιν πεωΰιν ςλωεειιν αϊηεξιν δωεπιν ωμ δϊΰεψιδ δαμωπιϊ εηχψ δωτδ. αχεμεχειεν ιωϊϊτε ΰπωι δηεβ μαμωπεϊ, ξψφιν ξηεβιν ΰηψιν ατχεμθδ μξγςι-δψεη, ηεχψιν ξΰεπιαψριθΰεϊ αΰψυ εαηε"μ, εϊμξιγι ξηχψ ξϊχγξιν.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
ιρεγεϊ δτριλεαμωπεϊ: ςμ ωμιμδ εηιεϊ ΰηψεϊ (06274157)
ρξιπψ ξωεϊσ μα.ΰ. ε-ξ.ΰ.
τψετ` ψημ βιεψΰ
δρξιπψ ιϊξχγ αΰτχθιν ωιω μωμιμδ ςμ διφεβ αζιλψεο ωμ δξεωβιν αθεεη δωμιμδ. ϊιαηπδ δϊΰεψιεϊ δξψλζιεϊ αϊηεν. ΰηϊ δϊΰεψιεϊ βεψρϊ ωδξεωβ δπωμμ πξηχ ξδζλψεο εξεημσ αδιτελε. ΰαμ ρχιψδ ωιθηιϊ ωμ δΰετο ωαε γεαψεϊ εγεαψιν ξωϊξωιν αωμιμδ μΰ ξϊιωαϊ ςν δδπηδ δζΰϊ λξε ωδγεβξΰ δαΰδ ξψΰδ (ξϊεκ Santa Barbara Spoken American Corpus ):
1 P : … it was very clear. You know. ... She kept saying, ... prefacing everything with, .. you know, this is not a personal attack. .. This is not a personal vendetta,
B: Yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Right Right.
P: Which tells you, that it is.
B: Yeah.
P: That's immediately what it said. And that's what everybody perceived it.
B: Yeah.
(Taken from Du Bois et al., 2000, italics added).
αχεψρ πχψΰ ξΰξψιν ξτψρτχθιαδ τριλε-αμωπιϊ ετψβξθιϊ ςμ δΰτχθιν ωμ δωμιμδ εςμ δωτςϊ δχεπθχρθ δθαςι αε διΰ πξφΰϊ.
The focus of the seminar is on Negation. How explicit negation affects the representation in memory of negated concepts has been considered in recent empirical research into the discourse and cognitive functions of negation markers ('not' and 'no'). The consensus among contemporary psycholinguists is that a negation marker is an instruction from a speaker to an addressee to suppress the negated information. Accordingly, a negation marker reduces the levels of activation of the negated concepts to the extent that eventually they are no more accessible than irrelevant concepts and significantly less accessible than equivalent positive concepts. Folk wisdom, however, would have it otherwise. The belief here is that what is negated prevails, as the following exchange, taken from the Santa Barbara Spoken American Corpus, exemplifies:
1 P : … it was very clear. You know. ... She kept saying, ... prefacing everything with, .. you know, this is not a personal attack. .. This is not a personal vendetta,
B: Yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Right Right.
P: Which tells you, that it is.
B: Yeah.
P: That's immediately what it said. And that's what everybody perceived it.
B: Yeah.
(Taken from Du Bois et al., 2000, italics added.(
In the course we will look into studies investigating the various functions of negation and its effects on comprehension.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ξξωχ μωεπι ηευ μωεπι + ωιθεϊ ξηχψ
δςψεϊ: μϊμξιγιν ξηευ μηεβ γψιωϊ δχγν διΰ δχεψρ ωιθεϊ ξηχψ, αμαγ.
ξηχψ ωγδ (06274171)
τψετ` β`εμιδ δεψαθ , ξψ ΰψζ εεμχ
In this class we will, as a group, explore the linguistic structure of a (relatively under- described/"exotic") language, by eliciting data from a native-speaker consultant. The course will focus on working out the phonological and morphological structure of the language in the first semester and on describing aspects of its basic syntax in the second semester. The students will be free to pursue their individual projects on any aspect of linguistic structure.
The class will elicit language data as a group for two hours a week during the two semesters. If circumstances permit, students may also have the opportunity to meet individually or in small groups with the consultant to pursue their individual projects for the term paper.
Evaluation for this course will be based on (a) active participation in the collection of data in class and (b) a paper which describes and analyzes some aspect of the linguistic structure of the language studied.
γψιωεϊ χγν: ϊηαιψ ξϊχγξιν+τεπεμεβιδ ξϊχγξιν
ρξιπψ ξϊεγεμεβι (06274411)
τψετ` ΰεϊι αϊ ΰμ
δχεψρ ξιεςγ μϊμξιγι ξηχψ (ξ.ΰ. εγεχθεψθ) αλμ ωμα, αϊπΰι ωλαψ ξφΰε πεωΰ μςαεγδ. δχεψρ ξχπδ λμιν αριριιν δηιεπιιν μλμ ϊμξιγ/ϊ ξηχψ. αξδμκ δχεψρ πωτψ ΰϊ δξιεξπεϊ ωμ δϊμξιγιν αλϊιαϊ χεψεϊ ηιιν, δλπϊ ϊξριψιν εξφβεϊ, δψφΰδ μτπι χδμ, λϊιαϊ δφςϊ ξηχψ, λϊιαϊ ϊζδ, λϊιαϊ αιχεψϊιϊ ελε'. αΰετο θαςι δχεψρ βν ξδεεδ χαεφϊ ϊξιλδ. δϊμξιγιν ξϊηιαιν μδετις μλμ δωςεψιν εμξμΰ ΰϊ λμ δξθμεϊ ωιπϊπε αξδμκ δχεψρ.
ϊμξιγιν δξςεπιπιν μδωϊϊσ αχεψρ ξϊαχωιν μωμεη γεΰ"μ μξψφδ μτηεϊ ωαεςιιν μτπι ϊηιμϊ δρξρθψ.
M.A. and Ph.D. Seminar
Outi Bat-El
The title of the course should be “everything you wanted to know about writing a thesis but you did not dare to ask”. If you are a research student (M.A. with thesis or Ph.D.) at any stage of your study, this course is just for you.
You cannot even imagine the diversity of issues involved in being a research student. Here are just a few, all and more will be discussed in the course.
•Writing an academic CV •Establishing relationship with your advisor •Defining your research topic •Organizing your thoughts •Acknowledging the contribution of others to the content of your work •Writing an abstract •Preparing handouts, PP presentations, and posters •Giving a talk •Deciding what (not) to include in your talk/paper/thesis •Moving when you are stuck.
The course also functions as a support group, which is of vital importance given the demanding and often frustrating task of writing a thesis.
γψιωεϊ χγν:
δςψεϊ: δρξιπψ τϊεη μϊμξιγι ξ"ΰ εγεχθεψπθιν αμαγ δπξφΰιν αϊδμικ λϊιαϊ δϊζδ
τψξθψιν εϊηαιψ δωεεΰϊι (06274444)
τψετ` β`εμιδ δεψαθ
Parameters and Comparative Syntax
The seminar will explore the possible extent and types of language-specific differences attested in the syntax of natural languages. We will discuss parameters proposed for UG in the framework of the Principles-and-Parameters theory based on which patterns of syntactic variation observed across languages can be accounted for. The central goal is to introduce a range of empirical phenomena with respect to which languages may systematically differ, and evaluate the relevant parameters proposed to specify the kinds of variation found. General hypotheses regarding the nature and domain of possible parameters within UG and their relation to the lexicon will also be considered.
Phenomena to be discussed are:
(i) Cross-linguistic variation and the notion of parameters in the
Principles and Parameters theory:
Language typology, UG and Chomsky's E-language vs. I-language distinction
comparative syntax: "macro-parameters" vs. "micro-parameters"
some historical background on proposed parameters
the role of the lexicon, functional categories))
(ii) Word order types and the configurationality issue
"free word" order and scrambling (Germanic, Japanese)
Baker's Polysynthesis Parameter – "Warlpiri-type" and
"Mohawk-type" languages
(iii) Null arguments ("pro-drop"), the EPP and the role of inflection
VSO and VOS languages; null subjects; object "pro-drop"
(iv) Typology of wh-interrogatives: "silent"-movement, wh in situ, and (overt) multiple wh-movement
(v) Determiners and N-to-D movements; extraction from noun phrases
γψιωεϊ χγν: ϊηαιψ αο ζξππε
δςψεϊ: δρξιπψ ιπϊο αΰβμιϊ