Nitzan Bilha, Dept. of Bible
Short Curriculum Vitae (highlights):
Date of Birth: July 13, 1933
Place of Birth: Israel
Married + 2
Permanent Legal Address: 16 Bialik Street, P.O. Box 918, Kfar-Saba 44109, Israel.
BA: Biblical Studies, History, Tel-Aviv University, 1970.
MA: Biblical Studies, Tel-Aviv University, 1976.
Thesis: Pesher Habakkuk (1QpHab): A scroll from the Wilderness of Judaea.
PH.D.: Biblical Studies, Tel-Aviv University, 1989.
Thesis: Biblical Influence in Qumran Prayer and Religious Poetry.
Work Experience:
Present Occupation: Lecturer: Dept. of Bible, Tel-Aviv University, 1983-1997.
Main Subject: Qumran literature.
Other Positions Held:
Teacher: High School: 1973-1988.
Subjects: Bible and History.
Teacher: Teacher's Colleges: 1981; 1983.
Subjects: Bible, Qumran literature.
Post Doctoral Research:
1) Annenberg Research Institute, Philadelphia (Fellowship 1992-93):
Editing of 4QBerakhota-b (4Q286-287) for publication in the DJD series.
2) 1993-1997: Editing of 4QBerakhotc-e (4Q288-290); A Curse (4Q280); Pap Praise of God and Parable of the Tree (4Q302a-b); Works containing prayers (4Q291-293) for publication in the DJD series.
Editorial Board: Dead Sea Discoveries.
Harry Starr Fellowship for the academic year 1997-98. Harvard University, Center for Jewish Studies.
Major publications (books and major articles):
Pesher Habakkuk (1QpHab). A Scroll from the Wilderness of Judaea, Text, Introduction and Commentary (Jerusalem: Bialik Institute and Tel-Aviv University, 1986) [Hebrew].
Qumran Prayer and Religious Poetry (STDJ, XII, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994). This book is based on my Ph.D Dissertation "Biblical Influence in Qumran Prayer and Religious Poetry," Tel-Aviv University, 1989 (Hebrew).
Qumran Prayer and Religious Poetry (, The Biblical Encyclopedia Library XIV (Jerusalem: The Bialik Institute and The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies, Tel-Aviv University, 1996) Hebrew.
"Hymns from Qumran Evil Spirits (4Q510-511)," Tarbiz 55 (1985-86), pp. 19-46 [Hebrew].
"Benedictions and Instructions from Qumran for the Eschatological Community (11QBer; 4Q285)," RevQ 16/61 (1993), pp. 77-90.
"Harmonic and Mystical Characteristics in Poetic and Liturgical Writings from Qumran," JQR 85 (1994) 163-183.
"4QBerakhot (4Q286-290): A Preliminary Report," New Qumran Texts and Studies. Proceedings of the first Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Paris 1992, STDJ XV (ed. G. J. Brooke, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994), pp. 53-71.
"Processes of Emergence of Sectarian Texts in Qumran," Beith Mikra 40/3 [142] (1995), pp. 232-248 [Hebrew].
"4Qberakhot (4Q286-290) A Covenantal Ceremony in the Light of Related Texts," RevQ 16/64 (1995), pp. 487-506.
"The Laws of Reproof in 4QBerakhot (4Q286-290) in Light of their Parallels in the Damascis Covenant and Other Texts from Qumran," Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the IOQS, Cambridge 1995, eds. J. Kampen and M. Bernstein (forthcoming).
"Eschatological Motives in Qumran Literature: The Messianic Concept,", Eschatology in the Bible and in Jewish and Christian Tradition, ed. H. G. Reventlow, forthcoming).
"4Q302 (Sap A): Pap Praise of God and Parable of the Tree - A Preliminary Edition," RevQ 17/65-68, FS J. T. Milik, (1996), 151-173.
"Processes of Emergence of Sectarian Texts in Qumran," Beith Mikra 40/3 [142] (1995), pp. 232-248 [Hebrew].
"4Q286-290: 4QBerakhot," Qumran Cave 4... , Discoveries in the Judaean Desret (=DJD) XI, Oxford: Clarendon Press (forthcoming).
Teaches in the following subject areas:
Bible and Dead Sea Scrolls
Teaches the following courses in the current
academic year:
1 . Exegetical Approaches of the Bible in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
2 . The Ordinary Prayer of Israel in the light of Qumran Scrolls.
3 . Biblical Influence in Qumran Poetry.
Areas of current research
Biblical exegesis in Qumran.
The development of Jewish prayer.
Apocalyptic and Merkabah Mysticism in Qumran Literature.
Additional points of contact (office/home
Tel. (O): 03-6409422
Fax. (O): 03-6407031
Tel. (H): 09-7672546
Fax. (H): 09-7661436
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