Tenth International Symposium on
Shoresh, Israel, 30 June -- 4 July 2003
(Last update: 25 June 2003)
Click the following link to download the latest version of the
Program as a .pdf file
Click the following link to download the Booklet of Conference
Abstracts as a .pdf file
Objective: To bring together scientists from different disciplines (physics,
mechanics, materials science, applied mathematics, engineering) working
on basic properties and applications of physical systems where the interplay
between discrete and continuum descriptions plays a vital role.
The main topics include: Plasticity of solids, defect dynamics in solids, nonlinear behavior of materials, statics, dynamics, and kinetics of granular media, dynamics of fluid suspensions, fracture mechanics and dynamics, mechanical and other properties of composite media, statistical mechanics and statistical treatment of discrete systems, continuum limits and multi-scale methods, applications in biological systems, applications to studies of earthquakes. International Scientific Committee: K.-H. Anthony, D.J. Bergman, B. Chakrabarti, H.J. Herrmann, E. Inan, D. Jeulin, M. Kachanov, D. Kinderlehrer, A.M. Kosevich, V.M. Levin, K.Z. Markov, A. Novick-Cohen, P. Sheng, R. Stinchcombe, C. Trimarco Conference Chairman: David J. Bergman, School of Physics & Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, IL-69978 Tel Aviv, Israel Conference Secretary: Ms. Chava Balson, School of Physics & Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, IL-69978 Tel Aviv, Israel Conference website: http://www.tau.ac.il/~bergman/CMDS10.html Speakers include: K. Bardhan, J. Fineberg, I. Goldhirsch, H.J. Herrmann, Herbert Levine, Y. Strelniker, S, Ta'asan, E. Altus, E. Ben-Jacob, E. Bouchaud, N. F. Morozov, Dov Levine, V.M. Levin, B.D. Coleman, S.K. Kanaoun, B.K. Chakrabarti, A.A. Snarskii, S. Lipson, I. Procaccia, V. Fleurov, G. Surdutovich, D.J. Bergman, D. Jeulin, L. Berlyand, A.K. Sarychev, Asok K. Sen, D. Kinderlehrer, Y. Zarmi, Ohad Levy, N. Argaman, M. Golosovsky, M.A. Tasdemir, E. Inan, A.A. Nepomnyashchi, Len Pismen, N.M. Movchan, A. Novick-Cohen, Sorin Solomon. Participation: Last minute applications to participate in this symposium can still be considered by the organizers. The applicant should write a short letter to the Conference Chairman David J. Bergman at the School of Physics & Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, IL-69978 Tel Aviv, Israel, preferably by email or fax using the link or fax number which appear below. This should be done right away. Location: Shoresh is a lovely rural community located in the mountains about 16 km (10 miles) west of the capital city Jerusalem. Public bus service is available every hour from the main bus terminal in Jerusalem, the trip lasting about 15 minutes. Tel Aviv, the principal commercial city in Israel, is 45 minutes away by car. In the past, Shoresh was an agricultural community near the main road Tel Aviv - Jerusalem. Today it is a rural suburb of Jerusalem, which includes a modern resort hotel where the conference will be held. The conference hotel is fully air conditioned and has an olympic sized swimming pool. Shoresh also boasts some of the loveliest scenery in the Judean Mountains. Hikes in the nearby Itzhak Rabin National Park, which is 30 minutes away by foot, are highly recommended. Further details about the conference site can be downloaded by clicking here Shoresh Holiday Complex . Weather: Although the days will be quite warm (typical maximum is 28-30 Celsius), the humidity is low (typically 30%), the evenings and nights are cool (typical minimum is 18-20). During the day, light summer clothing is recommended; for the evenings, a light sweater is sometimes needed. It never rains in June or July. Registration and reservations:
Instructions and forms have been sent to all
participants by email. The forms can also be downloaded by clicking here
form . The completed
reservation/registration forms should be sent directly to the Shoresh Hotel
by fax or email or airmail. They should arrive there no later than 20
May 2003. Conference proceedings: Those
will be published by KLUWER, with D.J. Bergman and E. Inan as scientific
editors. All contributing participants are invited to submit a manuscript.
This can be done before or during or after the conference, but no later
than 31 July 2003. Detailed instructions on length, style, and format were
sent to all participants by email. Related conference: Just
prior to CMDS10, during 26 - 29 June, a related conference, entitled SURFACE
PHENOMENA AND FREE SURFACE FLOWS, will be held at the same location.
More information about that conference can be found on its website:
http://www.technion.ac.il/~pattern/surface.htm |
Other useful links
are underlined below:
For more information please contact: Chava Balson E-mail: chava@post.tau.ac.il; Tel: +972-3-640-8300; Fax: +972-3-642-2979
Sponsored by: 1. Tel Aviv University 2. Ministry of Science of the State of Israel 3. NATO Scientific Affairs Division 4. The Israel Science Foundation (ISF) |